Olena Reshota

Посада: Доцент, Department of Public administration and Business management

Електронна пошта: olena.reshota@lnu.edu.ua

Профіль у Google Scholar: scholar.google.com.ua

Профіль ORCID: orcid.org

Профіль у Scopus: www.scopus.com

Профіль у Facebook: www.facebook.com

Профіль у LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com

Наукові інтереси

The main scientific interests are in the theory and history of state administration, public administration and administration, technologies of public administration, communications in public administration and administration, international economic relations, international integration.

he author of more than 60 scientific publications (teaching manuals, scientific articles (including 4 scientific publications included in the international scientometric database Scopus and Web of Science), chapters in collective monographs, certified electronic training courses, theses of conferences, scientific and methodological recommendations for education seekers, encyclopedic articles).

  1. Professional internship program by participating in the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Paradigm of Public Management” (60 hours, 2 ECTS credits, 2019), Lviv National University named after I. Franko.
  2. International scientific and pedagogical internship in public administration on the topic “Professional development and pedagogical skills of teachers in public administration”, January 20 – February 28, 2020, 6 credits (180 hours), Zagreb, Republic of Croatia.
  3. Scientific-pedagogical internship program on the topic “Improving teaching skills”, October 1, 2020 – January 23, 2021, 6 credits (180 hours), Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ivan Franko National University, SV Certificate No. 02070987/ 000092-21;
  4. Advanced training program “Digital transformations in education, business, IT and culture”, March 25, 2021, volume 6 hours (0.2 ECTS credits), VGO “Ukrainian Association of Information Technology Specialists”, Certificate No. PK-K 21 -03/223
  5. Internship training program for teachers “ODOO/BJET – innovative tools for business management”, June 15-25, 2021, volume 30 hours, including practical classes, Certificate OCA/BE 68_2021.
  6. International advanced training on the topic “Selection, preparation, and publication of scientific articles in scientific publications indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases“, 1.5 credits (45 hours), July 12-July 19, 2021, Lublin, Poland, ES Certificate No. 6992/2021
  7. Advanced training on the topic “Advanced training of educators: requirements and latest trends”, 0.2 credits (6 hours), September 23, 2021, VGO “Ukrainian Association of Information Technology Specialists”, Certificate No. PK-K 21/09- 165
  8. Improving the qualifications of scientific and pedagogical workers under the program “Fundamentals of testology and development of test tasks” for EDKI specialty 281 “Public management and administration”, 2 p.m., June 22, 2021. – September 6, 2021, Kyiv, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Scientific and Methodological Center of Higher and Professional Pre-Higher Education.
  9. International autumn school “Transfer of technologies and innovations: European and Ukrainian experience” within the framework of Jean Monnet 611679-EPP-1-2019-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE “European Experience in Technology Transfer for Ukrainian Universities”/ EXTECH, (30 h.) November 3-10, 2021, Lviv, Lviv Polytechnic National University.
  10.  International German-Ukrainian technology transfer internship GUTT.INUP as part of the DAAD project “Partnership of Universities of Ukraine and Germany on Technology Transfer”, 6 ECTS, (180 hours) October 18 – December 1, 2021, (80 hours – workshops , 100 hours – project work), Würzburg (Germany) – Lviv, Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg, Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Kyiv Academic University with the support of the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD, Certificate 0101/ GUTT.INUP/2021
  11. Internship in the project for the development of cooperation between business and universities “Uni-Biz Bridge Camp” on the topic “Newest trends in the development of soft-skills of teachers”, (10 hours), July 11-14, 2022, CEO UGEN Ukraine, Certificate no. 747
  12. Advanced qualification on the topic “Project activity”, January 17, 2023 – February 14, 2023, with the amount of 16 academic hours / 0.5 ECTS credit, Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Certificate No. SV 2070987/000019-23
  13. Advanced training on the topic “Digital transformation of scientific activity in institutions of higher education in conditions of European integration” 0.1 credits (3 hours), January 31, 2023, Scientist Support Office, Certificate No. 20230131/726
  14. Advanced qualification “Legal studies for teachers”, 1 ECTS, (30 hours) April-May 2023, Faculty of Law, Ivan Franko University of Lviv.
  15. Improvement of qualifications in the project for the development of cooperation between business and education “Uni-Biz Bridge: Coaching, mentoring, mentoring”, (10 hours), May 15-17, 2023, CEO UGEN Ukraine, Certificate No. 205
  16. Advanced training “Modern aspects of modernization of science: state, problems, trends of development“, XXXV International Scientific and Practical Conference “August 7, 2023, 15 hours / 0.5 ECTS credit, Istanbul, (Turkey)
  17. 17. Improvement of qualifications in the project: Forum IP&I management: How to commercialize your innovative product and earn money?, October 13-14, 2023 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ukrainian National Office of Intellectual Property and Innovation
  18. Professional training course “EU Career Days 2023”, (30 hours/1 ECTS), October 2023, Ivan Franko University of Lviv, Certificate DKIES 032-2023
  19. Trainings as part of the “Design your future” Master Careers project, September-November 2023, Ivan Franko University of Lviv.
  20. The training program “How to create an inclusive educational environment?“, within the framework of the joint project “Educational bridge Chemnitz-Lviv 2.0” of Chemnitz Technical University and Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, December 16-20, 2023, Certificate IO 02070987/0060-23.

