Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics

  • Про кафедру
  • Стратегія
  • Співробітники
  • Навчальні курси
  • Викладацький розклад
  • Методичні матеріали
  • Дослідження
  • Новини

General information about the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics

Field of knowledge 05  “Social and behavioral sciences”

Specialty 051  “Economics” 


educational degrees bachelor, master



The work plan of the department for 2024-2025 academic year.

The Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics operates within the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. It was created by the order of the Rector of Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko (№ 0-160 of December 17, 2019) in accordance with the decision of the Academic Council of November 27, 2019 (Minutes № 77/11) to rename the Department of Economic Cybernetics from 01.01.2020 Faculty of Financial Management and Business at the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics.

Of course, the basis of the department is its staff, which consists of highly qualified teachers who are active in scientific activities, have practical experience. 1 doctor of economic sciences, 7 candidates of sciences and associate professors, 2 senior teachers work at the department.

Main goal of the department – training of highly qualified specialists who will receive theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of economics, analysis and research of economic systems, theory and practice of decision making, modeling of socio-economic processes, application of information systems in business process management of business entities, object-oriented methodologies for developing software systems, the benefits of using information technology in all areas of activity. That is, university graduates who will meet the requirements of the labor market not only today but also in the near future, have leadership qualities, have high professional mobility, are able to effectively use their knowledge at the national and international levels to ensure sustainable development of Ukraine’s economy. people, the progressive development of society.

The department prepares:

The competitive advantage of master’s and bachelor’s educational programs of the department is: education according to modern standards of higher education of Ukraine; their practical orientation and flexibility in accordance with changes in the economic environment, the requirements of stakeholders; high-quality training of qualified specialists with special knowledge and practical competencies in demand in the labor market in related economic and IT industries. In particular, those related to the organization and conduct of economic activity in a digital economy, modeling of socio-economic and business processes, substantiation of optimal management decisions with business intelligence tools, as well as software development and use of information technology in various fields of economics, management and business .

The department guarantees a high level of quality of the educational process, which corresponds to the European and world level of education, due to the introduction into the educational process of the latest teaching aids and technologies, student-centered and practice-oriented approaches, close cooperation with employers.

All this allows economists to acquire the following competitive advantages in the labor market under the educational and professional program “Information Technology in Business”:

  • ability to self-improvement during one’s own professional activity;
  • Possession of professional skills of an economist, analyst and IT specialist – to identify and solve complex problems and problems, make appropriate analytical and management decisions in various sectors of the economy, apply information technology to organize IT business and improve business conditions in other areas, program and use information systems to solve economic problems and make effective management decisions;
  • gaining practical skills that provide career growth.

The department works on scientific research in the area of: optimization of socio-economic processes with the use of information technology.

Students take an active part in scientific research of the department. The results of students’ research are reflected in articles and abstracts that are published in professional scientific journals, materials of scientific and practical conferences.

The department provides teaching of computer science and mathematics for other specialties (071 “Accounting and Taxation”, 072 “Finance, Banking and Insurance”, 281 “Public Administration”), as well as author’s courses “Business in social networks”, ” 3D graphics “,” Informatization of business processes “), forming both a high level of theoretical knowledge and a variety of practical skills of students.

In addition, the teachers of the department launched a training course “Information Technology in Business” for graduates of secondary schools, classes which are held annually and aimed at familiarizing students with:

  • current trends in the IT field, the prospects of professions related to the field of information technology, the level of remuneration of IT specialists, the requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities of IT specialists;
  • general principles of software design and programming styles;
  • processing problems and opportunities to work with large amounts of data, the process of converting data into information, ie new knowledge that can be used to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the organization;
  • computer graphics software, areas of its application and basics of modern Web-design;
  • opportunities to use computer networks for the exchange of information resources between users, collaborative data processing, sharing programs and peripherals.



