Olga Malinovska

Посада: Доцент, Department of Public administration and Business management

Науковий ступінь: кандидат економічних наук

Вчене звання: доцент

Телефон (робочий): (032)235-64-50

Електронна пошта: olga.malinovska@lnu.edu.ua

Наукові інтереси

State regulation of entrepreneurship; intensification of credit unions; financing of target budget programs at the present stage (professional) and improvement of the system of organization of educational process (pedagogical).
Author of more than 55 publications, including 41 scientific and 15 educational and methodological; author of 1 monograph.



  1. Malinovska O. Ya. The state and prospects of attracting foreign investment in the economy of the city of Lviv / O. Ya. Malinovska, IO Maksymov // Visn. Nat. forestry. University of Ukraine: [collection. Science. works] / Nat. forestry. un-t. – Lviv: Lviv Publishing House, 2011. – № 21.17. – P. 231-234.
  2. Malinovska O.Ya. The main problems and prospects of development of credit unions in modern conditions of economic development/ O.Ya. Malinowska // Visn. Dnipropetrovsk state. Finn. Academy: [Coll. Science. works] / Dnepropetrovsk state. Finn. academy. – Dnepropetrovsk: Dnepropetrovsk Publishing House. – 2012. – № 1 (27). – P. 137-141.
  3. Malinovska O.Ya., Maksymov IO Financing of target budget programs at the current stage of development of the economy of Ukraine/ O.Ya. Malinovska, IO Maximov // Visn. Nat. forestry. University of Ukraine: [collection. Science. works] / Nat. forestry. un-t. – Lviv: Lviv Publishing House. – 2012. – № 22.4. – P. 245-248.
  4. Malinovska O.Ya. Financial potential of the pharmaceutical industry of Ukraine, its essence and structure/ O.Ya. Malinovska, OV Matviyiv // Visn. Nat. forestry. University of Ukraine: [collection. Science. works] / Nat. forestry. un-t. – Lviv: Lviv Publishing House. – 2013. – № 23.3. – P. 251-256.
  5. Malinovska O.Ya. Development of the pharmaceutical industry in the construction of competitiveness of the national innovation system/ O.Ya. Malinovska, OV Matviyiv // Economy and State. – 2013. – № 9. – P. 15-18.
  6. Malinovska O.Ya. Problema finansovoho zabezpechennia ta kreditospro mozhnosti agrarnykh pidpryiemstvu krainy u postkryzovyi period/ O.Ya. Malinovskaya, NL Friday // Visn. Nat. forestry. University of Ukraine: [collection. Science. works] / Nat. forestry. un-t. – Lviv: Lviv Publishing House. – 2013. – № 23.7. – P. 260-265.
  7. Malinovska O.Ya. Peculiarities of economic security of the region (on the example of Lviv region)/ O.Ya. Malinovskaya, MI Bilyak // Visn. Nat. forestry. University of Ukraine: [collection. Science. works] / Nat. forestry. un-t. – Lviv: Lviv Publishing House. – 2013. – № 23.18. – P. 137-142.
  8. Malinovska O.Ya. Problematykasuchasnoi derzhavnoi finansovoi polityka spryamovanoi na rozvytok agrarnykh pidpryiemstv / O.Ya. Malinovskaya, NL Ishakiv // Visn. Nat. forestry. University of Ukraine: [collection. Science. works] / Nat. forestry. un-t. – Lviv: Lviv Publishing House. – 2013. – № 23.14. – P. 205-210.
  9. Malinovska O.Ya. Problems and ways to improve the system of protection of consumer rights of credit unions/ O.Ya. Malinowska // Visn. Dnipropetrovsk state. Finn. Academy: [Coll. Science. works] / Dnepropetrovsk state. Finn. academy. – Dnepropetrovsk: Dnepropetrovsk Publishing House. – 2014. – № 2 (32). – P. 33-39.
  10. Malinovska O.Ya. The main problems of the tourist sphere system in Ukraine/ O.Ya. Malinowska, KS Goloshva // Visn. Nat. forestry. University of Ukraine: [collection. Science. works] / Nat. forestry. un-t. – Lviv: Lviv Publishing House. – 2014. – № 24.11. – P. 123-128.
  11. Malinovska O.Ya. Prospects for the development of credit unions as a necessary tool for providing financial services/ O.Ya. Malinovskaya // Technological audit and production reserves. – 2014. – №5 / 3 (19). – P. 59-62.
  12. Malinovska O.Ya. Peculiarities of legislative and normative regulation of credit unions in Ukraine/ O.Ya. Malinovskaya // Technological audit and production reserves. – 2015. – №4 / 5 (24). – P. 92-96.
  13. Malinovska O.Ya. Social programs and projects as tools for the implementation of state social policy in terms of program-target method of budget organization/ O.Ya. Malinovska, OV Demkovich // Economy and State. – 2016. – № 3. – P. 61-64.