Scientific consultant for employees of the Pidberiztsivska village council of the united territorial community on the development of the “Strategy for the development of the OTG for the period until 2025”.

Guarantor of the educational and professional program “Public administration and business management” of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education.


Collective monographs:

  1. Reshota V., Reshota O. European Union – Ukraine Association Agreement: main problems and features // Ukraina–Polska–Unia Europejska. Ze studiów nad przeksztalceniami ustrojowymi na przelomie XX s XXI wieku / praca szorioba pod redakcją H. Stronskiego, J. Goloty, O. Krasiwskiego. – Lwów–Olsztyn–Ostrołęka : drukarnia J. J. Maciejewsczy, Przasnysz, 2014. – S. 51 – 57. — Access mode: http://www.otn.ostroleka.pl/images/Wydawnictwa/2019/Ukraina-Polska-Unia% 20Europejska.pdf
  2. Vaskivska K.V., Komarnytska G.O., Karpinskyi B.A., Reshota O.A. and others. Public administration and business management: an innovative approach. Collection Monograph. For science ed. Doctor of Economics, Prof. Vaskivska K. V. Lviv: “HALYCH-PRESS”, 2024. 280 p.


Teaching aids:

  1. Reshota O. A. Internal market of the European Union and international economic integration: ed. manual / O. A. Reshota. – Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2012. – 156 p.
  2. Reshota O. A. Electronic certified training course “Introduction to the profession. Theory and history of management”. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University, 2021. — URL: https://e-learning.lnu.edu.ua/course/view.php?id=3617


Articles in scientific professional publications:

