Microeconomic Analysis
Тип: Нормативний
Кафедра: department of digital economics and business analytics
Навчальний план
Семестр | Кредити | Звітність |
9 | 4 | Іспит |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Лектор | Група(и) |
9 | 16 | доцент Borshchuk I. V. | УФЕМ-51с |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Група | Викладач(і) |
9 | 32 | УФЕМ-51с | доцент Borshchuk I. V. |
Опис курсу
The subject of the academic discipline
The subject of the discipline “Microeconomic analysis” is the study and application of microeconomic analysis techniques to solve practical issues of managing a real enterprise using economic and logical methods of analyzing the financial state and results of financial activities of companies.
The purpose of the educational discipline
The purpose of studying the discipline “Microeconomic analysis” is to form students a system of knowledge on the theory and practice of microeconomic analysis of various aspects of the enterprise’s activity, its condition, the use of resources and the results of its activity.
Main tasks
The main tasks of the discipline “Microeconomic analysis” are the formation of knowledge and skills in the field of solving complex specialized tasks and practical problems during the professional activity of companies, which involves the use of modern types and methods of microeconomic analysis in the process of organizing and conducting analytical work.
The place of the educational discipline in the structural and logical scheme
The discipline “Microeconomic analysis” is interconnected with such disciplines as “Business analysis of information processes”, “Tools for measuring and evaluating socio-economic processes” and “Economics of property rights and firms”.
Requirements for knowledge and skills:
a) to know
– features theoretical and applied microeconomic analysis of firms’ activities;
– terminology and basic methods of microeconomic analysis of market behavior of enterprises;
– information provision of microeconomic analysis, content and concepts of information. Types of information and its role in economic analysis, classification of the most important types of information in the enterprise.
– algorithm of factor analysis of companies’ activity ;
– the structure of the balance sheet as the main source of information for assessing the financial condition of the enterprise;
– the main indicators characterizing the financial condition of the company, its solvency and liquidity ;
– the meaning, task and information support of the analysis of financial results of the enterprise, the general model of the analysis of the profit and profitability of the enterprise.
– the main tasks and information provision of the analysis of the financial results of the enterprise, as well as the general model of the analysis of the profit and profitability of the enterprise.
b) to be able to
– apply methodical methods of factor analysis, methods of deterministic factor analysis, chain substitutions, absolute and relative differences, index, heuristic methods in microeconomic analysis;
– traditional methods of microeconomic analysis, namely, comparisons, statistical groupings, the method of relative and average values, as well as elementary methods of processing dynamic series, balance sheet, tabular and graphic methods;
– to carry out an analysis of the dynamics of the currency (summary) of the balance sheet, an analysis of the company’s property and sources of its coverage, an analysis of the company’s liabilities, an analysis of the company’s financial stability, as well as an analysis of absolute indicators of financial stability;
– carry out an analysis of the interrelationship of costs, the volume of sales and profit, graphically present an analysis of the company’s break-even. The impact of changes in prices, fixed and variable costs.
– to carry out an analysis of the profitability of the company’s activities and an assessment of the profitability of products, as well as an analysis of the profitability of capital (investments).
– apply the methods of analyzing the relationship: “costs-volume-profit” and analyze the sensitivity of profit to changes in costs, price and (or) sales volume;
– to conduct a microeconomic analysis of the profitability of companies and enterprises.
Рекомендована література
Main :
- Analysis and forecasting of the market situation: training. manual / Gorbachenko S.A., Karpov V.A., Shevchenko-Perepiolkina R.I. – K.: “Condor” Publishing House, 2019. 320 p.
- Basics of economic analysis: teaching method. manual / V. M. Mykytyuk, T. M. Palamarchuk, O. P. Rusak [and others]; under the editorship V. M. Mykytyuk. – Zhytomyr: Ruta, 2018. – 440 p.
- Rybchuk A.V. Economic analysis: theory and practice / A.V. Rybchuk, O.A. Kovenska, N.M. Antofey – Zaporizhzhia: Helvetica, 2020. – 220 p.
- Sydorova A. V. Business analytics: educational and methodological guide / A. V. Sydorova A. V. , D.V. Bilenko, N.V. Burkina Faso – Vinnytsia: DonNU named after Vasyl Stus, 2019. -104 p.
- Chaplinsky V.R. Analysis of big data and its visualization for business needs / V.R. Chaplinskyi, O.K. Kushnir, O.P. Svider // Effective economy. – 2021. – No. 6. – pp. 45-54.
