Department of Public administration and Business management
- About the Department
- History of Department
- Employees
- Educational courses
- Lecturers' schedule
- Teaching materials
- Research
- Practices
- News
About the Department
The Department of Public Administration and Business Management is a structural subdivision of the Faculty of Financial and Business Management of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and is is one of the graduation departments of the Faculty in the training of highly qualified specialists of educational levels of BA and MA of specialty 281 “Public Management and Administration” of the educational-professional program “Public Administration and Business Management” according to full-time form of studying and by correspondence. On November 27, 2019 (Protocol № 77/11) by the order of the Rector (№ 0-160 of December 17, 2019) the Department of Economics and Management of the Faculty of Financial and Business Management was renamed from 01.01.2020 to the Department of Public Administration and Business Management.
The Department’s mission is quality preparation and organization of the educational process with due attention to modern achievements of science and practice in the specialty 281 “Public Management and Administration”, educational and professional program “Public Administration and Business Management”, which will allow professionals to take their rightful place in society, successfully work in the specialty in the development of Ukraine and implement progressive practices of public administration at the level of individual organizations, cities, regions and the country as a whole.
Public management and administration is an area related to solving strategic tasks of government agencies, enterprises, institutions and organizations, taking into account a set of external and internal factors and trends in development in a particular environment, as well as in certain areas of social production and the country as a whole.
The objective of the educational program “Public Administration and Business Management” is to train qualified and competitive professionals in the labor market for government institutions, NGOs, public authorities and local governments with a high level of professional competence in public-private sector skills, who will have the ability to develop and implement management decisions; implement public policy through the involvement of the private sector to solve socially significant problems using appropriate tools and technologies.
Applicants for higher education in the educational program “Public Administration and Business Management”: have development skills and implementation of management decisions; are able to analyze public policy and develop measures for its implementation; understand the basic principles and mechanisms of reform implementation, as well as mechanisms of interaction between the state, business and the public; know the structure and features of public authorities at the state, regional and local levels; are able to study, evaluate and compare domestic and foreign practices of public authorities in the field of e-government in order to form specific recommendations and proposals for the development of the state; take an active part in scientific activities, in particular in the cathedral scientific group “Derzhavotvorets”.
In 2016, the Department successfully passed the licensing procedure for educational activities at the educational levels of “bachelor” and “master” of specialty 281 “Public Administration”.
In 2018, the Department of Public Administration and Business Management successfully accredited the educational program “Public Administration” to train applicants for the second (master’s) level of higher education in specialty 281 “Public Administration”.
In 2021, the Department of Public Administration and Business Management successfully accredited the educational and professional training program for applicants for the second (master’s) level of higher education “Public Administration and Business Management”, specialty 281 “Public administration and business management”
Today the educational process at the Department is arranged by three doctors of sciences and 4 candidates. Percentage of lecturers of the Department with scientific degrees of Doctor / Candidate of Sciences – 100% of the total number of lecturers of the Department.
Contacts of the department:
Address: (room 501-502), 3 Nicolaus Copernicus Street, Lviv, 79000
Faculty of Finance Management and Business
tel. (032) 251-23-94
Specialty 28 “Public administration and administration”
Specialization 281 “Public administration and business management”
Description of the Educational program “Public administration and administration” (bachelor’s degree) 2017
Description of the educational program “Public administration and administration” (master’s degree) 2017
Description of the Educational Program “Public Administration and Business Management” (educational level master) 2019
Annotations of elective courses 2020-2021 academic year
Specialty “Public Administration and Administration” (Civil Service)
Scientific Circle “State Creator” Regulations on the Department of Public Administration and Business Management
Work plan of the department for 2018-2019 academic year.
Plan_work of the department on_2019-2020 academic year
Plan_work of the department on_2020-2021 academic year
Report of the Department of Economics and Management for 2017 and work plan for 2017-2018 academic year
Report on the work of the department in 2017-2018 academic year
Report on the work of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management in 2019-2020 academic year
History of Department
Specialty 28 “Public administration and administration”
Specialization 281 “Public administration and business management”
Description of the Educational program “Public administration and administration” (bachelor’s degree) 2017
Description of the educational program “Public administration and administration” (master’s degree) 2017
Description of the Educational Program “Public Administration and Business Management” (educational level) Bachelor) 2019
Description of the Educational Program “Public Administration and Business Management” (educational level master) 2019
Annotations of elective courses 2020-2021 academic year
Specialty “Public Administration and Administration” (Civil Service)
Scientific Circle “State Creator” Regulations on the Department of Public Administration and Business Management
Work plan of the department for 2018-2019 academic year.