  1. Reshota O. A. Improvement of public administration of Ukraine using the experience of foreign countries: problems and prospects [Text] / O. A. Reshota // Effectiveness of public administration: coll. of science works — Vol. 18 / 19 / for general ed. Prof. V. S. Zahorskyi, Assoc. A. V. Lipentseva. — Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2009. — P. 187—193. — Access mode: http://www.lvivacademy.com/vidavnitstvo_1/download/zb18_19.pdf
  2. Reshota O. A. Normative and legal principles of reforming the state administration of Ukraine [Electronic resource] / O. A. Reshota // Democratic governance. — 2009. — Vol. 3. — Access mode: http://lvivacademy.com/vidavnitstvo_1/visnik3/fail/+Reshota.pdf
  3. Reshota V.V., Reshota O.A. Reforming the European Union according to the Lisbon Treaty of 2007 / V.V. Reshota, O.A. Reshota // Effectiveness of state administration: coll. of science works — Vol. 25 / for total ed. Member-cor. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine V. S. Zahorskyi, Assoc. A. V. Lipentseva. — Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2010. – C.124-131. — Access mode: http://www.lvivacademy.com/vidavnitstvo_1/download/zb25.pdf
  4. Reshota O.A., Reshota V.V. Main concepts of reforming public administration in the USA and the European Union / O.A. Reshota, V.V. Reshota // Democratic governance. — 2010. — No. 6. — 7 p. — Access mode: http://lvivacademy.com/vidavnitstvo_1/visnik6/fail/Reshota.pdf
  5. Reshota O. A. The concept of democratic governance in the reform of the management of the European Union / O. A. Reshota // Effectiveness of state administration: coll. of science works — Vol. 27 / in general ed. Member-cor. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine V. S. Zahorskyi, Assoc. A. V. Lipentseva. — Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2011. – C.104-113. — Access mode: http://www.lvivacademy.com/vidavnitstvo_1/download/zb27.pdf
  6. Reshota O.A., Reshota V.V. The financial crisis of the Eurozone and the main ways of overcoming it / O.A. Reshota, V.V. Reshota // Effectiveness of state administration: coll. of science works — Vol. 31 / in general ed. Member-cor. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine V. S. Zahorskyi, Assoc. A. V. Lipentseva. — Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2012. – P. 265-273. Access mode: http://www.lvivacademy.com/vidavnitstvo_1/download/zb31.pdf
  7. Reshota O. A. Formation of the internal market of the European Union: prerequisites and features / O. A. Reshota // Democratic governance. — 2012. — No. 9. — 10 p. — Access mode: http://lvivacademy.com/vidavnitstvo_1/visnik9/fail/Reshota.pdf
  8. Sydorchuk O. G., Reshota O. A. Archetypes of democratic management culture: essence and general characteristics // Archetypes and public administration: civic self-organization, social mobility, social integration: coll. of science etc. winners and best authors of the Third International competition of young scientists; April 30 2015, Uzhhorod – Skalitsa / O. Sydorchuk, O. Reshota; for sciences ed. E. A. Afonina, G. L. Ryabtseva. – K.: Psyche, 2015. – P. 61–70. — Access mode: http://academy.gov.ua/NMKD/library_nadu/(13)/4490b1ce-e5fa-4e8d-99a8-37d868408b2d.pdf
  9. Reshota V., Reshota O., Syrko M. Entwicklung von theoretischen Vorstellungen über das Gerichtsrecht. Visegrad Journal on Human Rights. 2019. No. 6. Vol. 3. S. 146-149. (Indexed in the international scientometric database Index Copernicus).
  10. Reshota V., Reshota O. The concept of judicial law in the writings of Soviet researchers. Legal scientific electronic journal. 2020. No. 1. C. 269–272. URL: http://www.lsej.org.ua/1_2020/67.pdf. DOI https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0374/2020-1/65 (Indexed in the international scientometric database Index Copernicus).
  11. Reshota V., Bezzubov D., Zozulia I., Reshota O., Khytra O., Chystokletov L. Administrative justice: Main approaches of definition in common law and civil law countries. Arctic. 2020. Vol. 73. No. 2. P. 24–31. (Indexed in the international scientometric database Web of Science and Scopus). https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.085079543301&origin=inward&txGid=a98ff896ae977972ea381
  12. Reshota, V., Ilnytskyi, O., Syrko, M., Reshota O. Budgetary funds management in Ukraine: constitutional and international treaties regulation. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, Volume XI, Summer, 4(50). 2020. (Indexed in the international scientometric database Scopus) https://journals.aserspublishing.eu/jarle/article/view/5339
  13. Reshota O. A. Peculiarities of the development of public administration in Ukraine: modern trends and problems. Public administration: improvement and development. 2020. No. 3. – URL: http://www.dy.nayka.com.ua/?op=1&z=1603%20DOI:%2010.32702/2307-2156-2020.3.37
  14. Reshota V., Dzhokh R., Reshota O., Kryvenchuk Yu. Problems of legal regulation of support in the implementation of control operations in Ukraine and information technology to solve this problem. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2654, pp. 492-503. (Indexed in the international scientometric database Web of Science and Scopus).
  15. Reshota V., Zabolotna H., Reshota O., Hliborob N., Dzhokh R. Judicial decisions as a source of law. Questiones Políticas. 2022. Vol. 40. Núm. 72. pp. 353-367. DOI: DOI: https://doi.org/10.46398/cuestpol.4072.19. (Indexed in the international scientometric database Web of Science).


