Operating Systems

Type: For the student's choice

Department: department of digital economics and business analytics




SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)
316Yarema O. R.

Laboratory works

SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
324УФЕ-21сYarema O. R., Sytnyk V. Y.

Course description

When completing this discipline, students will get acquainted with the concept of “operating system”, the basic composition of operating system components, operating system functions, methods and algorithms for managing local and distributed resources: processor, memory, input-output devices. In laboratory classes, students will learn how to work with client operating systems Windows 10(11), MacOS and Linux (Centos, Android) using a graphical environment and the command line, system administration, process management in operating systems.

The architecture and construction of operating systems, requirements for them, main subsystems, possible algorithms and ways of implementing resource management tools are studied. Methods and mechanisms of processor time distribution, process interaction, shared access to resources, and memory allocation are considered in detail. Principles of organization of input-output and file systems are studied. The basics of implementing distributed systems are considered.

The construction of the discipline “Operating Systems” is motivated by the requirements of the OPP and connections with other disciplines studied before, after, and in parallel with this discipline. The program of the discipline is aimed both at forming the outlook of students, expanding their ideas about modern information and communication technologies, mastering general principles, and at acquiring practical skills for performing tasks that are part of the range of issues considered in this discipline. This affects the choice of material (explanation of basic principles, basic information and the most characteristic modern examples).

Teaching of lecture material involves the use of modern technical means (presentation). Modular control work is carried out in the form of a set of tests using the moodle system. Lecture materials and the content of laboratory work are adjusted annually, taking into account modern versions of software and new technologies. Lecture materials and the content of laboratory works are available to students in electronic form.

The subject of the academic discipline

The subject of the academic discipline is the study of the discipline structure and functioning of centralized operating systems, processes, management of the processor, memory, input-output devices, main characteristics of distributed systems, processes and synchronization of processes in distributed systems.

The purpose of the educational discipline

Training of highly qualified specialists who will have knowledge of the principles of operation of operating systems and apply knowledge in software development, have skills in OS interaction with application software and administration of Windows, MacOS and Linux operating systems, as well as be able to reasonably choose an operating system to solve certain tasks .

Requirements for knowledge and skills

The study of the educational discipline “Operating Systems” involves the achievement of such a qualification level of bachelor’s training, for which he must:

a) know:

  • concept of OS;
  • varieties of OS and their differences;
  • structures of file systems of different OS and their differences;
  • concepts of terminals and shells;
  • commands for working with files and directories in different OS;
  • concept of graphic interface;
  • built-in programs for working with text and graphics.

b) be able to:

  • use system software tools, operating systems and shells, service programs for specific applied tasks;
  • use technology, methods and means of developing protected software;
  • apply knowledge of the methodology and principles of building modern operating systems, methods of multitasking,
  • debug systems when going through the installation stages with the help of the wizard and through the command line;
  • work in different OS;
  • create and mount file systems;
  • organize a transition between different file systems;
  • configure systems for network operation.


The place of the educational discipline in the structural and logical scheme

The educational discipline is interconnected with such disciplines as “Information and communication technologies”, “Information systems in management”, “Computer networks”.

Learning outcomes

As a result of studying the educational discipline “Operating Systems”, students will be able to:

  1. Analyze the architecture of the operating system, determine the basic components, formulate requirements for the operating system based on certain applied tasks.
  2. Understand the principles of process and flow management in the operating system, the implementation of these principles in modern operating systems (in particular, Windows and Linux).
  3. Monitor active processes and manage them, use software interfaces of the Linux operating system for tasks of automated process management.
  4. Understand the principles and know the software mechanisms of synchronization and interaction of processes, apply these mechanisms in the Linux system.
  5. Understand the principles of RAM management, the implementation of these principles in modern operating systems (in particular, Windows and Linux).
  6. Monitor Linux system memory usage and programmatically manage memory allocation and deallocation.
  7. Understand the principles of input-output management in the operating system, the implementation of these principles in modern operating systems (in particular, Windows, MacOS and Linux).
  8. Understand the principles of organization of file systems, know the structure of modern file systems, basic operations for working with them, as well as apply software interfaces of the Linux system for monitoring and managing file systems.
  9. Understand the principles of organizing distributed systems and implementing distributed file systems and calling remote procedures.