Report on the work of the department in 2017-2018 academic year

Report on the work of the department in 2020-2021 academic year

Results of scientific work in 2019 and plans for 2020

Results of scientific work in 2020 and plans for 2021

Contact Information

79005, Lviv, street Copernicus, 3, office 508

tel. (032) 235-86-54; (067) -77-39-777


Official pages of the department in social networks:

Facebook :  Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics FUFB LNU. Ivan Franko

Instagram :


The mission of the department:
Training of highly qualified specialists who will receive theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of economics, analysis and research of economic systems, theory and practice of decision making, modeling of socio-economic processes, application of information systems in business process management of object-oriented economic entities methodologies for developing software systems, the benefits of using information technology in all areas of activity. That is, university graduates who will meet the requirements of the labor market not only today but also in the near future, have leadership qualities, have high professional mobility, are able to effectively use their knowledge at the national and international levels to ensure sustainable development of Ukraine’s economy. people, the progressive development of society.

Vision of the department:
The modern institution in the structure of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, which conducts research, provides effective support of the educational process in demand in the market of educational services educational and professional programs according to modern scientific approaches to teaching and using active teaching technologies. observance of academic integrity, constantly striving for perfection.

Educational programs for which the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics trains applicants for higher education are developed in accordance with:


завідувачIryna Shevchukзавідувач
ДоцентIryna BorshchukДоцент
ДоцентBogdan DeputatДоцент
ДоцентOrest MyshchyshynДоцент
ДоцентIhor RomanychДоцент
ДоцентOleh YaremaДоцент
ДоцентAnna ZadorozhnaДоцент
ДоцентOleh ZhukДоцент
Старший викладач (сумісник)Volodymyr SytnykСтарший викладач (сумісник)
Старший викладачOksana VaskivСтарший викладач
Старший лаборантOksana LukovskaСтарший лаборант

1 курс

2 курс

3 курс

4 курс

5 курс

6 курс

Викладацький розклад

Методичні матеріали


Annotations of the disciplines of the cycle of professional and practical training of choice, which will be studied by students in 2, 3, 4, 5 courses in 2021-2022 academic year, the teaching of which is provided by the teaching staff of the department 


Syllabuses of academic disciplines

The first (bachelor’s) level of education

1st semester 2023/2024 academic year

2nd semester 2023/2024 academic year

The second (master’s) level of education

1st semester 2022/2023 academic year

2nd semester 2022/2023 academic year

Programs / Working programs of academic disciplines

The first (bachelor’s) level of education

The second (master’s) level of education



Programs and guidelines for course work

Methodical recommendations for the implementation, design and defense of course work on the subject “Object-Oriented Programming” (2nd year)

Methodical recommendations for the implementation, design and defense of course work on the subject “Design and administration of databases and SD” (3rd year)

Methodical recommendations for the implementation, design and defense of course workn  (4th year)

Methodical recommendations on passing and protection of industrial practice on specialization (1 course; the second (master’s) level of higher education)

Methodical recommendations for the implementation, design and defense of course work on specialization (5th year)

Practice programs

Methodical recommendations on passing and protection of industrial practice on specialization (4 course)

Methodical recommendations on passing and protection of industrial practice on specialization (5th year)

Methodical recommendations on passing and protection of industrial (undergraduate) practice (6 course)



Comprehensive state exam programs in the specialty

Program of the state examination on specialization (bachelor) _IV course

Program of complex state exam (master) _VI course

Methodical support for writing qualifying papers

Methodical recommendations on performance, registration and protection of qualification works

