Uljana Grudzevuch
Position: Associate Professor, Department of Financial Technologies and Consulting
Scientific degree: Candidate of Economic Sciences
Academic status: Associate Professor
Email: uliana.hrudzevych@lnu.edu.ua
Google Scholar profile: scholar.google.com.ua
ORCID profile: orcid.org
Web of Science (Publons) profile: www.webofscience.com
Research interests
financial analysis, analysis of banking activity, rating assessment of bank activity
- Grudzevych Ya.V., Grudzevych U.Ya. .(2016) Transformatsiia vymoh do rehuliuvannia kapitalu bankiv Ukraini (Transformation of the requirements for regulating the capital of banks in Ukraine) Socio-economic problems of the modern period of Ukraine: Collection of scientific works of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Regional Research named after M.I. Dolishnyo National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2,.115-122 [in Ukrainian]. http://ird.gov.ua/sep/sep20162(118)/sep20162(118)_115_HrudzevuchYV,HrudzevychUY.pdf
- Grudzevych Ya.V., Grudzevych U.Ya. (2016) Kapitalizatsiia bankivskoi systemy Ukrainy na suchasnomu etapi (Capitalization of the banking system of Ukraine at the current stage) Bulletin of the UBS NBU. 1(2),115-122 [in Ukrainian]. https://ser.net.ua/index.php/SER/article/view/128
- Grudzevych U.Ya. (2017) Otsinka bankiv natsionalnymy reitynhovymy ahentstvamy (Assessment of banks by national rating agencies) Social and economic problems of the modern period of Ukraine: Collection of scientific works of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Regional Research named after M.I. Dolishnyo National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine , 2, 108-113 [in Ukrainian].
- Grudzevych U.Ya. (2018) Problemy i perspektyvy vprovadzhennia vymoh «Bazeliu III» pry vyznachenni likvidnosti bankiv Ukrainy (Problems and prospects of the implementation of the requirements of “Basel III” in determining the liquidity of Ukrainian banks) Socio-economic problems of the modern period of Ukraine: Collection of scientific works of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Regional Studies named after M.I. Dolishnyo National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,2 (130), 57-61 [in Ukrainian]. http://www.irbis-nbuv.gov.ua/cgi-bin/irbis_nbuv/cgiirbis_64.exe?I21DBN=LINK&P21DBN=UJRN&Z21ID=&S21REF=10&S21CNR=20&S21STN=1&S21FMT=ASP_meta&C21COM=S&2_S21P03=FILA=&2_S21STR=sepspu_2018_2_13
- Grudzevich U.Ya. (2018) Reitynhove otsiniuvannia diialnosti bankiv Ukrainy na suchasnomu etapi (Rating assessment of the activity of Ukrainian banks at the current stage) UBS Bulletin, 3, 102-109 [in Ukrainian]. https://ser.net.ua/index.php/SER/article/view/17
- Grudzevych U.Ya. (2019)Udoskonalennia rehuliuvannia kapitalu bankiv Ukrainy na suchasnomu etapi (Improving capital regulation of Ukrainian banks at the current stage)UBS Bulletin,2-3, 67-72 [in Ukrainian]. https://ser.net.ua/index.php/SER/article/view/175
- Grudzevych U., Rudenko Z. Sidelnyk O.(2021) Analiz diialnosti mizhnarodnykh reitynhovykh ahentstv na suchasnomu etapi (Analysis of the activity of international rating agencies at the current stage) Economy and society, 24. [in Ukrainian]. https://economyandsociety.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/211
- Drebot N.P., Grudzevych U.Ya. (2021) Innovatsiina polityka bankiv na rynku bankivskykh posluh (Innovative policy of banks in the market of banking services)Economy and society, 33 [in Ukrainian]. https://economyandsociety.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/920/882
- Grudzevych U.Ya., Drozd A. (2021) Diahnostyka finansovoi stiikosti AT «Kredobank»(Diagnostics of financial stability of JSC “Kredobank”)Socio-economic relations in the digital society,3, 67-72 [in Ukrainian]. https://ser.net.ua/index.php/SER/article/view/438
- Sarakhman O., Shurpenkova R., Kalaitan T., Sidelnyk O., Grudzevych U. (2022) Rynkovyi pidkhid do rehuliuvannia komisii intercheindzh: perevahy ta nedoliky (Market approach to the regulation of the interchange commission: advantages and disadvantages) Economic analysis, 1, 208-217 [in Ukrainian]. https://www.econa.org.ua/index.php/econa/article/view/2022
- Grudzevych U. (2023) Otsinka diialnosti bankiv Ukrainy reitynhovymy ahentstvamy v umovakh voiennoho stanu (Evaluation of the activity of banks of Ukraine by rating agencies in the conditions of martial law) Economic analysis Collection of scientific works 33(1), 149-155 [in Ukrainian]. https://www.econa.org.ua/index.php/econa/article/view/5549