- Analysis of competitors with the YouControl Market tool. URL: https://blog.youcontrol.market/analiz-konkurientiv-instrumientom-youcontrol-market/
- Data analysis course. URL: https://prometheus.org.ua/dataanalysis/
- Business analyst. URL: https://brainbasket.org/who-are-it-specialists-2/businessanalyst/
- The 10 best price monitoring tools for e-commerce. URL: https://pricer24.com/uk/blog/10-instrumentiv-monitoringu-czin/
- Business Process Model and Notation URL:: http://www.bpmn.org
- What is Business Analysis? Process & Techniques URL: https://www.guru99.com/business-analysis-process-techniques.html
- 5 best Business Analyst Blogs to follow URL: https://www.ics.ie/news/view/1435 23. Development of Requirements on the Role Business Analyst URL: https://link.springer.com/chapter/ 10.1007/978-3-642-40855-7_2
- TOP-18 services for monitoring competitors’ prices. URL: https://tranzzo.com/uk-ua/blog/topservisiv-dlia-monitorynhu-tsin-konk
- National Regulation (standard) of accounting 1 “General requirements for financial reporting”: Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated February 7, 2013 No. 73.
- I. V. Borshchuk Basic aspects of the application of analytical tools for managing business processes at the enterprise / I. V. Borshchuk, A.V. Aleksandrovich // International scientific journal “Internauka”. Series: “Economic Sciences”. – 2023.- No. 11 p. 38-44. URL : https://doi.org/10.25313/2520-2294-2023-11-9364
- Borshchuk I. V. Main aspects of digitalization of business processes of the banking sector in Ukraine / I. V. Borshchuk, O.Ya. Myshchyshyn // Scientific journal “Financial Space”. – 2023. – No. 4 (52) – pp. 73-81. URL: http://fp.lnu.edu.ua/index.php/fp/article/view/944/1219
- I. V. Borshchuk Peculiarities of using bank accounts in Ukraine according to international IBAN standards // Internauka: Series “Economic Sciences” – 2021. – No. 448. – c. 15-21. URL : https :// doi . org /10.25313/2520-2294-2021-4-7113
- Expelled S.M. Trends in the development of information technologies in business analytics / S.M. It was expelled, O.B. Vyunenko // Scholarly notes of TNU named after V.I. Vernadskyi. Series: Technical sciences. Volume 32 (71) Part 1. No. 1, 2021. -p. 51-55.
- Vysochan O.S. Reporting of non-budget non-profit organizations / O.S. Vysochan, I.V. Borschuk // Business navigator – 2021.– No. 2(63). – c. 120-125. URL: https://doi.org/10.32847/business-navigator.63-21
- Martin O. M. Microeconomics: theory, tests, problems. Part I: study guide. Lviv: LSU BZD, 2021. – 271 p
- Microeconomics: education. manual / S.V. Boyd. Chernivtsi: Chernivtsi. national Univ., 2021. 176 p.
- Microeconomics: education. manual / H.P. Pasemko, L.G. Baga, G.E. Besedina and others. – Kharkiv: KHNAU, 2020. – 118 p.
- Pylypiv N.I. Conceptual aspects of business analytics as the basis of financial stability of banks / N.I. Pylypiv, I.D. Pyatnychuk, I.I. Pyatnychuk // Actual problems of the development of the economy of the region. 2019. Vol. 1, No. 15, pp. 95-105.
11 . Do-it-yourself competitor analysis: practical tips and a bit of theory. URL: https://proconsulting.ua/ua/pressroom/analiz-konkurentov-svoimi-rukami-prakticheskie-sovety-inemnogo-teorii
1 2 . Analysis of competitors: methods and services for monitoring prices and goods. URL: https://allo.ua/ua/analiz-konkurentiv-metodyky-ta-servisy-monitorynhu-tsin-i-tovariv_am0-23
- Market analysis: when it is necessary and how to conduct it. URL: https://proconsulting.ua/ua/pressroom/analiz-rynka-kogda-on-neobhodim-i-kak-ego-provodit
- Market analysis: Modern tools and methods for evaluating information. URL: https://blog.youcontrol.market/analiz-rinku-suchasni-instrumienti-ta-mietodi-dlia-otsinkiinformatsiyi/
Internet resources
- Economic analysis : collection of scientific papers URL: h ttps://www.econa.org.ua/index.php/econa .
- Reporting of Ukrainian enterprises. URL: https://zvitnist.com/
- Scientific electronic library of periodicals of the NAS of Ukraine URL: http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/browse?order=ASC&rpp=20&sort_by=1&et%20al=-%201&offset=17032&type=title
4 . National Library of Ukraine named after V. I. Vernadskyi . URL : http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/