Operations Research

Тип: Нормативний

Кафедра: department of digital economics and business analytics

Навчальний план



СеместрК-сть годинЛекторГрупа(и)
716доцент Myshchyshyn O. Y.


СеместрК-сть годинГрупаВикладач(і)
732УФЕ-41сдоцент Myshchyshyn O. Y.

Опис курсу

The program of study of the normative academic discipline “Business Intelligence and Data Science Technologies” is compiled in accordance with the educational and professional master’s training program of training direction 05 – “Social and behavioral sciences”.
The subject of the academic discipline is mathematical methods and models used in the process of solving optimization problems and problems of forecasting the dynamics of socio-economic processes that arise in the process of functioning of dynamic deterministic and stochastic systems in macro- and microeconomics.
The purpose of the educational discipline “Technologies of Business Intelligence and Data Science” is: formation of a system of knowledge on methodology and tools for building and using various types of economic and mathematical models
Main tasks
The tasks of the educational discipline are: study of the basic principles and tools of setting problems, construction of economic and mathematical models, methods of their solution and analysis for the purpose of use in the economy
The place of the academic discipline in the structural and logical scheme of master’s training
The educational discipline is interconnected with such disciplines as “Algorithmization and programming”, “Quantitative methods in economics and management”, “Economic-mathematical modeling”.
Requirements for knowledge and skills:
As a result of studying the educational discipline “Technologies of Business Intelligence and Data Science”, the student has:
a) to know
principles of construction of numerical algorithms;
basic methods of accounting for errors in numerical solutions;
methods of obtaining numerical solutions using computer technology;
the essence and basic principles of building algorithms for calculating tasks;
formulation and methods of solving a linear problem;
type of transport problem and methods of solving it;
the essence of econometric modeling and its stages;
methods of estimating the parameters of the econometric model;
methods of assessing the adequacy of econometric models and their parameters.
b) to be able to
analyze and develop algorithms for solving problems using numerical methods;
develop software applications using numerical methods by means of visual design;
use tools of mathematical programs and packages;
estimate errors and analyze the obtained solution;
build mathematical models of economic problems;
solve linear programming problems;
carry out construction and solving of transport problems;
identify variables and specify econometric models;
evaluate the parameters of the econometric model;
check the adequacy of econometric models and their parameters;
perform point and interval forecast.

Рекомендована література

1. Barvinskyi A. F. etc. Mathematical programming: Education. manual. – Lviv: National University “Lviv Polytechnic” (“Intellect+” Information and Publishing Center of the Institute of Postgraduate Education) “Intellect-West”, 2014.
2. Bartish M. I. Optimization methods: Educational. manual. – Lviv: Ivan Franko LNU Publishing Center, 20016.
3. Hlyvets M. M. Basics of computer algorithms. – K.: Ed. “KM Academy” house, 2013.
4. Zaichenko Yu. P. Operations Research: Textbook. – K.: CJSC “VIPOL”, 2010.
5. Katrenko A. IN. Operations Research: Textbook. – Lviv: Magnolia Plus, 2014.
6. Machine N. AND. Mathematical methods in economics: Study guide. – K.: Center of educational literature, 2013.
7. Nakonechnyi S. I., Savina S. WITH. Mathematical Programming: A Study Guide. – K.: KNEU, 2013.
8. Stepaniuk V. IN. Methods of mathematical programming: Study guide. – K.: Higher School, 2012.
9. H. Tsegelyk G. Linear Programming: A Study Guide. – Lviv: Svit, 2012.
10. V.I. Ospishchev, D.O. Prunenko, D.L. Burko, O.M. Yermak, Y.V. Sanko Operations research: Study guide (for students of training direction 0306 – “Management and administration”). /Editor’s note V.I. Ospishcheva – Kharkiv: KhNAMG, 2008. – 136 p.
11. Selected lectures on the discipline “Operations Research” for correspondence students / Ivashchuk O. T., Khoma G. P., Khoma-Mohylska S. G. – Ternopil: Type, 2007. – 69p.
12. Operations research [educational manual] / Menshikova O.V., Chmyr O.Yu., Karabyn O.O. – Lviv: LSU BZD, 2019. – 196 p.
13. Operations research: lecture notes / O. IN. Shebanina, V. P. Klochan, I. IN. Klochan et al. – Mykolaiv: MNAU, 2021. – 150 p
14. Operations research and optimization methods: workshop: in 2 h. Part 1 [Electronic resource] / L. M. Painter, I. L. Lebedeva, L. AT. Mink – Kharkiv: KHNEU named after WITH. Kuznetsia, 2017. – 169 p.
15. Operations research and optimization methods: laboratory practice in the MATLAB environment. Painter, L. M., Kovaleva, K. O., Malyarets, L. M., Kovaleva, E. AND. (2018).


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