Attestation of higher education applicants of the first (bachelor) level of higher education of the educational program “Public Administration and Business Management”

24.06.2024 | 20:23


During June 2024, at the Department of Public Administration and Business Management of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, the certification of graduates of the Bachelor’s program “Public Administration and Business Management” specialty 281 “Public Management and Administration” for full-time and part-time forms of study took place. Graduates of higher education of OPP “Public Administration and Business Management” successfully passed the certification qualification exam and defended their qualification (bachelor’s) theses.

The defense was attended by the chairman of the State Examination Commission (SEC) Maksym Leonidovych Stolyarchuk, head of the Department for Digital Development of the Lviv Regional Military Administration, and members of the SEC: Doctor of Economics, Professor Hanna Komarnytska, Doctor of Economics, Professor Borys Karpinskyi, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Kateryna Vaskivska and Candidate of Sciences state supervisor, docent Olena Reshota.


The qualifying papers highlighted the current topics of public management and administration in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine, in particular, the issue of fighting corruption in public administration bodies, the development of electronic governance and electronic democracy, the formation of a communication culture in public authorities, the economic development of regions and the formation of an image in the system public administration.

The defense was held at a high level, the graduates demonstrated deep knowledge and practical skills in their field. The head of the DEC highly praised the level of training of the graduates, wished the graduates perseverance, career success, realization of ideas and creative plans, inspiration on the difficult path of rebuilding post-war Ukraine.

The head of the DEK recommended awarding them with a bachelor’s degree in public management and administration.

We congratulate the graduates of the department of public administration and business management on the successful defense of their works and wish them success in their future careers and realization of themselves in society. The doors of the department of public administration and business management are always open for you!

Thank you Armed forces of Ukraine ! With faith in Victory and the prosperous future of Ukraine!