Hanna Komarnytska
Посада: завідувач, Department of Public administration and Business management
Науковий ступінь: доктор економічних наук
Вчене звання: професор
Електронна пошта: hanna.komarnytska@lnu.edu.ua
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Наукові інтереси
Coverage of regional features of urbanization processes in the context of their regulation, as well as the development of theoretical and methodological basis for the analysis of regulatory mechanisms of various aspects of urbanization; implementation of regulatory measures for urban development using modeling and forecasting methods (professional) and marketing and regional economy (pedagogical). The main research is devoted to the processes of intensification of public-private partnership in the development of investment and innovation, the study of public administration and administration, the use of public-private partnership in local government, development and functioning of civil society institutions.
- Сompleted a research and teaching internship at the Higher School of Economics (Bialystok, Republic of Poland) on “Business Management in Poland and EU countries”. The topic of the internship was relevant for the improvement of teaching activities, based on management disciplines of the specialty “Public Administration” with an emphasis on current trends in financial and business management in the European Union (Bialystok, Poland, 2017) 120 hours, 4 credits ECTS);
- Professional internship program by participating in the I International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Paradigm of Public Administration” (60 hours, 2 ECTS credits) (2019);
- Completed training courses Lviv Club of HR Managers “HR – Coffee House” (2019 );
- Facilitation tools for effective online learning activities (certificate №1165.20, CEASC Foundation, (30 hours, 1 ECTS credit)) (2020);
- Professional program “Improvement of teaching skills” (October 2020 to January 2021) 6 credits (180 hours) Advanced training was provided at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv at seminars on the introduction of distance learning: on the organization of work with the system “Dean’s Office” (2020);
- The program of advanced training of scientific and pedagogical workers “Fundamentals of testology and development of test tasks” for conducting EDKI in the specialty 281 “Public Administration”. Scientific and methodical center of higher and professional higher education (May-September 2021);
- International scientific and pedagogical internship. Innovations in education. Wyższa Szkoła Techniczna in Katowice “Innovative technologies for teaching professional disciplines” (May-September 2021, 6 credits) (180 hours);
- Scientific adviser to the employees of the Pidberiztsy village council of the united territorial community on the development of the “Strategy for the development of OTG until 2025”;
- Three-month English-language international internship program on technology transfer GUTT.INUP within the DAAD project “Partnership of Ukrainian and German universities on technology transfer”. International internship of 180 hours. (6 ECTS) Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and Kyiv Academic University. (2022);
- Advanced training was provided at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv at seminars on the introduction of distance learning: on the organization of work with the system “Dean’s Office” (2020), on work with the learning management system “Moodle” (2020), on cooperation with the Department of Marketing and communications (2019-2020), on the operation of the EDEBO system (2019-2020) and others;
- Guarantor of the educational-professional program “Public Administration and Business Management” of the second (master’s) level of higher education.
- Head of the departmental research topic. State registration number: 0121U110273 Formation of a partnership model of public authorities, civil society and business.
1. Carpathian region: current issues and prospects for development: a monograph in 8 volumes / NAS of Ukraine. Institute for Regional Studies; Science. ed. V.S. Tailors. [LT Shevchuk, MI Melnik, VV Papp, G.O. Komarnytska and others] – Lviv, 2013. – Volume 5. Small towns / resp. ed. L.T. Shevchuk. – 2013. – 284 p. (Series “Problems of regional development”). – ISBN 978-966-02-4252-4, ISBN 978-966-02-6900-2, ISBN 978-966-02-6905
2. Regional urbanization [Text]: monograph / GO Komarnytska // Lviv. state finance. acad. – Lviv: LDFA; Kamianets-Podilskyi: Medobory-2006, 2015. – 175 p.
3. Innovative management: theoretical, methodical, and applied grounds Komarnytskyy IM, Komarnitska GA 1. Formation of the innovative development potential in the mountainous area of Lviv region / IM Komarnytskyy, Г.А. Komarnitska // Innovative management: theoretical, methodical, and applied grounds. 1st edition, Prague Institute for Qualification Enhancement: Prague, 2018, 296 pages.
