Algorithmization And Programming
Тип: Нормативний
Кафедра: department of digital economics and business analytics
Навчальний план
Семестр | Кредити | Звітність |
2 | 3 | Залік |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Лектор | Група(и) |
2 | 16 | професор Shevchuk I. B. | УФЕ-11с |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Група | Викладач(і) |
2 | 32 | УФЕ-11с | професор Shevchuk I. B., професор Shevchuk I. B. |
Опис курсу
Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine the activities of any successful organization or enterprise without the effective use of information technology and information systems, the design and development of which ends with the process of programming the latter. The basis of programming is the process of algorithmization and the concept of algorithm, as well as knowledge of algorithmic languages.
At the same time, the formation of the future specialist of algorithmic thinking, the ability to clearly formulate the problem, to decompose it and find a solution, not only allows you to solve problems that arise in any field of human activity, but also to be competitive in the labor market.
All this is the basis of the fact that in-depth study of the discipline “Algorithmization and Programming” is a necessity today, especially for the contingent of specialists in information technology for business.
The subject of the discipline “Algorithmization and programming” are the basics of algorithmization and construction of program algorithms; basic syntax and basic elements of the C++ programming language.
The purpose of studying the discipline “Algorithmization and Programming” is to help students develop algorithmic thinking, as it teaches to reduce a complex problem, in particular, non-technical or non-mathematical origin, to simpler problems, obtain, design and analyze the results of their solution, draw conclusions about achievements goals and correctness of planned actions, model real-world objects, and study models, draw conclusions about the adequacy of the object model, use the principles of problem-oriented and object-oriented approaches not only to solving problems in computer science or other subjects , but also in everyday activities. Formation of knowledge and skills necessary for solving problems with the use of personal computer and modern software.
The main tasks of the discipline “Algorithmization and programming” – to get acquainted with the basic concepts of the theory of algorithms, with the most common algorithmic systems; master the principles of organization of algorithmic processes and forms of their implementation; to get acquainted with the main languages of the description of algorithms, features of programming in programming language C++, principles of the organization and realization of programs.
Requirements for knowledge and skills
a) to know
- elements of algorithm theory, procedural and visual programming,
- the concept of algorithm and methods of setting algorithms,
- stages of solving problems using a computer,
- typical methods of modeling,
- the concept of data types and operations on data of different types,
- the concept of structural programming,
- basic algorithmic constructions (sequence, branching, cycle) and corresponding commands in the C programming language.
b) be able to
- formalize the applied problem and interpret it in terms of programming;
- to develop algorithms for solving typical mathematical and applied problems;
- to choose the method of realization of standard algorithms of data processing adequate to the task;
- describe algorithms for solving typical problems by means of graphical schemes and programming language C++.
Рекомендована література
- Bandorina L.M., Klimkovich T.O., Udachyna K.O. Basics of algorithmization and programming: teaching. manual. Dnipro: UDUNT, 2022. 158 p.
- Vinnyk V.Yu. Algorithmic languages and basics of programming: S language – Zhytomyr: Zhdtu, 2007. – 328 p.
- George Heinemann, Gary Pollis, Stanley Selkow. Algorithms. Reference with examples in C, C++, Java and Python. – Dialectics, 2017. 432 p.
- Information technologies in business. Part 1: Education. manual / [Shevchuk I.B., Starukh A.I., Vaskiv O.M. and others]; in general ed. I. B. Shevchuk. Lviv: NNVK “ATB” Publishing House, 2020. 535 p.
- Kirylenko N. M. Fundamentals of algorithmization and programming: Laboratory practice: teaching manual. / N. M. Kirylenko. Vinnytsia: GLOBUS-PRESS, 2014. 200 p.
- Kovalyuk T.V. Algorithmization and programming. 221. Lviv: Magnolia-2006, 400 p.
- Kozak L. I. Basics of programming: teaching. manual / L. I. Kozak, I. V. Kostyuk, S. P. Stachevych. – Lviv: “New World-2000”, 2017. – 328 p.
- Kubliy, L. I. Algorithmization and programming. Workshop: study guide / L. I. Kublii. Kyiv: KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi, 2019. 209 p.
- Pekarsky B.H. Basics of programming: Study guide. Condor, 2018. – 364 p.
- C++. Fundamentals of programming. Theory and practice: a textbook / [O.G. Trofymenko, Yu.V. Prokop, I.H. Shvayko, L.M. Bukata and others] ; under the editorship of O.H. Trofymenko. – Odesa: Phoenix, 2010. – 544 p.
- Trofymenko O.G. C++. Algorithmization and programming: a textbook / O.H. Trofymenko, Yu.V. Prokop, N.I. Loginova, O.V. Zadereiko 2nd edition processing and additional – Odesa: Phoenix, 2019. – 477 p.
- Shpak Z.Ya. Programming in the C language: Education. manual. / Z.Ya. Starling. – 2nd edition, supplemented. – Lviv: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic, 2011. – 436 p.
- Hryshanovych T. O. Course of lectures on the discipline “Algorithms and data structures”. Lutsk: Lesya Ukrainka University, 2021. 110 p.
- Kovalyuk T.V. Fundamentals of programming. / Kovalyuk T.V. – Kyiv: BHV Kyiv, 2005. – 400 p.
- Programming and algorithmic languages 1. algorithmization and basics of programming: Outline of lectures: teaching. guide/ arrangement: I.V. Nazarchuk. Kyiv: KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi, 2020. 140 p.
- Shevchuk I. B. Information technologies in the regional economy: theory and practice of implementation and use: monograph. Lviv: NNVK “ATB” Publishing House, 2018. 448 p.
Internet sources:
- International Standard ISO/IEC 14882:2014(E) – Programming Language C++ URL:
- C/C++ language and standard libraries reference URL:
- The C++ Programming Language (Bjarne Stroustrup’s homepage) URL:
- ISO/IEC 14882:2003 Programming languages – C++ (International Stamdard) URL: