Information Protection in Information Systems

Тип: Нормативний

Кафедра: department of digital economics and business analytics

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СеместрК-сть годинЛекторГрупа(и)
818доцент Zadorozhna A. V.УФЕ-41с


СеместрК-сть годинГрупаВикладач(і)
836УФЕ-41сдоцент Zadorozhna A. V., доцент Zadorozhna A. V.

Опис курсу

The subject of the discipline “Information Protection in Information Systems” is modern information technologies in the field of information security and cryptographic methods of information security.

The purpose of studying the discipline “Information Protection in Information Systems” is the formation of theoretical knowledge about the possible dangers and risks of information loss, as well as practical skills to ensure the protection of software products.

The main tasks of the discipline “Information Protection in Information Systems” – the study of modern information technology in the field of information security and cryptographic methods of information security. The aim is to train specialists in the development and implementation of computer information protection technologies, data integrity, confidentiality, information transfer control, identification, authentication, cryptography, integrated systems, security policy, security management.

Requirements for knowledge and skills

a) to know

  • elements of algorithm theory, procedural and visual programming, the information security policy;
  • security rules when working with computer networks, Internet and e-mail;
  • cryptographic methods of information protection;
  • structure and principles of computer viruses and malware;

b) be able to

  • install and use anti-virus programs and ensure the security of the WWW using web-browsers;
  • develop and solve topical issues of information security theory and practice;
  • apply knowledge in practice.

Рекомендована література

  1. 1. Batiuk A. S. and others. Information systems in management: training. manual / A. S. Batiuk, Z. P. Dvulit, K. M. Obelovska, I. M. Ogorodnyk, L. P. Fabri. – Lviv: National University “Lvivska
    2. Guzhva V. M. Information systems and technologies at enterprises: training. manual / V. M. Guzhva. – K.: KNEU, 2001. – 400 p.
    3. DSTU 7624:2014. Information technologies. Cryptographic protection of information. Algorithm of symmetric block transformation. – Effective from 29.12.2014 PJSC “Institute of Information Technologies” of the Ministry of Economic Development of Ukraine, 2016. 228 p.
    4. DSTU 7564:2014. Information technologies. Cryptographic protection of information. Hashing function. – Effective from 12/29/2014 – PJSC “Institute of Information Technologies” of the Ministry of Economic Development of Ukraine, 2016. – 228 p.
    5. DSTU 4145-2002. Information technologies. Cryptographic protection of information. Electronic digital signature based on elliptic curves. Formation and verification. K.: State Standard of Ukraine, 2003.
    6. ND TZI 1.1-002-99. General provisions on the protection of information in computer systems against unauthorized access. – Valid since 04/28/1999. – K.: DSTSZI SB of Ukraine, 1999. – 14 p.
    7. ND TZI 2.5-004-99. Criteria for assessing the security of information in computer systems against unauthorized access. – Valid since 04/28/1999. – K.: DSTSZI SB of Ukraine, 1999. – 53 p.
    8. Information security: education. manual / S. V. Kavun, V. V. Nosov, O. V. Manzhai. Kharkiv: Ed. Khneu, 2008. – 352 p.
    9. Information systems and technologies in the economy / edited by V. S. Ponomarenko. – K.: VC “Akademiya”, 2002. – 544 p.
    10. Kuznetsov O. O. Protection of information in information systems: training. manual / O.O. Kuznetsov, S.P. Yevseev, O.G. King. – Kharkiv: Khneu, 2011. – 510 p.
    11. Lyashenko I.O. European information technology security criteria / I.O. Lyashenko // Modern information technologies in the sphere of security and defense. – 2012. – No. 1 (13). – pp. 84–86.
    12. Ostapov S.E. Information protection technologies: training manual / S.E. Ostapov, S.P. Yevseev, O.G. King. – Kh.: Khneu, 2013. – 476 p. URL:
    13. On the protection of information in information and communication systems: Law of Ukraine No. 80/94BP. Information of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. 1994. No. 31. Art. 286. URL:вр
    14. On electronic trust services: Law of Ukraine dated October 5, 2017 No. 2155-VIII. Information of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. 2017, No. 45, Art. 400. URL:
    15. Tarnavskyi Yu.A. Information protection technologies: a textbook / Yu.A. Tarnavskyi. – Kyiv: KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi, 2018. – 162 p.
    16. Token is a new type of information. Newspaper “Interactive Accounting” No. 128/2019. URL:
    17. Khoroshko V.O. Basics of information security: a textbook / V.O. Well done B.C. Cherednychenko, M.E. Rustling; under the editorship V.O. Nice girl – K.: DUIKT, 2008. – 186 p.
    18. Yurynets B. C., Honcharuk Y. L. Fundamentals of automated information systems: training. manual / V. S. Yurynets, Y. L. Honcharuk. – L.: LNU, 2001. – 256 p.


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