Plan_work of the department on_2019-2020 academic year
Plan_work of the department on_2020-2021 academic year
Report of the Department of Economics and Management for 2017 and work plan for 2017-2018 academic year
Report on the work of the department in 2017-2018 academic year Report on the work of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management in 2019-2020 academic year
The unified state qualification exam on subject 281 “Public management and administration” at the second (master’s) level of higher education (hereinafter – EDKI) is a mandatory component of the attestation of students of higher education in the specialty “Public management and administration”. (YEDKI program)
ChairpersonHanna Komarnytska | Chairperson |
ProfessorBorys Karpinskyi | Professor |
ProfessorKateryna Vaskivska | Professor |
Associate ProfessorOlena Herasymenko | Associate Professor |
Associate ProfessorOlga Malinovska | Associate Professor |
Associate ProfessorOlena Reshota | Associate Professor |
Educational courses
Lecturers' schedule
Teaching materials
ANNOTATIONS of elective disciplines of the cycle of professional and practical training in the 2021-2022 academic years –
Methodological support of the educational process includes: programs and work programs of academic disciplines, textbooks, manuals, lecture notes, guidelines for studying certain topics of academic disciplines, tasks for practical / seminar classes, tasks and guidelines for independent work and individual research student work, control and course work, complex control tasks, test programs, etc.
The list of elective disciplines of the cycle of general training in accordance with the curriculum for students of 2-3 courses (3, 4, 5, 6 semesters) of correspondence and full-time education for 2022-2023 academic years –
Programs / Work programs of academic disciplines
The second level of education (master’s degree)
The program of the discipline “Strategic Enterprise Management”, Assoc. Herasymenko O. V. (master) –
The program of the discipline “Strategic Enterprise Management”, Assoc. Herasymenko O. V. (Master, full time) –
The program of the discipline “Methodology of scientific research in public administration”, prof. Vaskivska K. V. (Master, 2021-2022) –
The program of the discipline “Methodology of scientific research in public administration”, prof. Vaskivska K. V. (Master, 2020-2021)
The program of the discipline “Methodology of scientific research in public administration”, prof. Vaskivska K. V. (Master, full-time Ph.D., 2021-2022)
Working program of the discipline “Methodology of scientific research in public administration”, prof. Vaskivska K. V. (Master, full time, 2020-2021)
Working program of the discipline “Methodology of scientific research in public administration”, prof. Vaskivska K. V. (Master, part-time Ph.D., 2020-2021)
The program of the discipline “Management of projects and programs in the public sphere”, prof. Vaskivska K. V. (Master, 2021-2022)
The program of the discipline “Management of projects and programs in the public sphere”, prof. Vaskivska K. V. (Master, 2020-2021)
Working program of the discipline “Management of projects and programs in the public sphere”, prof. Vaskivska K. V. (Master, full-time Ph.D., 2021-2022)
Working program of the discipline “Management of projects and programs in the public sphere”, prof. Vaskivska K. V. (Master, full time, 2020-2021)
Working program of the discipline “Management of projects and programs in the public sphere”, prof. Vaskivska K. V. (Master, part-time Ph.D., 2021-2022)
Working program of the discipline “Management of projects and programs in the public sphere”, prof. Vaskivska K. V. (Master, part-time Ph.D., 2020-2021)
Program of the discipline “Anti-Crisis Management”, prof. Vaskivska K. V. (Master, 2021-2022)
Program of the discipline “Anti-Crisis Management”, prof. Vaskivska K. V. (Master, 2020-2021)
Working program of the discipline “Anti-Crisis Management”, prof. Vaskivska K. V. (Master, full-time Ph.D., 2021-2022)
Working program of the discipline “Anti-Crisis Management”, prof. Vaskivska K. V. (Master, full time, 2020-2021)
Working program of the discipline “Anti-Crisis Management”, prof. Vaskivska K. V. (Master, part-time Ph.D., 2021-2022)
Working program of the discipline “Anti-Crisis Management”, prof. Vaskivska K. V. (Master, part-time Ph.D., 2020-2021)
The program of the discipline “Change Management”, prof. Vaskivska K. V. (Master, 2020-2021 academic year)
The program of the discipline “Change Management”, prof. Vaskivska K. V. (Master, full time, 2021-2022)
Working program of the discipline “Change Management”, prof. Vaskivska K. V. (Master, full time)
Working program of the discipline “Change Management”, prof. Vaskivska K. V. (Master, part-time Ph.D.)
