Economic and mathematical modeling (051 “Economics”, 071 “Accounting and taxation”)

Тип: Нормативний

Кафедра: department of digital economics and business analytics

Навчальний план



СеместрК-сть годинЛекторГрупа(и)
38Vaskiv O. M.


СеместрК-сть годинГрупаВикладач(і)
332УФЕ-21сVaskiv O. M.
УФО-21сVaskiv O. M.

Опис курсу

The discipline “Economic-mathematical modeling” belongs to the normative disciplines of the cycle of natural-scientific and general economic training in the fields of knowledge 07 “Management and administration”, 05 “Social and behavioral sciences” specialties 071 “Accounting and taxation”, 051 “Economics” » bachelor’s degree.
The discipline “Economic-mathematical modeling” is not only a basis for studying special disciplines, the acquired knowledge will be useful in further practical activities for future specialists in the field of economics and finance.

The subject of the academic discipline is economic and mathematical methods and models used in the process of solving optimization problems and problems of forecasting the dynamics of socio-economic processes that arise in the process of functioning of dynamic deterministic and stochastic systems in macro- and microeconomics.

The purpose of studying the discipline “Economic-mathematical modeling”: formation of a system of knowledge on methodology and tools for building and using various types of economic-mathematical models.

The main tasks of the discipline “Economic-mathematical modeling” are the study of the basic principles and tools of setting problems, construction of economic-mathematical models, methods of their solution and analysis for use in economics.

Place in the structural and logical scheme of the specialty
The normative educational discipline “Economic-mathematical modeling” is based on such educational disciplines as “Information and communication technologies”, “Mathematics for economists”, “Modeling and automation of business processes”, Course work on “Modeling and automation of business processes”, Forecasting socio-economic processes”, Educational practice in I and CT, Coursework in “Economic and technological disciplines”, “Economic risks”, “Quantitative methods in economics and management”, “Research of operations in the economy” and is necessary for the perception of further educational disciplines professional training.

Requirements for knowledge and skills
a) to know
– Principles of building mathematical models of economic processes;
– the essence and basic principles of building optimization problems;
– formulation and methods of solving a linear mathematical programming problem;
– type of transport problem and methods of solving it;
– the essence of econometric modeling and its stages;
– methods of estimating the parameters of the econometric model;
– methods of assessing the adequacy of econometric models and their parameters.
b) to be able to
– build mathematical models of economic problems;
– solve linear programming problems;
– carry out construction and solving of transport problems;
– identify variables and specify econometric models;
– evaluate the parameters of the econometric model;
– check the adequacy of econometric models and their parameters;
– perform point and interval forecast.

Рекомендована література

1. Vaskiv O. M. The application of the method of analysis of hierarchies to assess the competitiveness of enterprises // Collection of theses of the reporting scientific conference of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv for 2018 (electronic edition): Section of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management, (Lviv, February 2-8 2019). – Lviv: LNU named after I. Franka, 2019. – P. 82-87.
2. Vaskiv O. M., Shevchuk Yu. I. Tools for modeling and analysis of business processes: Development of modern economic science in the conditions of transformation: a collection of theses of scientific works of participants of the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference for students, graduate students and young scientists (Kyiv , December 4, 2021). – K.: Analytical Center “New Economy”, 2021. – 96 p. 2021 P. 77-81.
3. Voropai N.L., Gerasimenko T.V., Kyrylova L.O., Korsun L.M., Matskul M.V., Maltseva E.V., Mykhaylenko A.V., Orlov E.V., Chernyshev V.G., Chepurna O.E., Shinkarenko V.M. (edited by V.M. Matskul) Economic-mathematical methods and models: Educational manual. – Odesa: ONEU, 2018.404 p.
4. Economic and mathematical methods and models: teaching. manual / for general ed. Matskul V.M. Odesa, 2018. 405 p.
5. Kuzmenko O. Economic and mathematical methods and models (econometrics): teaching. manual K.: University book, 2019. 406 p.
6. Mathematical models in marketing and management: teaching. manual / incl. Gamalii V.F., Sotnikov V.S., Zhovnovach R.I., Vishnevska V.A., Zagreba M.M., Nikolaev I.V.. Ed. 3rd, add. and processing Kropyvnytskyi, 2023. 181 p.
7. Optimization methods and models in business activity: Education. manual / L.O. Volunteer, N.A. Potapova, I.M. Ushkalenko, I.A. Chikov, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University. Vinnytsia: VNAU, 2020. 404 p.
8. Optimization methods and models: practicum in MS Excel: educational method. manual Chernivtsi: Chernivtsi. national University named after Yu. Fedkovicha, 2022. 272 ​​p
9. Fortuna V. V. Fundamentals of economic and mathematical modeling: teaching. manual K.: Magnolia, 2019. 540 p.
10. L.P. Yakymova Optimization methods and models: practicum in MS Excel: teaching method. manual Chernivtsi: Chernivtsi. national University named after Yu. Fedkovicha, 2022. 272 ​​p.

1. Applied economic and mathematical models: Study guide. –http:// 9254/ekonomika/ekonomiko-matematichni_metodi_i _ prikl adni _modeli
2. Modern and promising methods and models of management in the economy. Monograph. – images/stories/ docs/K_F/ Yepifanov_16.pdf –
3. Modeling of world economic processes: Textbook. – ekhnuir.univer.
4. Theoretical foundations of quantitative methods of modeling and forecasting of economic processes// -teoretichn- basis- klksnih-metodv -modelyuvannya-ta-prognozuvannya- ekonomchnih-procesv.
5. State Statistics Service of Ukraine – www. cross


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