Recommended Literature

  1. Akhmetov Kamil Guide to Microsoft Windows. – M.: Russian Edition, 2001.-384p.
  2. Linux basic course. URL: https://www.opennet.ru/docs/RUS/linux_base/
  3. Volokh S.V. Ubuntu Linux from scratch / S.V. Wallachian – Kyiv: BHV Publishing Group, 2018. – 400 p.
  4. Galochkin O.V. Operating Systems. Synopsis of lectures. – BDFEU. – Chernivtsi, 2014. – 120 p.
  5. Golubnychy D.Yu. Operating systems [Electronic resource]/ D.Yu. Golubnychiy, A.V. Kholodkova – Kharkiv: KHNEU named after S. Kuznetsa, 2018. – 317 p. Access mode: http://repository.hneu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/23844.
  6. Golubnychy D.Yu. Operating Systems. Laboratory practice / D.Yu. Golubnychy, A.V. Kholodkova, O.V. Shmatko, M.M. Roe. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2019. – 336 p. Access mode: http://library.kpi.kharkov.ua/files/new_postupleniya/opsilp.pdf.
  7. Golubnychy D.Yu. System programming and operating systems. Part 2. Tutorial. / D.Yu. Golubnychy, V.F. Tretyak, S.V. Watermelon. – Kharkiv: Ed. Khneu, 2005. – 264 p.
  8. Golubnychy D.Yu. System programming and operating systems. Part 1. Tutorial. / D.Yu. Golubnychy, V.F. Tretyak – Kharkiv: Ed. KhDEU, 2004. – 192 p.
  9. Gordeev, A. Yu. Molchanov. System software. Textbook – St. Petersburg. Peter, 2001. – 734 p.
  10. Granneman S. Linux. Pocket guide / S. Granneman. – Kyiv: Dialektika, 2019. – 464 p.
  11. V. Irtegov Introduction to operating systems, 2nd edition. – BHV-Petersburg, 2008. -695p.
  12. Deitel H., P. Deitel, D. R. Chofnes Operational systems. Part 1. Basics and principles.
  13. Electronic campus of NTUU “KPI”. Access for registered users
  14. Zaitsev V.G. Operating systems: education. manual for students / V. G. Zaitsev, I. P. Drobyazko; KPI named after Igor Sikorsky. – Kyiv: KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi, 2019. – 240 p.
  15. Kostogryz. The method of using double-boot and multi-boot of operating systems of the Microsoft Windows family from an external system disk / V. Kostogryz // Electronics and information technologies. – Issue 10. – Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2018. – P. 109–120.
  16. Kostromin V.A. Linux tutorial for the user. – St. Petersburg: BHV – Petersburg, 2003. -672 p.: ill.
  17. Michael C. Johnson, Eric W. Troan. Application development in the Linux environment.
  18. Olifer V.G., Olifer N.A. Network operating systems. – St. Petersburg: Izda-telsky domPyter, 2001.
  19. Kolibri operating system [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://kolibrios.org/ .
  20. Personal training system “Operating systems” [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: https://pns.hneu.edu.ua/course/view.php?id= 7820
  21. Pogrebnyak B. I. Operating systems: teaching. manual / B.I. Pogrebnyak, M.V. Bulaenko – Kharkiv: XNUMX named after O. M. Beketova, 2018. – 104 p.
  22. Programming for linux. 2nd edition. – Williams, 2007 – 544 p.
  23. Rukin M. Operating systems / M. Rukin, M. Grigoriev, T. Balalaeva. – Vinnytsia: Librokom, 2016. – 350 p.
  24. Russynovych M. Internal structure of Microsoft Windows. Part 1 / M. Russynovych, D. Solomon. – Kyiv: Peter in Ukraine, 2013. – 800 p.
  25. Russynovych M. Internal structure of Microsoft Windows. Part 2. Main OS subsystems M. Russynovych, D. Solomon. A. Ionescu. – Kyiv: Peter in Ukraine, 2014. – 672 p.
