Informative Management

Тип: Нормативний

Кафедра: department of digital economics and business analytics

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СеместрК-сть годинЛекторГрупа(и)
1116доцент Zadorozhna A. V.УФЕМ-61с


СеместрК-сть годинГрупаВикладач(і)
118УФЕМ-61сдоцент Zadorozhna A. V.

Опис курсу

Course description
The rapid development of technology and equipment has made information available to all levels of enterprise management. The use of information systems, databases and data banks, the Internet provided an opportunity to make effective management decisions at the enterprise or organization. However, the implementation of advanced information technologies and systems requires the training of relevant specialists who will have knowledge of information management and processing. In view of this, it is important to train specialists who will have knowledge of managing and processing information at the enterprise
The subject of the discipline “Information management” is the processes of information activity at the enterprise and methods of their management.
The purpose of studying the discipline “Information Management” is the formation of students’ systematic knowledge of the theory and practice of management of information activities of economic entities; mastering the appropriate tools for successful management of information resources, systems and technologies.
The main tasks of the “Information Management” discipline are the study of theory, national and international best practices, and the acquisition of practical skills in managing the information activities of organizations.

Requirements for knowledge and skills

The study of an academic discipline involves the achievement of such a qualification level of student training, for which he must:

a) to know

essence, meaning and significance of information management in the management system of the enterprise;
the essence, classification and features of information resources (IR) as an economic category;
the impact of IR on the competitiveness of the enterprise;
methods of determining the organization’s information needs, sources and channels of obtaining strategic information;
the essence of information infrastructure, requirements for it;
principles and strategies of creation and development of the information infrastructure of the enterprise;
normative-legal and scientific-methodological support of information technology (IT) management processes at the enterprise;
principles of IT management in accordance with international standards and methodologies;
organization of the information service of the enterprise;
the essence of the economic efficiency of information systems and technologies and the problems of its evaluation;
methods of evaluating the efficiency of investments in information technologies and problems of their use.

b) to be able to
organize and carry out information activities at any facility;
to organize information service of management bodies of any level;
to develop the main contours of the organization’s policy and strategy in the field of information technologies;
evaluate the level of informatization of the object;
analyze and reorganize the company’s activities to increase the level of its informatization;
determine the information needs of users;
choose ready-made information technology solutions and justify your choice;
analyze and evaluate the economic efficiency of information systems and technologies using various methods;
manage projects of creation and implementation of information technology solutions of any level of complexity;
manage innovations and innovative activities in the field of information technologies;
identify and use reserves for improving the efficiency of the company’s information activities.

Рекомендована література

1. Antonyuk B.P., Antonyuk O.P. Technologies of information management: a course of lectures. Lutsk: Veza-druk, 2022. 96 p.
2. Biryukova T. L., Sprinsyan V. G. Resources and technologies of information management: training. manual 2nd edition Odesa: ONPU, 2022. 248 p.
3. Znahur S.V. Information management and marketing: lecture notes. Kharkiv: Ed. Khneu, 2019. 132 p.
4. Information technologies in business: training. manual / I. B. Shevchuk, A. V. Zadorozhna, O. M. Vaskiv and others. ; in general ed. I. B. Shevchuk. Lviv: LNU named after Ivan Franko, 2024. Part 2. 366 p.
5. Information management and marketing: lecture notes. Kharkiv: Ed. HNEU, 2019. 132 p.
6. Kobylin A.M., Samorodov B.V. Information management. Edition: “New World-2000”, 2021. 216 p.
7. Moshek G. E., Fedorenko V. L. Management of the organization: training. manual. 2021. 420 p.
8. Attinger M. L. Integrated Information Management: A Real World Theory / M. L. Attinger. [s. l.] : Records Management Quarterly, 2021. 268
9. Herget I. Konzeption des Infornations management in Informations wissenschaftlichen Studienangebote / I. Herget; Informations spezialisten fur Europa. Proceedings: Konstanz, 2020. 534


Working program of discipline

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