The program of the discipline “Management of the Corporate Sector of the Economy”, prof. Karpinsky B. A. (Master, full time)
Working program of the discipline “Management of the Corporate Sector of the Economy”, prof. Karpinsky B. A. (Master, full time)
The program of the discipline “Decision Making in Public Administration and the Corporate Sector of the Economy”, prof. Karpinsky B. A. (Master, full time)
Work program of the discipline “Decision Making in Public Administration and the Corporate Sector of the Economy “, prof. Karpinsky B. A. (Master, full time)
Curriculum “Fundamentals of policy making and decision making”, prof. Karpinsky B. A. (Master, part-time Ph.D.)
Work program of the discipline “Fundamentals of policy making and decision making”, prof. Karpinsky B. A. (Master, part-time Ph.D.)
The program of the discipline “Business Administration”, prof. Karpinsky B. A. (Master, full time, 2021-2022)
Working program of the discipline “Business Administration”, prof. Karpinsky B. A. (Master, full time, 2021-2022)
The program of the discipline “Business Administration”, prof. Karpinsky B. A. (Master, full-time Ph.D., 2020-2021 academic year)
Working program of the discipline “Business Administration”, prof. Karpinsky B. A. (Master, full-time Ph.D., 2020-2021 academic year)
The program of the discipline “Communications and business language in management”, prof. Karpinsky B. A. (Master, full time)
Working program of the discipline “Communications and business language in management”, prof. Karpinsky B. A. (Master, full time)
Program of the discipline “Strategic Management and Change Management”, Assoc. Herasymenko O. V.
Work program of the discipline “Strategic Management and Change Management”, Assoc. Herasymenko O. V. (Master, full time)
Work program of the discipline “Strategic Management and Change Management”, Assoc. Herasymenko O. V. (Master, part-time Ph.D.)
Program of the discipline “Negotiation Strategy”, Assoc. Komarnytska G. O. (Master, full time)
Working program of the discipline “Negotiation Strategy”, Assoc. Komarnytska G. O. (Master, full time)
The program of the discipline “Social and Humanitarian Policy”, Assoc. Komarnytska G. O. (Master, full time)
Work program of the discipline “Social and Humanitarian Policy”, Assoc. Komarnytska G. O. (Master, full time)
The program of the discipline “E-government”, Assoc. Bobko L. (master)
Work program of the discipline “E-government”, Assoc. Bobko L. (Master, full time)
Working program of the discipline “E-government”, Assoc. Bobko L. (Master, part-time Ph.D.)
The program of the discipline “Communications and business language in management”, Assoc. Bobko L. (Master, part-time Ph.D.)
Work program of the discipline “Communications and business language in management”, Assoc. Bobko L. (Master, part-time Ph.D.)
The program of the discipline “Technologies of managerial communication interaction”, Assoc. Reshota O. A. (master)
Work program of the discipline “Technologies of managerial communication interaction”, Assoc. Reshota O. A. (master)
Program of the discipline “Technologies of Public Administration”, Assoc. Reshota O. A. (master)
Working program of the discipline “Technologies of Public Administration”, Assoc. Reshota O. A. (master)
Syllabuses of academic disciplines
The second level of education (master’s degree)
Negotiation strategy
Social and humanitarian policy
Business administration (2021-2022 academic years)
Business administration (2020-2021 academic years)
Fundamentals of policy making and decision making
Decision making in public administration and the corporate sector of the economy
Management of the corporate sector of the economy
Strategic management and change management
Strategic personnel management
Change management (full-time)
Change management (correspondence fund)
Methodology of scientific research in public administration (full-time, 2020-2021)
Methodology of scientific research in public administration (part-time science, 2020-2021 academic years)
Methodology of scientific research in public administration (full-time, 2021-2022)
Anti-crisis management (full-time, 2020-2021 academic year)
Anti-crisis management (correspondence fund, 2020-2021 academic years)
Anti-crisis management (full-time, 2021-2022)
Anti-crisis management (correspondence fund, 2021-2022 academic years)
Public communication and business language in management
Communications and business language in management, Assoc. Bobko L.O.
