Tools for measuring and evaluating socio-economic processes

Тип: Нормативний

Кафедра: department of digital economics and business analytics

Навчальний план



СеместрК-сть годинЛекторГрупа(и)
1016професор Shevchuk I. B.УФЕМ-51с


СеместрК-сть годинГрупаВикладач(і)
1032УФЕМ-51спрофесор Shevchuk I. B.

Опис курсу

The subject of the discipline “Tools for measuring and evaluating socio-economic processes” are indicators, methods and applications for the study of socio-economic processes and phenomena at the macro, meso and micro levels.
The purpose of studying the discipline “Tools for measuring and evaluating socio-economic processes” – the formation of a system of theoretical knowledge and practical skills on the use of economic-mathematical, econometric and statistical methods and techniques for studying the dynamics of phenomena and processes of socio-economic life and their practical skills application for problem identification and management decision making.
The main tasks of the discipline “Tools for measuring and evaluating socio-economic processes”: coverage of theoretical aspects of modern methods of analysis of various socio-economic phenomena and processes of social life; mastering the methods of calculating the main indicators of diagnostics of economic and business processes; mastering the basics of applying the tools of statistical analysis in practice in the development of management decisions, taking into account the risks and possible socio-economic consequences of decisions.

Requirements for knowledge and skills

When studying the discipline “Tools for measuring and evaluating socio-economic processes”, students of higher education acquire the following competences (ability):
IC1 – The ability to identify and solve complex economic tasks and problems, to make appropriate analytical and managerial decisions in the field of economics or in the learning process, which involves conducting research and/or implementing innovations under uncertain conditions and requirements.
ZK2. Ability to abstract thinking, analysis, synthesis.
ZK8. Ability to conduct research at an appropriate level.
SK3. The ability to collect, analyze and process statistical data, scientific and analytical materials, which are necessary for solving complex economic problems, to draw reasonable conclusions based on them.
SK4. The ability to use modern information technologies, methods and methods of research of economic and social processes, adequate to the established needs of the research.
SK6. The ability to formulate professional tasks in the field of economics and solve them, choosing the appropriate directions and appropriate methods for their solution, taking into account the available resources.
SK9. The ability to apply a scientific approach to the formation and implementation of effective projects in the social and economic sphere.
SK11. The ability to plan and develop projects in the field of economy, to implement its informational, methodical, material, financial and personnel support.

Program learning outcomes:
PR01. Formulate, analyze and synthesize solutions to scientific and practical problems.
PR04. Develop socio-economic projects and a system of complex actions for their implementation, taking into account their goals, expected socio-economic consequences, risks, legislative, resource and other restrictions.
PR07. Choose effective methods of managing economic activity, substantiate the proposed solutions on the basis of relevant data and scientific and applied research.
PR08. Collect, process and analyze statistical data, scientific and analytical materials necessary for solving complex economic problems.
PR09. Make effective decisions under uncertain conditions and requirements that require the use of new approaches, methods and tools of socio-economic research.
PR10. Apply modern information technologies and specialized software in socio-economic research and management of socio-economic systems.
PR11. Determine and critically evaluate the state and trends of socio-economic development, form and analyze models of economic systems and processes.
PR14. Develop scenarios and strategies for the development of socio-economic systems
PR15. Organize the development and implementation of socio-economic projects, taking into account informational, methodical, material, financial and personnel support.

The study of the discipline involves the achievement of such a qualification level of student training, for which he must:
a) to know

  • methodologies and main categories of measurement and evaluation of socio-economic processes;
  • sources of statistical information and the main ways of obtaining data in various spheres of business and social life;
  • methods of statistical research and the scope of their possible application to identify problems and justify decisions on business development;
  • specific methods and techniques by which social and economic statistical information is analyzed at the micro and macro levels;
  • approaches to decision-making in conditions of lack of information and in conditions of uncertainty;
  • a system of indicators that allows a comprehensive and in-depth study of the state and development of all sectors of the economy, various social and economic processes, their trends and patterns;
  • capabilities of the R environment for statistical and graphical data analysis;

b) be able to

  • use modern information systems and information technologies to solve analytical and research problems;
  • analyze and systematize statistical information data sources that characterize the functioning of the economy, business sector and social sphere;
  • present, convert and analyze economic data in tabular and graphical form;
  • collect, analyze and process data necessary to solve economic and social problems;
  • conduct statistical surveys;
  • analyze, evaluate and interpret the results of statistical research, substantiate conclusions;
  • implement algorithms of economic and statistical analysis using specialized software packages;
  • analyze changes in socio-economic phenomena in time and space;
  • identify and measure the relationship between socio-economic phenomena and processes;
  • select and apply methods of statistical analysis to study and justify solutions to problems that have arisen in business and management;
  • calculate statistical indicators of efficiency of economic activity, innovation and investment activity, market conditions, prices, inflation, finance, variations in the quality of products and services, etc .;
  • identify and formulate problems that can be solved through the use of statistical analysis methods;
  • interpret the results of statistical analysis of business objects;
  • analyze and visualize data in R language in the software environment RStudio.

Рекомендована література


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