 Educational and methodological recommendations:

  1. Reshota O. A. European cohesion policy: essence, tools, practice of EU transnational projects: teaching method. river for students of the “Public administration” specialty / O. A. Reshota. – Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2010. – 50 s.
  2. Reshota O. A. Economic security: educational method. river for full-time and part-time students of the “Public Administration” specialty / O. A. Reshota. – Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2012 – 40 p.
  3. Reshota O.A., Reshota V.V. Competitive policy: teaching method. river for full-time and part-time students of the specialty 150,000 “Public administration” / O. A. Reshota. – Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2012. – 60 p.
  4. Reshota O. A. Internal market of the European Union and international economic integration: teaching method. river for full-time and part-time students of the specialty 150,000 “Public administration” / O. A. Reshota. – Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2012. – 68 p.
  5. Reshota O. A. Anti-crisis management: educational and methodical recommendations for correspondence students of specialty 8.15010001 “Government management” / O. A. Reshota. – Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2013. – 48 p.


Abstracts of reports, materials of scientific conferences

1.Reshota O. A.  Prospects for improving public administration of Ukraine in the context of foreign experience [Text] / O. A. Reshota // Democratic governance in the context of global challenges and crisis situations: Mater. science.-prof. conf. for international student (April 3, 2009, Lviv) : in 2 h. Part 2 / for science. ed. member-cor. NAS of Ukraine V.S. Zagorskyi, Assoc. A. V. Lipentseva. — Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2009. — P. 262—265. – Access mode: http://www.lvivacademy.com/vidavnitstvo_1/material_conf.htm

  1. Reshota O. Main trends in the development of public administration in foreign countries and Ukraine [Text] / O. A. Reshota // Reforming the system of public administration and civil service: theory and practice: Mater. science.-prof. conf. for international student (October 22, 2010, Lviv) : in 2 h. Part 1. / for science. ed. member-cor. NAS of Ukraine V.S. Zagorskyi, Assoc. A. V. Lipentseva. — Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2010. — P. 354—359. – Access mode: http://www.lvivacademy.com/vidavnitstvo_1/material_conf.htm
  2. Reshota O.A., Reshota V.V. Democratic governance as a model of reforming the multi-level management of the European Union [Text] / O.A. Reshota // Reforming the system of public administration and civil service: theory and practice: Mater. science.-prof. conf. for international student (April 8, 2011, Lviv) : in 2 h. Part 1. / for science. ed. member-cor. NAS of Ukraine V.S. Zagorskyi, Assoc. A. V. Lipentseva. — Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2011. — P. 354—359. – Access mode: http://www.lvivacademy.com/vidavnitstvo_1/material_conf.htm
  3. Reshota O. A., Reshota V. V. Levels of democratic governance [Text] / O. A. Reshota, V. V. Reshota // Modernization of the state administration system: theory and practice: Mater. science.-prof. conf. for international student (April 20, 2012, Lviv) : in 2 h. Part 2. / for Science. ed. member-cor. NAS of Ukraine V.S. Zagorskyi, Assoc. A. V. Lipentseva. — Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2012. — P. 126—129. – Access mode: http://www.lvivacademy.com/vidavnitstvo_1/material_conf.htm
  4. Reshota O.A., Reshota V.V. Electronic governance reform in Ukraine: problems and prospects / O.A. Reshota, V.V. Reshota // Modern paradigm of public management: collection of abstracts of the 1st international science and practice conf. (October 17–18, 2019). – Lviv: Lviv. national University named after I. Franka, 2019. – P. 432-436. URL: https://filos.lnu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Zbirnyk_tezy_LNU_2019_Paradyhma_PU.doc.pdf

6. Reshota V. V., Reshota O. A. Court decisions as sources of law in administrative proceedings. Voronov readings (Judicial precedent – a source of law or an example of law enforcement):  a collection of articles, reports and theses of the participants of the International science and practice conference, Irpin, October 4-5, 2019 / Editors: M. Kucheryavenko, O.  Golovashevych. Kharkiv: Association of Financial Law of Ukraine, 2019. P. 302–308. http://ir.nusta.edu.ua/jspui/bitstream/123456789/5152/1/4738_IR.pdf