Technologies of managerial communication
Technologies of public administration
European integration and sustainable development
Technologies of managerial communication
Technologies of public administration
Communications and business language in management, prof. Karpinsky BA
Management of projects and programs in the public sphere (full-time, 2020-2021)
Management of projects and programs in the public sphere (correspondence fund, 2020-2021 academic years)
Management of projects and programs in the public sphere (full-time, 2021-2022)
Management of projects and programs in the public sphere (correspondence fund, 2021-2022 academic years)
Conceptual principles of public administration
Strategic enterprise management
Programs and guidelines for course work
Methodical recommendations for the implementation, design and defense of term papers in the block of normative disciplines of training (“Theory and Practice of Public Administration”, “Methods and Technologies of Administration”) for applicants for higher education in the field of knowledge 28 “Public Administration” specialty 281 “Public Administration” of the educational program “Public administration and Business Administration”, for second-year students of the bachelor’s degree (full-time/ part-time)
Methodical recommendations for the implementation, design and defense of term papers in the block of normative disciplines of training (“Competition Policy”, “E-Government”) for applicants for higher education in the field of knowledge 28 “Public Administration” specialty 281 “Public Administration” educational program “Public administration and Business Administration”, for third-year students of the bachelor’s degree (full-time/ part-time)
Methodical recommendations for the implementation, design and defense of term papers on specialization for higher education in the field of knowledge 28 “Public Administration”, specialty 281 “Public Administration”, specialization “Public Administration and Business Administration”.
Methodical recommendations for the implementation, design and defense of term papers in the block of normative disciplines of training for higher education in the field of knowledge 28 “Public Administration” specialty 281 “Public Administration” educational program ” Public Administration and Business Administration”, bachelor’s degree (full-time / part-time)
Metodychni_rekomendaciji_kursova_robota_281_PA_magistr_denne_zaochne_2021-2022 (1)
Course work on the specialty 281 “Public Administration” _ (full-time Ph.D., bachelor)
Practitioner programs
Methodical recommendations on passing and defending industrial (undergraduate) internships for applicants in the field of knowledge 28 “Public Administration” specialty 281 “Public Administration ” (Educational and professional program “Public administration and business management”) master’s degree full-time and part-time forms of education
Methodical recommendations on passing and protection of industrial practice (specialization) for students in the field of knowledge 28 “Public Administration” specialty 281 “Public Administration”, educational and professional program “Public administration and business management”, master’s degree (full-time / part-time)
Work program and methodical recommendations on passing and protection of industrial practice (bachelor 281 “Public Administration”)
Work program and methodical recommendations for passing the internship (specialization) (bachelor 281 “Public Administration”)
Industrial practice in specialization (bachelor, 281 “Public Administration”)
Programs and guidelines for qualifying (master’s) work
Methodical recommendations for the implementation, design and defense of qualification (master’s) works for applicants in the field of knowledge: 28 “Public administration and administration”, specialties: 281 “Public Administration”, specialization “Public Administration and Business Management”, Educational and professional program “Public Administration and Business Management”, educational level “Master”
Methodical recommendations for the design and implementation of qualification (master’s) works
State certification program
first educational degree “bachelor’s degree” field of knowledge: 28 “Public Administration” specialty: 281 “Public Administration”
Program_DEC_2020_ Bachelor
Public Administration – Public Administration: textbook. manual / A.V. Stasyshyn, H.V. Kaplenko, G.O. Komarnytska and others. ; [for general ed. A.V. Stasyshyna]. – Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2019. – 460 p.
Areas of research of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management
Report on the scientific work of the Department of Economics and Management in 2019
Plan of scientific work of the Department of Economics and Management for 2017-2018 academic year
Report on the results of scientific work of the Department of Economics and Management in 2017.
Report on the results of scientific work of the Department of Economics and Management in 2016.
Report on the results of scientific work of the Department of Economics and Management in 2015
Fundamental and applied research р.