Entrance examination programs

The program of professional entrance examination for obtaining a master’s degree


  1. Шевчук І.Б. EVIEWS: Комп’ютерний практикум ∕ О.М. Романів, І.Б. Шевчук, А.Є. Жмуркевич. −  Львів : ЛДФА, 2010. –  57 с.
  2. Задорожна А.В.  Лабораторний практикум з навчальної дисципліни “Методи підтримки прийняття рішень”. / А.В. Задорожна. −  Львів : ЛДФА, 2011. – 39 с.
  3. Шевчук І.Б. Основи програмування в середовищі Delphi 7: Лабораторний практикум. / І.Б. Шевчук, А.В. Шевчук. − Львів : ЛДФА, 2011. –  66 с.
  4. Шевчук І.Б. Основи програмування в інтегрованому середовищі Turbo Paskal 7.0: Лабораторний практикум. / І.Б. Шевчук. − Львів : ЛДФА, 2012. – 67 с.
  5. Шевчук І.Б. Лабораторний практикум з дисципліни «Комп’ютерний аналіз фінансових ринків» / І.Б. Шевчук. − Львів : ЛДФА, 2012. –  89 с.
  6. Шевчук І.Б. Лабораторний практикум з дисципліни «Системи прийняття рішень»/ І.Б. Шевчук, О.М. Васьків, Ю.А. Стадник. − Львів : ЛДФА, 2012. –  62 с.
  7. Шевчук І.Б. Конспект лекцій з дисципліни «Кількісні методи в економіці»/ І.Б. Шевчук . − Львів : ЛДФА, 2012. –  76 с.
  8. Шевчук І.Б. Об’єктно-орієнтоване програмування: Конспект лекцій для студентів, які навчаються за галуззю знань 0305 “Економіка та підприємництво”, за напрямом підготовки 6.030502 “Економічна кібернетика” освітньо-кваліфікаційного рівня “бакалавр” / І.Б. Шевчук. − Львів : ЛДФА, 2013. –  144 с.
  9. Шевчук І.Б. Тлумачний словник основних понять і термінів програмування / І.Б. Шевчук / Львів : ЛДФА, 2013. − 45 c.
  10. Шевчук І.Б. Алгоритмізація та програмування: збірник тестових завдань / І.Б. Шевчук // Львів : ЛДФА, 2013. –  41 с.
  11. Шевчук І.Б. Системний аналіз: збірник тестових завдань / І.Б. Шевчук // Львів :  ЛДФА,  2013. –  44 с.
  12. Задорожна А.В.  Методичні вказівки до практичних робіт з навчальної дисципліни “Математичні моделі в менеджменті та маркетингу” / А.В. Задорожна. −  Львів : ЛДФА, 2014. – 17 с.
  13. Cтадник Ю.А. Лабораторний практикум з дисципліни “Системи обробки візуальної інформації” / Ю.А. Стадник. – Львів : ЛДФА, 2014. –  113 с.
  14. Cтадник Ю.А. Лабораторний практикум з дисципліни “Комп’ютерна графіка” / Ю.А. Стадник. – Львів : ЛДФА, 2014. –  126 с.
  15. Шевчук І.Б. Комп’ютерний аналіз фінансових ринків: збірник тестових завдань. / І.Б. Шевчук. – Львів : ЛДФА, 2014. – 60 с.
  16. Шевчук І.Б. Методичні рекомендації та завдання до практично-семінарських занять з навчальної дисципліни «Системний аналіз». / І.Б. Шевчук. – Львів: ЛДФА, 2014. –  96 с.
  17. Шевчук І.Б. Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007: Електронний лабораторний практикум. / І.Б. Шевчук. – Львів : ЛДФА, 2014. − 65 с.
  18. Васьків О. М. Текстовий редактор Word: Лабораторний практикум (електронна книга) / О. М. Васьків, Ю.А. Стадник. – Львів : ЛДФА. – 2015. – 136 с.
  19. Васьків О. М. Конспект лекцій з дисципліни «Математичні методи і моделі ринкової економіки» / О. М. Васьків. – Львів: Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка. – 2015. – 76 с.
  20. Васьків О. М. Лабораторний практикум з дисципліни «Математичні методи і моделі ринкової економіки» / О. М. Васьків. – Львів: Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка. –2015. – 40 с.
  21. Васьків О. М. Тестові завдання з дисципліни «Математичні методи і моделі ринкової економіки» / О. М. Васьків. – Львів: Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка. – 2015. – 15 с.
  22. Задорожна А. В. Лабораторний практикум з навчальної дисципліни “Корпоративні інформаційні системи” / А.В. Задорожна. − Львів : ЛНУ, 2015. – 42 с.
  23. Орловська А.Б. Лабораторний практикум Excel 2007. / Орловська А.Б., Задорожна А.В. – Львів : ЛНУ, 2015. – 98 с.
  24. Стадник Ю. А. Тестові завдання з дисципліни «Моделі економічної динаміки» / Ю. А. Стадник. – Львів: Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка. – 2015. – 19 с.
  25. Васьків О. М. Лабораторний практикум з дисципліни «Інформаційні системи в HR-менеджменті» / О. М. Васьків. – Львів: Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка. – 2016. – 46 с.
  26. Васьків О. М. Тестові завдання з дисципліни «ІНФОРМАТИКА» (частина 1) / О. М. Васьків. – Львів: Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка. – 2016. – 20 с.
  27. Шевчук І.Б. Програми і веб-сервіси для створення презентацій та візуалізації інформації : навч. посіб. / І.Б. Шевчук. – Львів : СПОЛОМ, 2017. − 216 с.
  28. Шевчук І.Б. Комп’ютерний аналіз фінансових ринків: Словник-довідник основних термінів і понять / І.Б. Шевчук. – Львів : СПОЛОМ, 2017. – 224 с.
  29. Стадник Ю.А. Системи моделювання та візуалізації тривимірних зображень [навчальний посібник]. / Стадник Ю.А., Шевчук І.Б. – Львів : СПОЛОМ, 2017. – 224 с.
  30. Інформаційні технології в бізнесі. Частина 1: Навч. посіб. / [Шевчук І. Б., Старух А. І., Васьків О. М. та ін.]; за заг. ред. І. Б. Шевчук. Львів: Видавництво ННВК «АТБ», 2020. 535 с.