4. Komarnytska, GO, Ovcharuk, VV and Kolomiets, OL 2019. Methodical approaches to economic evaluation of administration systems. In: L.M. Savchuk, ed. Management of socio-economic development of the country, region, enterprise in a crisis (manufacturing, construction and transport industries). Dnipro: Publisher Bila KO pp.194-211.
5. Komarnytska, G.O. 2019. Public-private partnership: investment and innovation support, customs services and economic efficiency: monograph / G.O. Komarnytska, Lviv: Galician Publishing Union. 211с.
6. Komarnytska, GO, Shipulina, Yu.S. and Ilyashenko NS Instruments and methods of knowledge management in the system of innovative development of organizations : monograph / for general. ed. Ph.D., Assoc. Yu. S. Shipulina. – Sumy: Territory, 2019. – 270 p.
1. Komarnytska GO Labor economics and social and labor relations: Textbook / GO Komarnytska, IM Komarnytskyi. Khmelnytsky: FOP Tsyupak AA, 2016. – 424 p.
2. Collection of test tasks for managers : textbook. way. / Igor Mikhailovich Komarnitsky, BA Karpinsky, GV Kaplenko, OV Gerasimenko, LO Bobko; Khmelnytsky. cooperative. trade and economy Inst., Lviv. nat. Univ. I. Franko; ed. Igor Mikhailovich Komarnytsky. – Kamianets-Podilskyi: Ruta Printing House, 2018. – 575 p.
1. Public administration: textbook. manual / AV Stasyshyn, GV Kaplenko, GO Komarnytska and others. [for general ed. AV Stasishin]. Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2019. 460 p.
Publications are indexed in Scopus and Web of Science:
1. Financial Regulation of Public-Private Partnerships: Forms, Models, And Use in Reengineering Conditions / Oleh Kuzmin, Nestor Shpak, Hanna Komarnytska, Wlodzimierz Sroka and Volodymyr Zhezhukha / Education Excellence and Innovation Management: A 2025 Vision to Sustain Economic Development during Global Challenges. 2020. R. 3196- 3200 (Scopus)
2. Clustering Algorithms for Economic and Psychological Analysis of Human Behavior / Nataliya Boyko [0000-0002-6962-9363], Hanna Komarnytska [0000-0002-5533-6439], Yurii Kryvenchuk [0000-0002-2504-5833], Yuriy Malynovskyy [ 0000-0002-7139-5623] / Conflict Management in Global Information Networks, CMiGIN. 2019. Р 614-626 (Scopus)
3. The impact of urbanization on the innovative development of Ukrainian regions / G. Komarnicka 1 , Y. Shipulina 2 , N. Illiashenko 2 / Marketing and management of innovationsSumy: VTD -University book, № 3, R. 336-350 ( Web of Science )
4. Knowledge management in the system of innovative development of the organization / Ilyashenko Sergey Nikolaevich 1 , 2 , Shipulina Julia Sergeevna 1 , Ilyashenko Natalia Sergeevna 1 , Komarnitskaya Anna Omelyanovna 3 / Scientific journal of Sumy state university “Marketing and management of innovations”. 2017. № 1. pp. 231–241. (Web of Science)
5. Articles in scientific professional publications:
1. Komarnytska GO Organizational and economic tools for the formation of the regional system of innovations / G.O. Komarnytska, AO Oksanych // Marketing and innovation management. – Sumy, 2011. – № 3. – Vol.1. – P.79–85.
2. Komarnytska GO Peculiarities of development of urban and rural settlements as an environment for the formation of labor potential / RS Chornyi, G.O. Komarnytska // Sustainable economic development: – Khmelnytsky, 2011. – №4 (7). – P.109–113.
3. Komarnytska GO Organizational and economic tools for the formation of regional cluster structures / G.O. Komarnytska // Nauk. spring Poltava. University of Consumer Cooperation of Ukraine. – P., 2010 –№ 2 (41). Series “Econ. science ». – P.44–49
4. Komarnytska GO The current state and problems of development of small cities in the Carpathian region / G.O. Komarnytska, YS Yatsyshyn, MM Duran // Socio-economic problems of the modern period of Ukraine. Small cities of the region: diagnostics of socio-economic condition, post-crisis development tasks / NAS of Ukraine. Other region. research; editor-in-chief: VS Kravtsiv (ed.). – L., 2011.– Vip. 4/90. – P.27–41.