  26. Moodle electronic testing system of the department of information security of FTI. Access from the NTUU “KPI” network during classes. The URL is provided by the instructor
  27. Scott Granneman. Linux. Pocket reference book. – Dialectics, 2019. – 464 p.
  28. Sneider J. Effective programming of TCP/IP. – Publishing House Peter, 2001.
  29. Stevens U. UNIX: development of network applications. – St. Petersburg: Izdatelsky dom Piter, 2003.
  30. Stallings William Operating systems. – M: Williams, 2002. – 848p.
  31. Tanenbaum E. Computer networks. – St. Petersburg: Izdatelsky dom Piter, 2003.
  32. Tanenbaum E. Modern operating systems. – St. Petersburg: Izdatelsky dom Piter, 2002.
  33. Tanenbaum E., Bos H. Modern operating systems. – Kyiv: Peter in Ukraine, 2018. – 1120 p
  34. Tanenbaum E., Van Steen M. Distributed systems. Principles and paradigms. – St. Petersburg: Izdatelsky dom Piter, 2003.
  35. Tretyak V.F. Basics of operating systems. Study guide / V.F. Tretyak, D.Yu. Golubnychy, S.V. Watermelon. – Kharkiv, Ed. Khneu, 2005. – 228 p.
  36. Williams Stevens. UNIX. Interaction of processes. – PETER, 2002, – 573 p.
  37. M. Fedotova-Piven Operating systems: study guide. [edited by V.M. Rudnytskyi] / I. M. Fedotova-Piven, I. V. Myronets, O. B. Piven, S. V. Sysoenko, T. V. Myronyuk. – Cherkasy State Technological University. – Kharkiv: “DISA PLUS” LLC, 2019. – 216 p.
  38. Shekhovtsov V. A. Operating systems. – K.: BHV Publishing Group, 2005. – 576c.
  39. Shekhovtsov V.A. Operating Systems. – K.: BHV Publishing Group, 2005. – 576 p.: illustrations.
  40. Tanenbaum Modern operating systems. – St. Petersburg Ed. St. Petersburg: 2010. – 1120 p.
  41. FTP site of the FTI NTUU “KPI”. URL: ftp://pti.kpi.ua/pub/OS
  42. Gary Nutt. Operating Systems (3rd Edition), ISBN 978-020-177344-6, Published by Pearson ©2003. – 894 p.
  43. Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft Windows XP Professional . – M.: Russian edition, 2002.-1008p.
  44. Microsoft Windows 2000/Uchebny kurs MCSE..- M.: Publishing and trading house “Russkaya Redaktsia”, 2001.- 631p.
  45. Osamu Aoki. Debian Reference. URL: https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/debian-reference.en.pdf
  46. Windows [ Electronic resource ] . – Mode access : http://windows.microsoft.com/ru-ru/windows/home.
  47. Windows Sysinternals [ Electronic resource ] . – Mode Access : http://technet.microsoft.com/ru-ru/sysinternals.

Internet resources

  1. Linux basic course. URL: https://www.opennet.ru/docs/RUS/linux_base/
  2. Golubnychy D.Yu. Operating systems [Electronic resource]/ D.Yu. Golubnychy, A.V. Kholodkova – Kharkiv: KHNEU named after S. Kuznetsa, 2018. – 317 p. Access mode: http://repository.hneu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/23844.
  3. Kolibri operating system [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://kolibrios.org/ .
  4. FTP site of the FTI NTUU “KPI”. URL: ftp://pti.kpi.ua/pub/OS
  5. Osamu Aoki. Debian Reference. URL: https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/debian-reference.en.pdf
  6. Windows [ Electronic resource ] . – Mode access : http://windows.microsoft.com/ru-ru/windows/home.
  7. Windows Sysinternals [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://technet.microsoft.com/ru-ru/sysinternals.


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