Economic and mathematical methods and models

Тип: Нормативний

Кафедра: department of digital economics and business analytics

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СеместрК-сть годинЛекторГрупа(и)
312доцент Myshchyshyn O. Y.УФМ-21с, УФФ-21с, УФФ-22с, УФФ-23с


СеместрК-сть годинГрупаВикладач(і)
332УФМ-21сRomanych I. B., доцент Myshchyshyn O. Y.
УФФ-21сRomanych I. B., доцент Myshchyshyn O. Y.
УФФ-22сдоцент Myshchyshyn O. Y., Romanych I. B.
УФФ-23сдоцент Myshchyshyn O. Y., Romanych I. B.

Опис курсу

Discipline “Economic and Mathematical Modeling” refers to the normative disciplines of the cycle of natural science and general economic training in the field of knowledge 07 “Management and Administration” in the areas of training 071 “Accounting and Taxation”, 072 “Finance, Banking and Insurance”, 074 “Public management and administration “, 051” Economics “. The discipline “Economic and mathematical modeling” is not only the basis for the study of special disciplines, the acquired knowledge will be needed in further practical activities for future professionals in the field of economics and finance.

The subject of the discipline is economic-mathematical methods and models used in the process of solving optimization problems and problems of forecasting the dynamics of socio-economic processes that arise during the functioning of dynamic deterministic and stochastic systems in macro- and microeconomics.

The purpose of studying the discipline “Economic and mathematical modeling”: the formation of a system of knowledge on the methodology and tools for building and using different types of economic and mathematical models.

The main tasks of the discipline “Economic and Mathematical Modeling” are the study of the basic principles and tools of problem statement, construction of economic and mathematical models, methods of their solution and analysis for use in economics.

Requirements for knowledge and skills

As a result of studying the discipline “Economic and Mathematical Modeling” the student has:

a) to know

principles of construction of mathematical models of economic processes;
essence and basic principles of construction of optimization problems;
formulation and methods of solving a linear problem of mathematical programming;
type of transport problem and methods of its solution;
the essence of econometric modeling and its stages;
methods for estimating the parameters of the econometric model;
methods for assessing the adequacy of econometric models and their parameters.

b) be able to

build mathematical models of economic problems;
solve linear programming problems;
perform construction and solution of transport problems;
identify variables and specify econometric models;
evaluate the parameters of the econometric model;
check the adequacy of econometric models and their parameters;
perform point and interval forecast.

Рекомендована література


  1. Vasylkiv IM, Karpinsky BA, Maksymuk OV, Shkulka SK Introduction to econometrics: Textbook. way. – Lviv: Lviv National University. I. Franko, 2015. – 280 p.
  2. Chemerys A., Yurynets R., Myshchyshyn O. Optimization methods in economics. Tutorial. – Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2006. – 152p.
  3. Singaevskaya GI Functions in Excel. Solving practical problems. M .: Williams Publishing House, 2009. – 880 p.
  4. Vitlinsky VV, Nakonen SI, Tereshchenko TO Mathematical programming: Teaching method, manual for self. studied dist. – К .: КНЕУ, 2001. – 248 p.
  5. Ulyanchenko OV Research of operations in economy / Kharkiv National Agrarian University. VV Donugaev. – Kharkiv: Grif, 2002. – 580p.
  6. Ulyanchenko OV Research of operations in economy / Kharkiv National Agrarian University. VV Donugaev. – Kharkiv: Grif, 2002. – 580p.
  7. Nakonechny SI. Tereshchenko TO Econometrics: Teaching method, manual for self. studied dist. – К .: КНЕУ. 2001. – 192 p.
  8. Kolodnytsky MM Fundamentals of the theory of mathematical modeling of systems. – Zhytomyr, 2001. – 718p.
  9. Vitlinsky VV Modeling of economy. Tutorial. – К .: КНЕУ, 2003. – 408 с.
  10. Moroz VS, Moroz VV Econometrics: Textbook. manual. – Khmelnytsky: TUP, 2000. – 166p.
  11. Research of operations in economics: Textbook for universities / NS Kremer, BA Putko, IM Trishin, MN Friedman; Under RSD. prof. Н.Ш.Кремера. – M .: Banks and Exchanges, UNITY, 2004. – 407 p.
  12. Korolev OA Econometrics: Lectures, questions, tests, cheers, situations, problems: Textbook. way. – К .: КДТЕУ. 2000
  13. Kulinich OI Econometrics. Tutorial. – Hm .: Podillya Publishing House, 1997. – 115 p.
  14. Klebanova TS Mathematical methods and models of market economy: textbook. manual / TS Klebanova, MO Kizim, OI Chernyaktain. –X. : VD “INZHEK”, 2009. – 456 p.
  15. Klebanova TS, Zabrodsky VA, Polyakova OY, Petrenko VL Modeling of economy. Textbook. – Kharkiv: Ed. HGEU, 2001. – 140 p.
  16. Lukyanenko IG, Krasnikova LI Econometrics: Textbook. – K .: Society “Knowledge”, COO. 1998. – 494 p.
  17. Pinegina MV Mathematical methods and models in economics: textbook. allowance. for universities / MV Pinegina. –M. : Экзамен, 2004. –127 с.


  1. Maryuta AN, Boitsun NE Statistical methods and models in economics. Monograph. – Dnepropetrovsk: Thresholds, 2002. – 384p.
  2. Shikin EV, Chkhartishvili AG Mathematical methods in management: Textbook. Manual. – 2nd ed., – M .: Delo, 2002. – 440p.
  3. Gruber J. Econometrics: Introduction to Multiple Regression and Econometrics. In 2 volumes – K .: Nichlava, 1998. – Vol. 1; Vol.2 – I999
  4. hokhlov NV Risk management: A textbook for universities. – M .: UNITY-DAN, 2001. – 239 p.
  5. Shchekin G.V. Business management. – K: Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 2004 – 231 p.


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