5. Komarnytska GO Approaches to the study of urbanization processes “Center – Periphery” in the region / GO Komarnytska // Sustainable economic development: All-Ukrainian. research and production magazine. –Khmelnytsky, 2012.– № 1 / (11). – P.135–139.
6. Komarnitskaya AO The use of urban theories to study the socio-economic characteristics of urban development. / AO Komarnitskaya, MM Duran // Economic theory of the city: key aspects: collection. scientific tr. – Ekaterinburg, 2012. – Issue XI. Russian Academy of Sciences. – P.89–94.
7. Komarnytska GO Innovative structures of regulation of urbanization processes in the region / GO Komarnytska // Nauk. spring NLTU of Ukraine: coll. scientific and technical wash. – L., 2012 – Vip. 22.13. –C.194–198.
8. Komarnytska GO Urban clusters as innovative structures of regulation of urbanization processes in the region / GO Komarnytska // Marketing and management of innovations: science. magazine. – Sumy, –№1. – P.247–254.
9. Komarnytska GO Regulation of urbanization processes in the region: structure and areas for improvement. / Г.О. Komarnytska // Economic Forum: Science. magazine. – Lutsk, 2013. – №1. – P.111–116.
10. Komarnytska GO World experience of urban development / GO Komarnytska, LM Fedoryshyna // Sustainable development of economy: All-Ukrainian. research and production magazine. –Khmelnytsky, 2013. – № 5. – P. 42–45.
11. Komarnytska GO Problems of vision preservation in the conditions of activation of development of new technologies / LT Shevchuk, GO Komarnytska, MV Druchek, UV Pavlyuk.// Healthy way of life: collection. Science. articles. –L., 2011. – Vip. 58. – P.52–59.
12. Komarnytska GO Lviv urban cluster as an instrument for activating the development of metropolitan functions of the city of Lviv / LT Shevchuk, GO Komarnytska // Socio-economic problems of the modern period of Ukraine [collection. Science. etc.] / Inst. region. research of the NAS of Ukraine; editor: V.S. Tailors (ed.). – 2013. – Vip. 2 (100). Metropolis functions of regional centers of the Western region. – ISSN 2071-4653. – P. 36-45.
13. Komarnytska GO Public relations in the context of regulation of urbanization processes in the region /I.M. Komarntsky, G.O. Komarnytska // Khmelnytsky Cooperative Trade and Economic Institute. “Collection of scientific works”. Scientific journal №8 .2014 – P.186-195.
14. Komarnytska GO Retrospective analysis of regional centers of the western region in the context of development of metropolitan functions / GO Komarnytska // Scientific herald of NLTU of Ukraine . – 2014. – Vip. 24.5. – P. 409-414.
15. Komarnytska GO Scientific and public organizations as a factor of strategic planning and forecasting of urban development / GO Komarnytska // Visnyk of Chernihiv State Technological University. Series: Economic Sciences. – 2014. – № 1. – P. 102-105.
16. Komarnytska GO Improvement of regulation of urbanization processes in the region / GO Komarnytska // Assessment of the state of infrastructure components of the Carpathian region print. Socio-economic problems of the modern period of Ukraine. The mechanism of regulation of regional development in Ukraine: [Coll. Science. pr] / NAS of Ukraine. Institute of Regional Studies; Editor: V.S. Tailors (ed.). – Lviv, 2014.- issue 5 (109). – 570 P.504-512.
17. Komarnytska GO Demographic analysis of labor potential of border areas of Lviv region. Effectiveness of public administration [Text] : coll. Science. Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration, National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine.— Vol. 42 / for ed. Corresponding Member NAS of Ukraine VS Zagorsky, Assoc. A.V. Lipentsev. – Lviv. LRIDU NADU, 2015. P.235-245.