  1. Malinovska O.Ya. Aspects of theoretical and methodological research of the main institutes of state regulation of inflation processes / O.Ya. Malinovskaya, IV Korkach // Economic Bulletin of Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky State Pedagogical University named after Hryhoriy Skovoroda. – 2017. – №32 / 1. – P. 149-156.
  2. Olga Malinovska Taking up technological cooperation in the same sector – an overview of the experience in the enterprise Europe network / Olga Malinovska, Janusz Nesterak, Zofia Gródek-Szostak // Acta oeconomica cassoviensia. vol. ix, 2016 no. 2. – 26-35 p.
  3. Malinovska O.Ya. Formation of economic security of business entities P. 161-171). / О.Я. Malinovska // Bulletin of the University of Dnepropetrovsk – 2017. – №10 / 1. T 25 – P. 67-75.
  4. Malinovska O.Ya. The essence, analysis and improvement of the mechanism of regional development policy / O.Ya. Malinovskaya, VI Cook // Scientific Journal “Young Scientist” № 12 (64) December 2018 – P. 639-645.
  5. Malinovska O. Ya. Financial and material principles of functioning of territorial communities / O. Ya. Malinovska, AA Luts // Economic sciences. Series “Economics and Management”: Collection of scientific works. Lutsk National Technical University. – Issue 15 (58). – Editor: resp. Doctor of Economics, Professor NS Vavdiyuk – Lutsk, 2018. – P. 176-183.


  1. Management of development of business entities: mechanisms, realities, prospects: collection. monograph / за заг. ed. TV Grinko. – Dnipro: Bila KO, 2018. – 444 p. (Malinovska O.Ya., Kostak ZR Formation of economic security of business entities P. 161-171).
  2. Development of financial intermediaries in turbulent conditions of functioning of the national economy: a collective monograph / for general. ed. VP Ilchuk. – Chernihiv: ChNTU, 2017. – 200 p (Malinovskaya O.Ya. The need to form a reserve in the credit union P. 187-196).
  3. Entrepreneurship development in Ukraine: theory, methodology and practice / under. ed. d.e.n. Professor OO Непочатенко. – Uman: Publisher “Sochinsky MM”, 2017. – 244 p. (Malinoska O.Ya. The need for financial controlling as a system of effective management of credit unions P. 132-137).


  1. “Collection of test tasks for managers”: textbook / Komarnytsky IM, Karpinsky BA, Kaplenko GV, Gerasimenko OV, Bobko LO, Dubyk VY, Zavalnytska N. B., Pak NT, Komarnytska GO, Malinovska O.Ya., Karpinska OB, Gasyuk RV / Ed. Doctor of Economics, Prof. Komarnytsky IM – Khmelnytsky: Khmelnytsky Cooperative Trade and Economic Institute, 2017. – 556 p.