During the existence of the department five research topics have been developed:

  • “Research, development and information support of mathematical models of system organization and management of components of the financial system of Ukraine in the conditions of unstable economy” (2000–2002);
  • “Information and mathematical support for decision-making in the management of financial and economic activities of the economic system of Ukraine” (2003-2005);
  • “Optimization of the decision-making process in the management of financial activities of economic entities” (2006–2010);
  • “Development and improvement of methods of mathematical modeling for the analysis of financial and economic processes” (2011-2013);
  • “Methodology of forming management decisions using mathematical methods and information technology” (2014-2018).

Researching the mentioned topics, the state and problems of formation of the tax system of Ukraine were covered; general patterns of change in the volume of shadow production depending on the level of tax burden; possibilities of application of theoretical and game approaches to studying, formation and optimization of tax policy in the conditions of market reforming of economy of Ukraine; known macroeconomic methods for estimating the volume of shadow production have been adapted for the level of the region; an econometric model of shading coefficient formation of Lviv region industry was created; concrete measures of approximation of the tax system of Ukraine to the European standards are offered; the critical value of the tax burden is calculated, and a model for determining the optimal number of taxes and gradations of tax rates within each of the taxes is developed; a model for optimizing the formation of the banking institution’s asset portfolio according to the criteria of income maximization and maintaining the appropriate level of bank liquidity, as well as an econometric model for assessing the integrated indicator of banking reliability; models of analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise are outlined; describes the method of gradual formation of the portfolio of investment projects of the enterprise using economic and mathematical models of choosing effective investment alternatives, maximizing the economic effect of implementing a portfolio of real investment projects and time optimization to build the optimal sequence of investment projects taking into account financial resources.

Today the department is developing research on “Optimization of management of socio-economic processes using information technology” (state registration number 0119U002337). Deadline: January 2019 – December 2024

At the same time, teachers of the department carry out individual research that is directly related to the creation and use of modern information systems and technologies in various spheres of economic life; application of economic and mathematical methods for research and solution of optimization problems of arbitrary complexity; development of software for solving a set of problems in economics, mathematics, natural sciences.

The results of scientific research are widely used in the educational process in the form of new training and special courses on the creation and use of modern information systems and technologies in various sectors of the economy, modeling of arbitrary economic processes and solving optimization problems.

Results of scientific work in 2019 and plans for 2020

Student Scientific Circle 

In 2008, the department created a permanent scientific group “Cyberspace” as a voluntary scientific association of students dealing with the problems of using information technologies and mathematical models in the study of socio-economic phenomena.

Several sections are distinguished within the student group:

SECTION 1 “Use of mathematical models in economic research” – head – PhD, Associate Professor Oleg YAREMA.

SECTION 2 “Use of information technologies in the study of socio-economic phenomena” – Doctor of Economics, Professor Iryna SHEVCHUK.

Since September 2024, in connection with the adjustment of the vector of scientific interests of the department, two student scientific groups “Digital Business” and “Business Analytics” have been created on the basis of the sections of the scientific group “Cyberspace”» (excerpt from the minutes of the department meeting).