18. Komarnytska GO Urbanization processes of development of metropolitan functions of the city of Lviv / G.O. Komarnytska // Scientific Bulletin of NLTU of Ukraine. / Collection of scientific and technical works. Issue 25.3. Lviv -2015 – 416 p. P.100 – 106.
19. Karpinsky BA The functioning of cities is an important component of the nation-building patriotism of the nation. / B.A. Karpinsky, G.O. Komarnytska // Scientific Bulletin of Mukachevo State University. Series “Economics”: Coll. pr./Ed. Col .: Chernychko TV (ed.) and others. – Mukachevo: Mukachevo State University, 2016. – Issue 1 (5). – P. 228-236. (Index Copernicus)
20. Komarnytska GO The influence of the formation of territorial communities as a factor in the development of the business environment / G.O. Komarnytska, LM Melnyk // Scientific Bulletin of NLTU of Ukraine. / Collection of scientific and technical works. Issue 26. 2ec. Lviv -2016 – 416 p. P.108 – 126. (Index Copernicus)
21. Ilyashenko SM, Shipulina Yu. S., Ilyashenko NS, Komarnytska GO Management of knowledge in the system of innovative development of the organization / S.M. Ilyashenko, Yu.S. Shipulin, NS Ilyashenko, G.O. Komarnytska // Marketing and innovation management. – 2017. – № 1. – P. 231-241. (Web of Science)
22. Komarnytska GO Influence of urbanization on innovative development of regions of Ukraine / GO Komarnytska, YS Shipulina, NS Ilyashenko // Marketing and Innovation Management – 2017. – № 3. – P. 336-345. (Web of Science)
23. Komarnicka ,. The impact of urbanization on the innovative development of Ukrainian regions / Komarnicka G. 1 , Shipulina Y. 2 , Illiashenko N. 2 // Marketing and Management of Innovations. – 2017. – № 3. – R. 336-345. (Web of Science)
24. Komarnytska GO Status and trends in the development of electronic services in the public sector / G.O. Komarnytska, SE Birch. Collection of scientific works of Khmelnytsky Cooperative Trade and Economic Institute: Economic Sciences. – Khmelnytsky, 2017. – №11.
25. Komarnytska GO Research of the influence of budget decentralization in the formation of local budgets / G.O. Komarnytska, NG Kalakun. Collection of scientific works of Khmelnytsky Cooperative Trade and Economic Institute: Economic Sciences. – Khmelnytsky, 2017. – №11.
26. Komarnytska GO Reform of local self-government in Ukraine: development, achievements and current issues / Г.О. Komarnytska, I.Ya. Klimovich. Collection of scientific works of Khmelnytsky Cooperative Trade and Economic Institute: Economic Sciences. – Khmelnytsky, 2018. – №12.
27. Komarnytska GO Strategic planning of Vorokhta settlement development / Г.О. Komarnytska, TB Gerin. Collection of scientific works of Khmelnytsky Cooperative Trade and Economic Institute: Economic Sciences. – Khmelnytsky, 2018. – №12.
28. Komarnytska GO The essence of public-private partnership and its activation in the development of investment and innovation / Komarnytska GO The essence of public-private partnership and its activation in the development of investment and innovation // Problems of Economics. – 2019. – №1. – P. 46–51.https: //doi.org/10.32983/2222-0712-2019-1-46-51
Komarnytska GO The essence of public-private partnership and its activation in terms of development of investment and innovation activities / G.O. Komarnytska // Problems of economy. – 2019. – №1. – P. 46–51.