  1. Reshota O. A. Interactive learning methods in the field of public administration. Scientific and pedagogical internship “Professional development and pedagogical excellence of public administration lecturers”: Internship proceeding, January 20-February 28, 2020. Zagreb. p. 13.
  2. Reshota O.A., Reshota V.V. Conceptual bases of ethical rules of behavior of civil servants. Actual problems of the economy, management and law in the conditions of today’s global challenges: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (Kyiv, June 12, 2020). Kyiv: East European Center for Scientific Research, 2020. 69 p. P. 53-56. URL: https://researcheurope.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/re-zbirnyk-12.06.pdf
  3. Reshota O. A. Professionalization and evaluation of the results of official activities of public servants / O. A. Reshota // Modern paradigm of public administration: collection of theses II international. science and practice conf. (November 12, 2020). – Lviv: Lviv. national University named after I. Franka, 2020. – P. 499-504. – Access mode: https://financial.lnu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Zbirnyk_tezy_LNU_2020_Paradyhma_PU-1.pdf
  4. Reshota O.A., Steblyk N. Formation of the Ukrainian model of local government decentralization based on the experience of European countries. The modern paradigm of public management: a collection of theses of the 2nd international science and practice conf. (November 12, 2020). – Lviv: Lviv. national University named after I. Franka, 2020. – P. 157-161. – Access mode: https://financial.lnu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Zbirnyk_02.2021.pdf
  5. Reshota O. A., Balyas Y. S. Electronic governance in Ukraine: current state and development prospects. The modern paradigm of public management: a collection of theses of the 2nd international science and practice conf. (November 12, 2020). – Lviv: Lviv. national University named after I. Franka, 2020. – P. 345-350. – Access mode: https://financial.lnu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Zbirnyk_02.2021.pdf
  6. Reshota O. A., Dobosevich Yu. Problems of youth policy in modern Ukraine Modern paradigm of public administration: collection of theses of the II International. science and practice conf. (November 12, 2020). – Lviv: Lviv. national University named after I. Franka, 2020. – P. 227-230. – Access mode: https://financial.lnu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Zbirnyk_02.2021.pdf
  7. Reshota O.A., Drozd Y.I. Peculiarities of the professional activity of a public servant: the ethical dimension. The modern paradigm of public management: a collection of theses of the 2nd international science and practice conf. (November 12, 2020). – Lviv: Lviv. national University named after I. Franka, 2020. – P. 504-509. – Access mode: https://financial.lnu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Zbirnyk_02.2021.pdf
  8. Reshota O. A. , A. O. Mizyk. Peculiarities of innovative development of the public administration system in Ukraine. The modern paradigm of public management: a collection of theses of the 2nd international science and practice conf. (November 12, 2020). – Lviv: Lviv. national University named after I. Franka, 2020. – P. 350-355. – Access mode: https://financial.lnu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Zbirnyk_02.2021.pdf
  9. Reshota O. A. Conceptual approaches to the transformation of the national system of public administration / O. A. Reshota // State financial policy of Ukraine in the conditions of European integration: views of scientists and practitioners: coll. theses of sciences add. according to the materials of II All-Ukrainian. science – practice conference, Lviv, February 18, 2021 – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University, 2021. – P. 311-314. – Access mode: https://financial.lnu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Zbirnyk_02.2021.pdf
  10. Reshota O. A. Implementation of the Institute of Public Services in Ukraine / O. A. Reshota // Collection of theses of the reporting scientific conference of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv for 2021 (electronic edition): Section of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management, (Lviv, February 1-8, 2022). – Lviv: LNU named after I. Franka, 2022. – P.149-153. – Access mode: https://financial.lnu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/ZBIRNYK_ZVITNA-KONF._2022.pdf
  11. Reshota O. A. Problems of implementation of electronic governance and provision of public electronic services in Ukraine in modern conditions. The modern paradigm of public management: a collection of theses of the 4th international science and practice conf. (November 10-12, 2022). – Lviv: Lviv. national University named after I. Franka, 2022. – P. 268-273. – Access mode: https://financial.lnu.edu.ua/wpcontent/uploads/2023/02/Konferentsiia_Suchasna_paradyhma_2022.pdf
  12. Reshota O. A. Anti-corruption policy of Ukraine: theoretical and legal approach. Collection of theses of the reporting scientific conference of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv for 2022 (electronic edition): Section of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management, (Lviv, February 1-8, 2023). – Lviv: LNU named after I.Franka, 2023. – P. 178-181. – URL: https://financial.lnu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/ZBIRNYK_ZVITNA-KONF._2023.pdf
  13. Reshota O.A., Liuliava V.V. Interaction of local Government Bodies and State Authority in the conditions of the implementation of Administrative and Territorial Reform in Ukraine. Modern aspects of the modernization of science: state, problems, development trends: materials of the XXXV International Scientific and Practical Conference / edited by I.V. Zhukova, E.O. Romanenko Istanbul (Turkey): NGO “VADND”, August 7, 2023, pp. 30-35. URL: http://perspectives.pp.ua/public/site/conference/conf-35.pdf
  14. Reshota O. A., Strilchuk O. A. The influence of information technologies on the interaction of citizens and the state in the context of electronic governance. Modern managerial and socio-economic aspects of the development of the state, regions and economic entities in the conditions of transformation of public administration: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (November 10, 2023). — Odesa: Odesa Polytechnic National University, 2023. P. 193-196. URL: https://economics.net.ua/files/science/admin_men/2023/tezy.pdf