- Grudzevych U, Drebot N (2023) Analiz likvidnosti ta prybutkovosti bankivskoi systemy Ukrainy v umovakh voiennoho stanu (Analysis of liquidity and profitability of the banking system of Ukraine in the conditions of martial law) Economy and society, [in Ukrainian]. http://www.economyandsociety.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/2277/2198
- Sidelnyk O.P., Grudzevich U.Ya., Rudenko Z.M. (2020) Valiutnyi rynok Ukrainy: problemy ta perspektyvy funktsionuvannia (Foreign exchange market of Ukraine: problems and prospects of functioning)National economic activity and international economic relations: current state and development trends: collective monograph / Kol. authors Poltava: PP “Astraya”, 140-145 [in Ukrainian]. http://www.economics.in.ua/2020/08/blog-post.html
- Sidelnyk O., Grudzevich U., Rudenko Z. (2021) Suchasni tekhnolohii u bankivskomu biznesi (Modern technologies in banking business) Socio-economic and management concepts: collective monograph / Krupelnytska І., – etc. – Іnternational Science Group. – Boston : Primedia eLaunch, 2021. 660 р. Available at : DOI- 10.46299/ISG.2021.MONO.ECON.I [in Ukrainian]. https://isg-konf.com/socio-economic-and-management-concepts/
- Financial market (2019) edited by Dr. Econ. of Sciences, Prof. B.I. Psyk – Kyiv: State University of Banking “University of Banking”,555 [in Ukrainian].
- Grudzevych Ya.V., Grudzevych U.Ya. (2016) Transformatsiia vymoh do kapitalu na pershomu etapi funktsionuvannia bankivskoi systemy Ukrainy (Transformation of capital requirements at the first stage of functioning of the banking system of Ukraine )Integration of Ukraine into the European and global financial space: Collection of theses of the 11th International Scientific and Practical Conference, May 19-20, 2016/ Lviv Educational and Scientific Institute of the State University of Banking, 92-94[in Ukrainian].
- Grudzevych U. Ya. (2017) Pidkhody do reitynhovoi otsinky diialnosti bankiv natsionalnymy reitynhovymy ahentstvamy Ukrainy (Approaches to the rating assessment of banks’ activities by national rating agencies of Ukraine)Integration of Ukraine into the European and global financial space: Collection of theses of the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference, May 25-26, Lviv Educational and Scientific Institute DVNZ University of Banking,68-71 [in Ukrainian].
- Grudzevych U. Khalabova O. (2018) Suchasnyi stan problemnykh kredytiv v Ukraini: prychyny vynyknennia ta mozhlyvi shliakhy vyrishennia (The current state of problem loans in Ukraine: causes of occurrence and possible solutions) Humanitarian space of science: experience and prospects: Materials of the XVIII International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Humanitarian Space of Science: Experience and Prospects” 30 April 2018: Collection of scientific works / Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi State Pedagogical University named after Hryhoriy Skovoroda, 17, 81-87[in Ukrainian].
- Grudzevich U.Ya., Golub H.G. (2018) Vprovadzhennia vymoh Bazelia III pry vyznachenni likvidnosti bankiv Ukrainy (Implementation of Basel III requirements when determining the liquidity of banks of Ukraine) Integration of Ukraine into the European and global financial space: collection of theses of the XIII international scientific and practical conference, University of Banking May 18,47-50 [in Ukrainian].
- Grudzevych U.Ya. (2019) Udoskonalennia rehuliuvannia kapitalu bankiv Ukrainy vidpovidno do vymoh Bazeliu III (Improving the capital regulation of Ukrainian banks in accordance with the requirements of Basel III ) Integration of Ukraine into the European and global financial space: collection of theses of the 14th international scientific and practical conference, University of Banking, May 24, 62-64 [in Ukrainian].
- Grudzevych U.Ya. (2020) Vplyv pandemichnoi kryzy na bankivsku systemu Ukrainy (The impact of the pandemic crisis on the banking system of Ukraine)//”Integration of Ukraine into the European and global financial space” collection of theses of the 15th international scientific and practical conference / Lviv Institute of State Higher Secondary School “University of Banking”,48-51[in Ukrainian].