30. Komarnytska GO K lasyfikatsiya of public-private partnership / HO Komarnytska // Business Inform. 2019. №5. C. 50–55. https://doi.org/10.32983/2222-4459-2019-5-50-55
31. Komarnytska GO Indicators of quality assessment of customs services of public-private partnership / GO Komarnytska. Komarnytska // Investments: practice and experience. 2019. № 14. S. 5–10. DOI: 32702 / 2306-6814.2019.14.5
32. Komarnytska H.O . Directions for activating public-private partnership in terms of development of investment and innovation activities / G.O. Komarnytska // Economy and State. 2019. № 5. S. 60–63. DOI: 32702 / 2306-6806.2019.5.60
33. Komarnytska GO The mechanism of development of customs service in the conditions of public-private partnership
34. Komarnytska GO Model of customs service of public-private partnership / GO Komarnytska . Komarnytska // Business Inform. 2019. №4. C. 41–48. https://doi.org/10.32983/2222-4459-2019-4-41-48
35. Komarnytska GO Peculiarities of evaluation of administration systems in public-private partnership / VV Ovcharuk, NGO Komarnytska // Theoretical and practical aspects of anti-crisis regulation of the country’s economy: Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference. – 2019. – Odessa National University named after II Mechnikov
36. Komarnytska GO The essence of public-private partnership and its activation in terms of development of investment and innovation activities / G.O. Komarnytska // Problems of economy. – 2019. – №1. – P. 46–51.
37. Komarnytska GO Classification of public-private partnership projects / Г.О. Komarnytska // Business Inform. 2019. №5. C. 50–55. https://doi.org/10.32983/2222-4459-2019-5-50-55
38. Komarnytska GO Indicators for assessing the quality of customs services of public-private partnership / GO Komarnytska. Komarnytska // Investments: practice and experience. 2019. № 14. S. 5–10. DOI: 32702 / 2306-6814.2019.14.5
39. Komarnytska GO Directions for activating public-private partnership in terms of development of investment and innovation activities / G.O. Komarnytska // Economy and State. 2019. № 5. S. 60–63. DOI: 32702 / 2306-6806.2019.5.60
40. Komarnytska GO The mechanism of development of customs service in the conditions of public-private partnership
41. Komarnytska GO Model of customs service of public-private partnership / GO Komarnytska . Komarnytska // Business Inform. 2019. №4. C. 41–48. https://doi.org/10.32983/2222-4459-2019-4-41-48
42.Komarnytska, G.O. and Kuzmin, OE, 2019. Prerequisites for attracting investment and innovation on the basis of public-private partnership. Economy. Finances. Law, 10/2, p. 13-17.
43. Komarnytska, G.O. and Kuzmin, OE, 2019. Estimation of the state-partner potential of territorial formation. Economics: the realities of time, [online] 4 (44), p.5-17. Available: https://economics.opu.ua/files/archive/2019/No4/5.pdf
44. Komarnytska, GO, 2019. Conceptual bases of activization of public-private partnership in the conditions of development of investment and innovation activity. Business Inform, 8, p. 53-58.
45. Komarnytska, GO, 2019. State-partner potential and state-partner attractiveness of territorial entities. Management and entrepreneurship in Ukraine: stages of formation and problems of development , 1/1, p.137-144.
46. Komarnytska, GO, 2019. Principles of activating public-private partnership in the development of investment and innovation. Intelligence XXI , 4, pp.78-82.
47. Komarnytska, G.O. and Kuzmin, OE, 2019. Methods for assessing the economic efficiency of public-private partnership in the development of investment and innovation. Economy. Finances. Law, 11, p. 30-35 .
48. Komarnytska, GO, 2019. Domestic experience of public-private partnership in the development of investment and innovation. Black Sea Economic Studies, 44, p.43-48.
49. Komarnytska, G.O. and Kuzmin, OE, 2019. Economic justification of project decisions in the field of public-private partnership. Economic Journal of Odessa Polytechnic University , [online] 3 (9), p.41-50. Available: https://economics.opu.ua/ejopu/2019/No3/41.pdf .
50. Komarnytska GO Peculiarities of evaluation of administration systems in public-private partnership / VV Ovcharuk, NGO Komarnytska // Theoretical and practical aspects of anti-crisis regulation of the country’s economy: Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference. – 2019. – Odessa National University named after II Mechnikov
Abstracts of conference reports:
1. Komarnytska GO The role of urbanization in the system of location of productive forces of the region / G.O. Komarnytska, OV Farat // Economics and management: prospects of development: materials add. international scientific practice. konf.18–20 trav. 2011. – Sumy: for general. ed .: OV Prokopenko, M.Yu. Troyan .– Sumy, 2011. – Volume 1– № 3. P. 161-163.