  1. Malinovska O.Ya. Influence of European integration processes on public administration. Adamchuk N.Ya., Malinovska O.Ya // Modification of public administration in the context of European integration processes (within the framework of the Festival of Science – 2018): collection of abstracts of the discussion club of the Faculty of Financial Management and Business, Lviv, May 17, 2018 – Lviv : Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2018. – P. 30-33.
  2. Malinovska O.Ya. Improving the mechanism of state support for regional development / Gorin Yu.V., Malinovska O.Ya.// Modification of public administration in the context of European integration processes (within the Festival of Science – 2018): collection of abstracts of the discussion club of the Faculty of Financial Management and Business, Lviv , May 17, 2018 – Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2018. – P. 57-59.
  3. Malinovska O.Ya. / E-government in Ukraine problems and prospects of development / Malinovska O.Ya Shorobura NM, Zatsinska Z.Y. // Modification of public administration in the context of European integration processes (within the Festival of Science – 2018): collection of abstracts of the discussion club of the Faculty of Financial Management and Business, Lviv, May 17, 2018 – Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2018. – P 87-90.
  4. Malinovska O.Ya. European experience in overcoming corruption in public authorities / Malinovska O.Ya. Melnyk IP // Modification of public administration in the context of European integration processes (within the Festival of Science – 2018): collection of abstracts of the discussion club of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management, Lviv, May 17, 2018 – Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2018. – P 103-108.
  5. Malinovska O.Ya. Improving the investment policy of regional development / Malinovska O.Ya. Ivantsiv IA // Modification of public administration in the context of European integration processes (within the framework of the Festival of Science – 2018): collection of abstracts of the discussion club of the Faculty of Financial Management and Business, Lviv, May 17, 2018 – Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University , 2018. – P.150-154.
  6. Malinovska O. Ya. System of financial support of innovative development of Ukraine / Malinovska O. Ya. Shorobura // Transformation of the financial system of Ukraine: tendencies and prospects of development: materials of the I All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference, Mykolayiv; November 20-21, 2017 – Mykolaiv: MNAU, 2017. – P. 90-93.
  7. Malinovska O.Ya. Relationship Marketing and Its Peculiarities in Ukraine / Malinovska O.Ya., Zhyzhka Yu. // Proceedings of the IX All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference M34 “Current Issues of Modern Economy”, December 22, 2017. Part 1. – Uman: Publisher “Sochinsky”, 2017. – Pp. 77-82.
  8. Malinovska O. Ya. Economic and financial aspects in the development of the territorial community / Malinovska O. Ya Luts AA Lipnevi naukovi chitannia [Electronic resource]: zb. interdisciplinary materials. scientific-practical conf., Kyiv, July 27, 2018 / [ed. LI Yudin]. – Electronic data (1.9 MB). – Access mode: http://futurolog.com.ua/publish/11/ P. 44-47.
  9. Malinovska O.Ya. Analysis of factors and factors influencing management decisions / Malinovska O.Ya. // Modern movement of science: thesis add. I International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference, March 29-30, 2018 – P. 86-91.
  10. Malinovska O.Ya. The current state of investment cooperation between Poland and Ukraine / O. Ya. Malinovska, O.A. Vapnichna // Abstracts of the International scientific-practical conference “Management of economic processes: modern realities and challenges”. – Mukachevo, 2017. – P. 295-296.
  11. Malinovska O.Ya. Attracting foreign investment in Ukraine / Malinovska O.Ya. Dzhigovskaya LI // Abstracts of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Management of Economic Processes: Modern Realities and Challenges”. – Mukachevo, 2017. – P. 296-298.
  12. Malinovska O.Ya. Actual issues of economic security in the context of globalization / Malinovska O.Ya., Kuzyk RT // Information society: science, technologies, markets [Electronic resource]: coll. interdisciplinary materials. scientific-practical conf., Kyiv, March 17, 2017 / [ed. LI Yudin]. – Electronic data (2.5 MB). – Kyiv: Yudina LI, 2017. – Access mode: http: // futurolog. com. ua / publish / 4 / Zbirnyk .pdf. – Ukrainian, English, Russian, – Name with title. screen. – ISBN 978-966-97581-4-9: free access – P. 26-28.
  13. Malinovska O.Ya. Economic and financial aspects in the development of the territorial community / Malinovska O. Ya Luts AA // July Scientific Reading [Electronic resource]: Collection of Materials of the Multidisciplinary Scientific and Practical Conference, Kyiv, July 27th, 2018 / [compiler LI Yudina] . – Electronic data (1.9 Mb). – Kyiv: Yudina LI, 2018. – Access mode: http://futurolog.com.ua/publish/11/zbirnyk.pdf. – Ua, Pl, Ru. – Title. – ISBN 978-617-7698-01-1: free – P. 44 -47.
  14. Malinovska O.Ya. Modern tendencies of marketing development as management concepts / Malinovska O.Ya., Vovk VV // Socially competent management of corporations in a behavioral economy: [materials intern. scientific-practical conf. (November 28, 2018)] / resp. ed. OM Polinkevich, LV Shostak. – Lutsk, 2018. – P. 58- 61.
  15. Malinovska O.Ya. FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF TERRITORIAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE / Malinovska O.Ya., Luts AA // Socially competent management of corporations in a behavioral economy: [materials intern. scientific-practical conf. (November 28, 2018)] / resp. ed. OM Polinkevich, LV Shostak. – Lutsk, 2018. – P. 61-63.
  16. Malinovska O.Ya. TRENDS OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE / Malinovska O.Ya., Panas OV // Socially competent management of corporations in a behavioral economy: [materials intern. scientific-practical conf. (November 28, 2018)] / resp. ed. OM Polinkevich, LV Shostak. – Lutsk, 2018. – P. 63-65.
  17. Malinovska O.Ya. PUBLIC GOVERNANCE AS A FACTOR OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE / Malinovska O.Ya., Pfister DG // Socially competent management of corporations in a behavioral economy: [materials intern. scientific-practical conf. (November 28, 2018)] / resp. ed. OM Polinkevich, LV Shostak. – Lutsk, 2018. – P. 65-68.
  18. Malinovska O.Ya. Udoskonalennia teoretychnykh ta organizatsiino-pravovykh zasad upravlinnia personalom v halyury pidpryiemnytstva / Aktualni problemy ta perspektyvy rozvytku Ukrainy v velyi upravlinnia ta administruvannia: initsytyvi molodi [Electronic problems]: materialy Mizhnar. scientific-practical Internet conference, May 17, 2018 / editor. : OI Cherevko [etc.]; Kharkiv state. un-t food. and bargaining. – Electron. data. – H.: KhDUHT, 2018. – 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM); 12 cm. – Name from the title. screen: http://www.hduht.edu.ua/index.php/uk/nauka/conf/1635-conf-17-5-18. – P. 326-329.


1989 – graduated from Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, specialty: “Planning of the national household”.

May 2007 – candidate of Economic Sciences. October 27, 2006 – the thesis was successfully passed in the specialized scientific council of Uzhgorod National University, diploma DK  № 040842.

Since August 1990 – she has been working at the Lviv State Financial Academy.
Since September, 2015 – she has been working as an associate professor at the Department of Economics and Management of the Faculty of Finance Management and Business, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.



Diploma for the third place of the manual “Public Administration” in the competition “The best textbook in the humanities 2018-2019 academic year” (October 11, 2019)


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