Encyclopedic articles:

  1. Reshota O.A. Administrative and command management. Encyclopedia of public administration in 8 volumes – Volume 8 “Public administration” / science. ed. collegium V. S. Zahorskyi (chairman), S. O. Teleshun (co-chairman) and others. — Lviv. region state university example National Acad. state example under the President of Ukraine. — Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2011. – P. 31. URL: http://academy.gov.ua/NMKD/library_nadu/Encycloped_vydanniy/ec33d206-7309-4034-a00f-074bcb7916ce.pdf
  2. Reshota O. A. Civil rights. Encyclopedia of public administration in 8 volumes – Volume 8 “Public administration” / science. ed. collegium V. S. Zahorskyi (chairman), S. O. Teleshun (co-chairman) and others. — Lviv. region state university example National Acad. state example under the President of Ukraine. — Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2011. – P. 115. URL: http://academy.gov.ua/NMKD/library_nadu/Encycloped_vydanniy/ec33d206-7309-4034-a00f-074bcb7916ce.pdf
  3. Reshota O. A. Delegation of powers. Encyclopedia of public administration in 8 volumes – Volume 8 “Public administration” / science. ed. collegium V. S. Zahorskyi (chairman), S. O. Teleshun (co-chairman) and others. — Lviv. region state university example National Acad. state example under the President of Ukraine. — Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2011. – P. 127. URL: http://academy.gov.ua/NMKD/library_nadu/Encycloped_vydanniy/ec33d206-7309-4034-a00f-074bcb7916ce.pdf
  4. Reshota O. A. Dualism of executive power. Encyclopedia of public administration in 8 volumes – Volume 8 “Public administration” / science. ed. collegium V. S. Zahorskyi (chairman), S. O. Teleshun (co-chairman) and others. — Lviv. region state university example National Acad. state example under the President of Ukraine. — Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2011. – P. 193. URL: http://academy.gov.ua/NMKD/library_nadu/Encycloped_vydanniy/ec33d206-7309-4034-a00f-074bcb7916ce.pdf
  5. Reshota O. A. Bodies of executive power. Encyclopedia of public administration in 8 volumes – Volume 8 “Public administration” / science. ed. collegium V. S. Zahorskyi (chairman), S. O. Teleshun (co-chairman) and others. — Lviv. region state university example National Acad. state example under the President of Ukraine. — Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2011. – P. 376. URL: http://academy.gov.ua/NMKD/library_nadu/Encycloped_vydanniy/ec33d206-7309-4034-a00f-074bcb7916ce.pdf
  6. Reshota O. A. Narod. Encyclopedia of public administration in 8 volumes – Volume 8 “Public administration” / science. ed. collegium V. S. Zahorskyi (chairman), S. O. Teleshun (co-chairman) and others. — Lviv. region state university example National Acad. state example under the President of Ukraine. — Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2011. – P. 356. URL: http://academy.gov.ua/NMKD/library_nadu/Encycloped_vydanniy/ec33d206-7309-4034-a00f-074bcb7916ce.pdf
  7. Reshota O. A. Equality is political. Encyclopedia of public administration in 8 volumes – Volume 8 “Public administration” / science. ed. collegium V. S. Zahorskyi (chairman), S. O. Teleshun (co-chairman) and others. — Lviv. region state university example National Acad. state example under the President of Ukraine. — Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2011. – P. 507. URL: http://academy.gov.ua/NMKD/library_nadu/Encycloped_vydanniy/ec33d206-7309-4034-a00f-074bcb7916ce.pdf
  8. Reshota O. A. Freedom of conscience. Encyclopedia of public administration in 8 volumes – Volume 8 “Public administration” / science. ed. collegium V. S. Zahorskyi (chairman), S. O. Teleshun (co-chairman) and others. — Lviv. region state university example National Acad. state example under the President of Ukraine. — Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2011. – P. 521. URL: http://academy.gov.ua/NMKD/library_nadu/Encycloped_vydanniy/ec33d206-7309-4034-a00f-074bcb7916ce.pdf
  9. Reshota O. A. Government. Encyclopedia of public administration in 8 volumes – Volume 8 “Public administration” / Science. ed. collegium V. S. Zahorskyi (chairman), S. O. Teleshun (co-chairman) and others. — Lviv. region state university example National Acad. state example under the President of Ukraine. — Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2011. – P. 588. URL: http://academy.gov.ua/NMKD/library_nadu/Encycloped_vydanniy/ec33d206-7309-4034-a00f-074bcb7916ce.pdf
  10. Reshota O. A. Equal governance. Encyclopedia of public administration in 8 volumes – Volume 8 “Public administration” / Science. ed. collegium V. S. Zahorskyi (chairman), S. O. Teleshun (co-chairman) and others. — Lviv. region state university example National Acad. state example under the President of Ukraine. — Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2011. – P. 593. URL: http://academy.gov.ua/NMKD/library_nadu/Encycloped_vydanniy/ec33d206-7309-4034-a00f-074bcb7916ce.pdf