Basic and applied research of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management
Collection of theses
І International scientific and practical conference of higher education applicants and young scientists “State and municipal management in the XXI century: organizational, economic, legal and informational aspects”. November 25, 2021, Lviv, Ukraine Collection-of-theses-2021
Information on the educational, production and pre-diploma practices of higher education applicants of the first (bachelor’s) and second (master’s) levels of specialty 281 Public management and administration of the educational program Public Administration and Business Management
The main purpose of the practice is to bring a thorough practical component to the process of training bachelors and masters of public management and administration of the Public administration and business management educational program, the formation of students’ knowledge and skills of effective state leadership and management aimed at ensuring progressive changes in society, reforming the political, economic, social, humanitarian spheres, administrative system, development of innovative professional qualities: independent critical thinking, creativity, initiative, comprehensive impartial understanding of social problems, forecasting the consequences of management decision-making, social responsibility, partnership relationships.
Practice allows higher education applicants to move from theoretical training to the real professional activity of a civil servant, an official of local self-government. Practical training of applicants involves continuity and sequence of assimilation of the required amount of practical knowledge and skills following the level of higher education. During the training, production, and pre-diploma practice, the applicant must master the system of skills and acquire skills in solving typical tasks following the positions that can be held by a graduate of a higher education institution – bachelor/master of public management and administration of the Public administration and business management educational program, the main activity of which is a managerial activity in public organizations.
At the Department of Public Administration and Business Management, applicants of the following levels of higher education are trained:
The first (bachelor’s) level of higher education in the specialty 281 Public management and administration of the educational program Public Administration and Business Management, which during their studies undergo end-to-end practice from junior training courses to pre-diploma ones.
The second (master’s) level of higher education in the specialty 281 Public management and administration of the educational program Public Administration and Business Management, which are practiced during training in the first year of production training in specialization and the second year of pre-diploma training.
Methodological recommendations for the passage and protection of practice are posted on the page of the Department of the Website of the Faculty of Financial Management and Business in the section Methodical materials:
Working program and methodological recommendations for the passage and protection of industrial practice (Bachelor 281 “Public Management and Administration”).
Methodological recommendations for the passage and protection of industrial practice (on specialization) for students in the field of knowledge 28 “Public Management and Administration” of specialty 281 “Public Management and Administration”, educational and professional program “Public Administration and Business Management”, master educational degree of full-time and part-time forms of education..
Methodological recommendations for the passage and protection of industrial (pre-diploma) practice for applicants in the field of knowledge 28 “Public Management and Administration” of specialty 281 “Public Management and Administration” (Educational and Professional Program “Public Administration and Business Management”) of the master’s degree in full-time and part-time forms of education..
The Department of Public Administration and Business Management is actively developing, and carrying out effective communications with numerous social institutions in Ukraine and abroad, governing bodies of the public sphere of activity, and business structures. Close cooperation with partners in public institutions and the private sector has been established, where applicants of specialty 281 Public Management and Administration of the Public Administration and Business Management educational program have the opportunity to undergo internships and practice.
There is close cooperation with the Interregional Department of the National Agency of Ukraine for Civil Service in Lviv and Zakarpattia Regions, Lviv Regional State Administration, Lviv AH, Amalgamated Hromadas of Lviv Regional, Communal Institutions of Lviv Oblast, Lviv Regional Youth Council Communal Institution, Ukrainian Youth Union in Ukraine, Lviv Regional and City Employment Center as well as representatives of private business in the Lviv region, for the active introduction into the educational process of practical experience in doing business, which is in partnership with the public sphere.
On the organization of a free choice of educational disciplines of the cycle of professional and practical training by students of the 1st year of the Faculty of Finance and Business of the Master’s degree of full-time and part-time education in the 2024-2025 academic year
Development of the professional skills of teachers of the department of digital economy and business analytics from representatives of the IT business with the possibility of integrating the course “Analytics in Product IT” into the educational process of the University
During August 12-30, 2024, the head of the department of digital economy and business analytics, professor Iryna SHEVCHUK completed the program of professional development of employees of the ZVO and was accredited to integrate the course “Analytics in product IT” into the educational process at the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of the Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko (Certificate No. 011/1208-2024).
This course was developed on the initiative of the Genesis IT company together with the NGO “Product...
Participation of teachers of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management in the open data intensive of the course “Data Journalism”
On August 27-30, 2024, teachers of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management successfully completed an intensive 4-day training on the “Data Journalism” course. The open data intensive of the “Data Journalism” course was held at the initiative of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine with the assistance of the “Support of Digital Transformation” project, funded by USAID and UK Dev. The partner in the implementation of the project is...
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