Department of Financial Technologies and Consulting

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  • Викладацький розклад
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В.о. завідувача кафедриOlena SidelnukВ.о. завідувача кафедри
ПрофесорBohdan PshykПрофесор
ПрофесорOlha VovchakПрофесор
ДоцентVira DruhovaДоцент
ДоцентUljana GrudzevuchДоцент
ДоцентZoriana LapishkoДоцент
ДоцентIryna TiazhkorobДоцент

Викладацький розклад

Participation of students of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education in the specialty 051 “Economics” of the OP “Information Technologies in Business” in online trainings “Career Workshop. Design your future”

06.01.2025 | 17:21

During September-December 2024, students of the UFE-21s group of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education of the OP “Information Technologies in Business” specialty 051 “Economics” as part of the study of the educational component “Labor Market and Employment Policy in the IT Sphere” (lecturer Oksana VASKIV) Khrystyna DANУLCHENKO, Valeria ZUBACH and Yaroslav KHVOSTYUK were participants in the “Career Workshop” trainings organized by the Department of Career Development and Cooperation with Business.
The participants of the event listened to a series...

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International advanced training of Associate Professor of the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics Iryna BORSCHUK at the Research Institute of the Lublin Science and Technology Park

30.12.2024 | 18:06

11/28/2024-12/18/2024 Associate Professor of the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics Iryna BORSCHUK participated in the International Advanced Training (webinars) on the topic: “International Experience in Using Artificial Intelligence in the Educational Process (Part 1)” and “Transfer of Educational Technologies in the Training of Masters and PhD Candidates in the European Union and Ukraine” (Lublin, Republic of Poland). The organizer of the international advanced training is the Research Institute of the Lublin Science and Technology Park (Instytut Badawczo-Rozwojowy Lubelskiego...

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Training from the Island of Progressivity on the topic “Ways to emotional stress resistance or How we can help ourselves in difficult circumstances”

26.12.2024 | 12:26

On December 18, 2024, “Islands of Progress” held a practical training on the topic “Ways to Emotional Stress Resilience or How We Can Help Ourselves in Difficult Circumstances,” which was organized on the basis of the Ivan Boberskyi Lviv State University of Finance and Economics, and Oksana VASKIV, a lecturer at the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics, Faculty of Finance and Business Management, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, participated in the training.
The speaker of the event, Ulyana...

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Scientific and methodological seminar of the Department of Digital Economy and Business Analytics on the topic “Informal Education and Acquisition of Soft Skills”

20.12.2024 | 08:13

On December 17, 2024, a scientific and methodological seminar was held by the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv on the topic: “Informal Education and Acquisition of Soft Skills”.
The seminar discussed:

how informal education of higher education students contributes to the development of Soft skills;
reasons and directions of informal learning;
forms and formats of informal learning;
the impact of digital technologies on Soft skills learning;
interactive online...

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