In 2005 graduated with honors from the Faculty of International Relations of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, the specialty «international economic relations», qualification «economist-international». Translator.

Since 2005 studied at the postgraduate school of the Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration, the President of Ukraine.

June 2006 – Trainee in the Land Government of Styria (Austria).

September 2007 – Traineeship in City Council of Berlin (Germany).

October 2007 – Traineeship at the Institute of Public Administration, Police and Law (Gusterov, Germany).

September – October 2008 – Traineeship in the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Provincial Government (Schwerin, Germany) and the Institute of Public Administration, Police and Law (Gusterov, Germany).

Since 2008 has been working as a lecturer in the Department of European Integration and Law of the Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration, the President of Ukraine.

October 2009 – Traineeship at the Institute of Public Administration, Police and Law (Gusterov, Germany).

In 2010 defended her Candidate’s Dissertation in the specialty 25.00.01 «Theory and History of Public Administration» and received the scientific degree of the Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration.

Since September 2010 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Public Administration and Foreign Languages of the Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration, the President of Ukraine.

Since September 2012 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of State Administration and Local Self-government of the Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration, the President of Ukraine.

Since September 2018 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics of the Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration, the President of Ukraine.

Since 2019 – Assistant to the Department of Economics and Management of the Faculty of Financial and Business Management of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

Since September 2019 – Associate Professor of Economics and Management of the Faculty of Financial and Business Management of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

2020 – assignment of the academic title of associate professor of the department of public administration and business management of Ivan Franko Lviv National University.

2019-2023 – head of the scientific student-postgraduate group “State Creator”, deputy head of the department for educational work.

Guarantor of the educational and professional program “Public administration and business management” of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education, reviewer and opponent of dissertation works, supervisor of a graduate student.


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