- Grudzevych U.Ya. (2021) Suchasni pidkhody shchodo otsinky finansovoho stanu bankiv (Modern approaches to assessing the financial condition of banks) State financial policy of Ukraine in the conditions of European integration: views of scientists and practitioners: coll. theses of sciences add. according to the materials of II All-Ukrainian. science – practice conference, Lviv, February 18, Ivan Franko National University, 230-233 [in Ukrainian].https://financial.lnu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Zbirnyk_02.2021.pdf
- Grudzevych U.Ya. (2021) Diialnist mizhnarodnykh reitynhovykh ahentstv v Ukraini (Activities of international rating agencies in Ukraine )Integration of Ukraine into the European and global financial space”: abstracts of the 16th International Scientific and Practical Conference, May 20, 61-63 [in Ukrainian].
- Grudzevych U.Ya. (2022) Likvidnist ta prybutkovist bankivskoi systemy Ukrainy u voiennyi chas (Liquidity and profitability of the banking system of Ukraine in wartime) Modern paradigm of public management: Collection of theses of the 4th International scientific and practical conference / For science. ed. Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Stasyshin A.V. – Lviv: LNU named after Ivan Franko, 712-717 [in Ukrainian].https://financial.lnu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Konferentsiia_Suchasna_paradyhma_2022.pdf
- Grudzevich U.Ya., Taranenko D.S. (2022) Vplyv makroekonomichnykh faktoriv na finansovu stiikist bankiv v Ukraini (The influence of macroeconomic factors on the financial stability of banks in Ukraine) Development of banking systems of the world in the conditions of globalization of financial markets: materials of the XVI International scientific and practical conference. – Cherkasy: Educational and Scientific Department of LNU named after Ivan Franko, 88-91 [in Ukrainian].https://cherkasy-unit.lnu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/conference_digest.pdf#page=103
- Grudzevich U. Ya., Sheludchenkova A. S. (2022) Zaoshchadzhennia naselennia v resursnomu potentsiali banku (Savings of the population in the resource potential of the bank) Development of banking systems of the world in the conditions of globalization of financial markets: materials of the XVI International scientific and practical conference. – Cherkasy: Educational and Scientific Department of LNU named after Ivan Franko, 103-106 [in Ukrainian].https://cherkasy-unit.lnu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/conference_digest.pdf#page=103
- Chernyzh V. I., Grudzevich U. Ya. (2023) Spozhyvche bankivske kredytuvannia v umovakh voiennoho chasu (na prykladi AB «UKRHAZBANK») (Consumer bank lending in wartime conditions (on the example of JSC “UKRGAZBANK”) Modern trends in the development of financial and innovation-investment processes in Ukraine Vinnytsia VNTU Materials of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference Vinnytsia March 2-3, 83-87 [in Ukrainian]. https://conferences.vntu.edu.ua/index.php/fiip/fiip2023/paper/view/17207
2022 – internship Company “Scientific publications” – Certificate No. AA3690/11.02.2022. International experience in the field of publishing/Successful publications in Scopus and Web of Science, 30 hours – 1 ECTS)
2017 – internship Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Finance Lviv Polytechnic National University reference No. 601 dated 06/14/2017 (180 hours)
2006 – awarded the academic title of associate professor of the Department of Banking
2002 – defense of a candidate’s thesis on the specialty 08.10.01 “Allocation of productive forces and regional economy”
1997-2001 – postgraduate studies at the Institute of Regional Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
1997 – graduated from the Ternopil Academy of National Economy, majoring in “Finance and Credit”
1993 – graduated from the Lviv Technical School of Banking, majoring in “Banking”
1986 – graduated from secondary school No. 76 in Lviv.
2022 – Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Technologies and Consulting of I. Franko LNU
2017-2022 – Associate Professor of the Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance, University of Banking
2015-2017 – Associate Professor of the Banking Department of the Lviv Educational and Scientific Institute of the State University of Banking, University of Banking
2007-2015 – Associate Professor of the Department of Banking at the Lviv Institute of Banking at the University of Banking at the NBU
2004-2007 – Associate Professor of the Department of Banking at the Lviv Banking Institute
2001-2004 – senior lecturer of the banking department of the Lviv Banking Institute
1997-2000 – teacher of the accounting and auditing department of the Lviv Banking Institute
1996-1997 – teacher of the Lviv Banking College
1995-1996 – teacher at the Lviv Technical School of Banking
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