Student scientific circles “Digital Business”

Student scientific circles “Business Analytics”

Publications of research results of higher education students at the bachelor’s and master’s levels of higher education

  1. Збірник тез доповідей студентів за матеріалами наукового семінару «Сучасні інструменти бізнес-аналітики для оптимізації діяльності суб’єктів господарювання в умовах конкурентного середовища (30 жовтня 2024 р.)
  2. Збірник тез доповідей студентів за матеріалами круглого столу «Інформаційно-аналітичне забезпечення бізнес-процесів в компаніях України» (29 жовтня 2024 р.)
  3. Збірник тез доповідей студентів за матеріалами круглого столу «Бізнес-аналітик в ІТ-сфері, можливості працевлаштування та перспективи розвитку» (22 травня 2024 р.)
  4. Збірник тез доповідей студентів за матеріалами круглого столу «Економіка війни: нові очікування від ІТ-бізнесу та цифрової трансформації національної економіки»  кафедри цифрової економіки та бізнес-аналітики Львівського національного університету імені Івана Франка за 2022 рік (електронне видання): (Львів, 20 жовтня 2022 р.). – Львів : ЛНУ ім. І.Франка, 2022. – 135 с.
  5. Збірник тез доповідей членів студентського наукового гуртка кафедри цифрової економіки та бізнес-аналітики «Кіберпростір» за підсумками 2019-2020 навчального року (електронне видання). Львів : ЛНУ ім. І.Франка, 2020. 145 с.


Working meeting of the initiative group on the organization and holding of the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference of Higher Education Applicants and Young Scientists “Economy and Business: New Realities, Technological Trends, Digital Innovations”

31.01.2025 | 10:53

On January 29, 2025, a working meeting of the initiative group for the organization and holding of the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference of Higher Education Students and Young Scientists “Economy and Business: New Realities, Technological Trends, Digital Innovations” was held at the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
The event was attended by Artur GORBOVY, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Computer and Information Technologies and Systems...

Читати »

Participation of the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics in the organization and holding of an international scientific and practical conference

24.01.2025 | 08:12

The Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics is a co-organizer of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Strategic Directions of Socio-Economic Development of the State in the Conditions of Globalization”, dedicated to the bright memory of Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine PYLA Vasyl Ivanovich (Khmelnytskyi, January 16, 2025).
Head of the Department of Digital Economy and Business Analytics, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the NGO “NAS HE of Ukraine” and...

Читати »

Participation of students of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education in the specialty 051 “Economics” of the OP “Information Technologies in Business” in online trainings “Career Workshop. Design your future”

06.01.2025 | 17:21

During September-December 2024, students of the UFE-21s group of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education of the OP “Information Technologies in Business” specialty 051 “Economics” as part of the study of the educational component “Labor Market and Employment Policy in the IT Sphere” (lecturer Oksana VASKIV) Khrystyna DANУLCHENKO, Valeria ZUBACH and Yaroslav KHVOSTYUK were participants in the “Career Workshop” trainings organized by the Department of Career Development and Cooperation with Business.
The participants of the event listened to a series...

Читати »

International advanced training of Associate Professor of the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics Iryna BORSCHUK at the Research Institute of the Lublin Science and Technology Park

30.12.2024 | 18:06

11/28/2024-12/18/2024 Associate Professor of the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics Iryna BORSCHUK participated in the International Advanced Training (webinars) on the topic: “International Experience in Using Artificial Intelligence in the Educational Process (Part 1)” and “Transfer of Educational Technologies in the Training of Masters and PhD Candidates in the European Union and Ukraine” (Lublin, Republic of Poland). The organizer of the international advanced training is the Research Institute of the Lublin Science and Technology Park (Instytut Badawczo-Rozwojowy Lubelskiego...

Читати »

Training from the Island of Progressivity on the topic “Ways to emotional stress resistance or How we can help ourselves in difficult circumstances”

26.12.2024 | 12:26

On December 18, 2024, “Islands of Progress” held a practical training on the topic “Ways to Emotional Stress Resilience or How We Can Help Ourselves in Difficult Circumstances,” which was organized on the basis of the Ivan Boberskyi Lviv State University of Finance and Economics, and Oksana VASKIV, a lecturer at the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics, Faculty of Finance and Business Management, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, participated in the training.
The speaker of the event, Ulyana...

Читати »