2. Komarnytska GO Socio-economic and spatial features of urbanization processes in the region / G.O. Komarnytska // Social sector of the economy of Ukraine in the situation of systemic changes of the XXI century: abstracts of reports II All-Ukrainian. scientific practice. konf.26 trav. 2011. – Khmelnytsky: KhKTEI, 2011. – P.36–38.
3. Komarnytska GO Theoretical aspects of the study of the urbanization process / GO Komarnytska, OV Farat // Materials add. All-Ukrainian scientific practice. conference dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Department of Finance, Banking and State. management of PoltNTU. May 25–27, 2011 – Poltava: PoltNTU, –P.85–87.
4. Komarnytska GO Ecohomologous principles of research of urbanization processes in the region / GO Komarnytska // Scientific heritage of professor Zlupka SM in the light of the formation of the modern paradigm of economic science in Ukraine: materials All-Ukrainian. memorial sciences. conf. September 29-30. 2011 – Lviv: 2011. – P.33–34.
5. Komarnytska GO The smallest cities of Lviv region: problems of functioning, prospects of development / Г.О. Komarnytska // Development of economic and political and legal systems of Ukraine and other European countries at the beginning of the XXI century: materials of the VIII International. scientific practice. conf. Oct. 27-28. 2011 – L .: Lviv. University of Business and Law, 2011. – P.123–125.
6. Komarnytska GO Influence of urbanization on the formation of the system of degree and postgraduate education / G.O. Komarnytska // Ensuring the continuity of content in the system of higher and postgraduate education: Ukrainian traditions and European practice: abstracts of reports II All-Ukrainian. scientific method. Conf.– Oct. 27. 2011 – Khmelnytsky: KhKTEI– 2011. – P.32-– 35.
7. Komarnytska GO Braiding and naming driving forces of brand promotion. / Г.О. Komarnytska, OV Farat // Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference “Formation of the strategy of economic development of Ukraine in the context of European integration” \ Lviv State Institute of New Technologies and Management named after V. Chornovil 2011; 59-61 p.
8. Komarnytska GO Peculiarities of formation of urban processes in planning of development of territories / Г.О. Komarnytska // Modernization of the public administration system: theory and practice: materials of scientific practice. conf. for international. participation. April 20 2012 – Lviv. region. in-t state. management of the National Academy of State Department under the President of Ukraine. – L.: LRIDU. – 2012. – Part 1. – P.444– 447.
9. Komarnytska GO Directions of regulation of development of small cities of the region / GO Komarnytska // Scientific researches – the tool of the decision of actual problems of economy: Sixteenth All-Ukrainian. scientific Internet conference October 28-29. 2012 – T.: TNEU, 2012. – P.61–63.
10. Komarnytska GO The role of social urbanization in the spread of urban lifestyle / G.O. Komarnytska // Economic Cybernetics – Engineering of Economics: All-Ukrainian. scientific Internet conference – April 22-23. 2013 – T .: TNEU, 2013. – С.99–100.
11. Komarnytska GO Formation of local finances as a factor in managing the socio-economic development of cities. / Г.О. Komarnytska // VII International scientific-practical conference “Financial mechanisms of business activation”. Collection of abstracts of scientific reports .7-8 November 2013 Lviv State Financial Academy. – Vol.2. – P.45 – 49.
12. Komarnytska GO The impact of regulation on the development of urbanization processes. / Г.О. Komarnytska // Collection of abstracts of scientific reports .7-8 November 2013. Lviv State Financial Academy. – Vol.2. – P.77 – 81.
13. Komarnytska GO Strategic analysis of the marketing environment of the city of Lviv./ Г.О. Komarnytska //. Creative search of youth – a course on efficiency: abstracts of reports of the VII International scientific-theoretical Internet conference, February 25, 2016 – Khmelnitsky: KhKTEI, 2016. – 446 p. P.389 – 392.
14. Komarnytska GO Strategic planning of socio – economic development of cities. / Г.О. Komarnytska //. Collection of abstracts of the reporting scientific conference of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv for 2015 (electronic edition): Section of the Faculty of Financial Management and Business, (Lviv, February 2-6, 2016). – Lviv: LNU named after I. Franko, 2016. – 294 p. 273-276 С.
