SEO and Web-analytics

Тип: На вибір студента

Кафедра: department of digital economics and business analytics

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118доцент Deputat B. Y.УФЕМ-61с


СеместрК-сть годинГрупаВикладач(і)
1116УФЕМ-61сдоцент Deputat B. Y.

Опис курсу

With the advent of INERNET, an interactive form of business emerged, based on the joint actions of a business process in the person of a businessman and a computer or other means of communication. Doing business in the information environment is very popular in highly developed countries and is spreading rapidly in Ukraine.

The subject of the discipline is business technology in the global computer network INTERNET.

 The purpose of the discipline “SEO and Web-analytics” is to provide theoretical and practical knowledge about the technologies of organizing and conducting business in the global computer network INTERNET.

The main objectives of the discipline “SEO and Web-analytics” are to master the theoretical and practical principles of e-commerce, types of e-payments, gaining skills to assess the state of e-commerce in order to create strategic competitive advantages for its organization.

The place of the discipline in the structural and logical scheme of master’s training

The discipline is interconnected with such disciplines as “Information Systems Efficiency”, “Information Economics”, “IT Enterprise Management”, “Advanced Information Technologies for Business Services”, “Information Management”.


Requirements for knowledge and skills:

The study of the discipline “SEO and Web-analytics” involves the achievement of such a qualification level of master’s degree, for which he must:

a) know:

  • basic principles and methods of organizing business processes using the Internet;
  • basic concepts of organization and characteristics of interactive business systems;
  • principles of financial and trade transactions using computer networks;
  • technologies for electronic business operations.


b) be able to:

  • perform electronic exchange of information,
  • carry out electronic marketing and trading operations,
  • to apply technologies of organization of electronic movement of capital, electronic money.

Рекомендована література


  1. George Nenni. A Car Dealer’s Guide to Google Analytics 4. Independently published, 2022. 141 p.
  2. George Nenni. A Car Dealer’s Guide to Digital Marketing: You can only improve what you understand! Independently published, 2021. 133 p.
  3. Eric Leuenberger. Google Analytics Uncovered: How to Set Up and Maximize Ecommerce Data in Google Analytics. Independently published, 2018. 153 p.
  4. Tarek Riman. The Secret to Capitalizing on Analytics: A Web Analytics Approach for Beginners. Independently published, 2019. 238 p.
  5. Marketing, entrepreneurship and trade: current state, directions of development: col. monograph / resp. ed. M.R. Mardar; resp. secretary O.V. Mouthpiece; Odessa national Acad. food. of technologies, Kaf. marketing, entrepreneurship and trade. — Odesa: Leradruk, 2020. — 757 p.
  6. Kordzaya N.R. Basics of internet marketing: training. manual Part 1 – Kherson: ALDI-PLUS, 2018. – 184 p.


  1. Shiraz Asif. Google Analytics Breakthrough: From Zero to Business Impact. Wiley, 2016. 624 p.
  2. Comprehensive web analytics: a new life for your site / Free electronic edition / Collective of authors under the editorship of Anastasia Krylova. – “Ingate Advertising” LLC, 2015. – 384 p.
  3. Sharma H.K., Choudhury T., Mahdi H.F. Social and Web Analytics: An Analytical Case Study on Twitter Data // Decision Intelligence Analytics and the Implementation of Strategic Business Management. – Springer, Cham, 2022. – P. 135-143.
  4. Brian Clifton. Successful Analytics: Gain Business Insights by Managing Google Analytics. Advanced Web Metrics Ltd, 2015. 200 p.


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