HR manager and recruiter in an IT company (training course)

Тип: На вибір студента

Кафедра: department of digital economics and business analytics

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СеместрК-сть годинЛекторГрупа(и)
818доцент Borshchuk  I. V.


СеместрК-сть годинГрупаВикладач(і)
836УФЕ-41сдоцент Borshchuk  I. V., Vaskiv O. M.

Опис курсу

The development of the IT sphere and the successful operation of IT companies depend on the qualifications of IT specialists, their ability and desire to work productively , therefore the issue of personnel management should occupy one of the main positions in the strategy of the development of the IT sphere of Ukraine, reducing the disparity in the demand and supply of highly qualified specialists , stopping their possible outflow abroad. In addition, the companies themselves, in order to occupy leading positions in the market, attract and retain highly qualified and talented specialists, need a special policy regarding work with personnel.

Accordingly, there is an active need for IT companies to find new mechanisms and personnel management tools to ensure their effective work, for professional development and retention of talented specialists. In this regard, companies of this type have a rather specific HR management.

All this is the basis of the fact that in-depth study of the discipline “HR manager and recruiter in an IT company” is a necessity today, especially for the contingent of specialists in information technologies for business.

The subject of the academic discipline

The subject of the discipline “HR manager and recruiter in IT companies” is the study of the main mechanisms and tools of HR management and recruiting in IT companies.

The purpose of the educational discipline

The purpose of studying the discipline “HR manager and recruiter in an IT company” is to form a system of knowledge and skills in the field of HR management and recruiting in an IT company, to acquire the basic skills of finding highly qualified specialists in the IT field.


Main tasks

The main tasks of the discipline “HR manager and recruiter in IT companies” are: providing knowledge on the application of the main mechanisms and tools of HR management and recruiting in IT companies; formation of students’ skills in using search resources and X- ray, boolean tools search , google search , as well as other sources of finding qualified specialists for IT companies, working on candidate search platforms for IT companies, evaluating and supporting the candidate during interviews, orienting themselves in programming languages and the basics of software development methodology: Agile , Waterfall , Scrum , Extreme Programming , Rapid Application Development Methodology , Spiral ;

The place of the educational discipline in the structural and logical scheme

The discipline “HR manager and recruiter in an IT company” is interconnected with such a discipline as “Information systems in HR management”.


Requirements for knowledge and skills :

Study educational disciplines provides achievement such qualification equal preparation student , for whose he should :

a) to know

  • basic requirements for the knowledge and skills of an HR manager and an IT recruiter ;
  • the main duties, requirements and competencies of an IT recruiter
  • navigate programming languages and know the difference between them;
  • sources of finding qualified specialists for IT companies;
  • concepts of web programming
  • basics of front-end and back-end development ;
  • basics of software development methodology: Agile , Waterfall , Scrum , Extreme Programming , Rapid Application Development Methodology , Spiral ;
  • concepts and types of CRM systems;
  • types, types and principles of communications;

b) to be able to

  • work on platforms for posting resumes of IT candidates;
  • evaluate candidates;
  • provide recommendations on the structure of the candidate’s CV and resume
  • use search resources and X- ray , boolean tools search , google search _
  • develop your own EVP, internal and external employer brand: research, KPIs or performance analysis;
  • use CRM systems to search for new candidates;
  • form teams depending on the goals set by the management
  • accompany the candidate during interviews and interviews.

Рекомендована література

Main :

  1. Zalyubinska L.M., Skoryk M.L. HRM: Textbook , part the first / L.M. Zalyubinska , M.L. Skoryk – Odesa : Odesa national university named after I.I. Mechnikova , 2016. – 252 p.
  2. Zalyubinska L.M., Skoryk M.L. HRM: textbook , part second / L.M. Zalyubinska , M.L. Skoryk – Odesa : Odesa national university named after I.I. Mechnikova , 2017. – 410 p
  3. Dyakiv O.P., Ostroverkhov V.M. HR: educational and methodical manual ( ed the second , processed . And supplemented ). – Ternopil : TNEU, 2018. – 288 p.
  4. Management staff : educational manual for students higher educational institutions / Yu.I. Palekha ; Ministry education and science of Ukraine . – Kyiv : Lira -K, 2016. – 336 p.
  5. HRM. Workshop : educational manual for students higher educational institutions / Yu.E. Petrunya , S.P. Kolyada , N.S. Kovtun ; Ministry education and science of Ukraine , University customs affairs and of finance – Dnipropetrovsk : [ University customs affairs and of Finance ], 2016. – 211 p.
  6. Evaluation and development personnel in an IT company [ Electronic resource ]. – Mode access : module= profession&op = view&id =1504.
  7. Portrait Ukrainian IT-HR recruiter [ Electronic resource ]. – Mode access :
  8. Profession Recruiter [ Electronic resource ]. – Mode access :
  9. In Ukraine is growing the need for IT specialists [ Electronic resource ]. – Mode access :
  10. Dictionary behavioral competencies

Additional :

  1. HR management : synopsis of lectures [ Electronic resource ] : teach _ help _ for study _ specialty 073 ” Management / KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi ; Compiled by : M.V. Shkrobot , L.L. Veduta – Electronic textual data (1 file : 2.9MB). – Kyiv : KPI named after Igor Sikorsky , 2020. – 270 p.
  2. Havrysh O.A. Technologies management personnel .: monograph / O.A. Havrish , L.E. Dovgan , I.M. Kreidich, N.V. Semenchenko – Kyiv : NTUU “KPI named after Igor Sikorsky “, 2017. – 528 p.
  3. Management staff : textbook / O. M. Shubaly , N. T. Rud , A. I. Gordiychuk , I. V. Shubala , M. I. Dzyamulych , O. V. Potemkina , O. V. Sereda ; by general _ ed . O. M. Shubaly . – Lutsk : IVV of Lutsk NTU, 2018. – 404 p.
  4. Orlova , O. M. Peculiarities management personnel in the IT sphere // Scientific herald Uzhhorodskyi national university : Series : International economic relations and world economy – Uzhgorod : Publisher ” Helvetika ” house , 2017. – Vol . 11. – pp. 117–120.


  2. https://www.linkedin
  3. http://hrliga


Working program of the discipline

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