15. Komarnytska GO, Karpyuk IM Aspects of innovation in the field of small business in Ukraine \ G.O. Komarnytska, IM Karpyuk \\ Proceedings of the V International Internet Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Strategies for innovative development of the economy of Ukraine: problems, prospects, efficiency” Forward-2016 “: p. 91-95
16. Komarnytska GO Strategic planning of economic potential of Lviv region in the context of globalization // Formation of a new paradigm of financial and business management in the context of strengthening European integration processes: abstracts of the I International Scientific and Practical Conference Faculty of Financial and Business Management of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (October 27-29, 2016). ). – Lviv: LNU named after I. Franko, 2016. – 294 p. 273-276 С.
17. Komarnytska GO Regulation of urban lifestyle and problems of social urbanization. / G.O. Komarnytska //. Collection of abstracts of the reporting scientific conference of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (electronic edition): Section of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management, (Lviv, February 7-8, 2017). – Lviv: LNU named after I. Franko, 2017. – 294 p. 273-276 С.
18. Komarnytska GO Organization of strategic analysis of the marketing environment of the city / G.O. Komarnytska // I International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Marketing of the Future: Challenges and Realities” (electronic edition). – К.: ДУТ, 2017 – С. 273-276.
19. Komarnytska GO Formation of business environment in the region in the process of decentralization / G.O. Komarnytska // I All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference “State financial policy of Ukraine in terms of European integration: the views of scientists and practitioners” December 14, 2017 – Lviv: LNU. I. Franko, 2017. – P. 273-278.
20. Komarnytska GO Electronic public services in the field of public administration / G.O. Komarnytska // Actual problems of economy and management in the epoch of global challenges and threats: Coll. Mat.-left All-Ukrainian. scientific-practical Conf., Dnipro, April 26-27. 2018 – In 2 volumes. – Vol. 1. / Nat. metal, Academy of Ukraine. – 2018. – 390 p. – P. 87-89.
21. Komarnytska GO Brain drain: myth or reality / G.O. Komarnytska // Collection of abstracts of the round table “Socio-economic processes of functioning and innovative development of higher education” of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (electronic edition), (Lviv, April 25, 2018). – Lviv: LNU named after I. Franko, 2018. – 167 p. – P. 115-119
Graduated from V. Chornovil Lviv State Institute of Advanced Technologies and Management (now National University “Lviv Polytechnic”, Institute of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Tourism named after V. Chornovil), specialty: Marketing.
Since 2010 – studied the postgraduate course at the Institute of Regional Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2009-2012 – worked as an assistant on a contractual basis and on a joint basis at V. Chornovil Lviv State Institute of Advanced Technologies and Management, 2013 – 2014 – junior scientific specialist in the spatial development sector of the Institute of Regional Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (now SU: “M.I. Dolishnyi Institute of Regional Studies National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”).
2014 – she passed her Ph.D. thesis on theme: “Regulation of Urbanization Processes in the Region”, specialty 08.00.05 – Development of Productive Forces and Regional Economics .
2013 – 2014 – worked at the Department of Economics and Management of the LSAF (part-time). Since 2014 – associate professor of the Department of Economics and Management on a permanent basis.
Since September 2015 – associate professor of the Department of Economics and Management, the Faculty of Finance Management and Business, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
Title associate professor of the Department of Economics and Management Ivan Franko National University of Lviv awarded in 2018.
Doctor of Economics since 2020.
Official reviewer and opponent of dissertations.
The direction of scientific research is devoted to the processes of intensification of public-private partnership in the conditions of development of investment and innovation activity; study of public management and administration; the use of public-private partnership of local government; development and functioning of civil society.
Since September 2017, he has been the Head of the Department of Economics and Management (since 2020 the Department of Economics and Management has changed its name to the Department of Public Administration and Business Management.
She is the author of 100 scientific and methodological works, including 7 monographs, 4 in co-authorship.
Head of the research department “Formation of a partnership model of public authorities, civil society and business” (state registration number 0121U110273) and the guarantor of the educational program “Public administration and business management” of the second (master’s) level of higher education specialty 281 “Public administration and administration”.
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