Business process automation

Type: For the student's choice

Department: department of digital economics and business analytics




SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)
316Vaskiv O. M.


SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
324УФЕ-21сVaskiv O. M.

Course description

The traditional functional model of business management is gradually going to the backyard of history, the leading positions are occupied by solutions that implement systematic enterprise management. That is, solutions for business process automation.

Automated business process is a convenient and functional tool for managing a successful enterprise. With the help of a convenient visual tool, you can track the quality of transaction data, control the completeness of the filling of customer profiles in the database, assess the effectiveness of employees and the progress of business tasks.

Managers get a convenient and multifunctional task management system. They can identify those responsible and participants in the tasks of the process, calculate the time spent on implementation and plan further actions based on this. The system will always remind about deadlines for tasks, inform about important events of employees and clients. And the intuitive interface will make work in system simple. Automation of business processes related to routine tasks will speed up the work of the manager and increase the efficiency of his working time.

 The subject of the discipline

The subject of the discipline is the study of means of identification, decomposition and modeling of industrial business processes of industrial enterprises, which provides the formation of applied and scientific knowledge of optimization, as well as business processes of enterprises and organizations, methods and approaches to improve them.

 The purpose and objectives of the discipline

The aim of the discipline is the ability to use in-depth knowledge of special mathematical tools for mathematical modeling and identification of processes, equipment, tools and systems of automation, control, diagnostics, testing and management of complex organizational and technical objects and systems using modern research technologies.

 The main tasks : to be able to identify business processes of the enterprise and to allocate among them problematic; find the causes of shortcomings of business processes of the enterprise; use a set of measures to optimize business processes; develop projects of advanced business processes.

The place of the discipline in the structural and logical scheme

Discipline “Information and Communication Technologies”, “Introduction to the specialty”, “Algorithmization and programming”.

Requirements for knowledge and skills

As a result of studying the discipline, students must:

a) know :

  • modern methods of modeling and optimization for research and creation of effective control systems of complex technological and organizational-technical objects;
  • methods of analysis, synthesis and optimization of automation systems, production management, product life cycle and quality;
  • top-level software for computer-integrated systems.

b) be able to :

  • to analyze production and technical systems in various industries as objects of automation and determine the strategy of their automation;
  • apply a systematic approach to take into account non-technical (economic, legal, social, environmental, etc.) components of the assessment of automation facilities in the implementation of management systems for complex technological and organizational and technical facilities;
  • use specialized mathematical tools for mathematical modeling and identification of automation systems with complex organizational and technical objects and systems.

Recommended Literature

Basic and auxiliary literature:

  1. Description of the company’s business processes. To whom, why and how?ї-komu-navishho-i-yak/
  2. Description of business processes. We draw a business map
  3. Personnel management system
  4. Types of business processes and how to choose the right
  5. How to create a business process with statuses
  6. Description of the company’s business processes. To whom, why and how?ї-komu-navishho-i-yak/
  7. Description of business processes. We draw a business map
  8. 5 internet marketing tools that every business owner should know about
  9. Ageev SE, Kuzmichev AI. Search and analysis of optimal management decisions in Excel: Textbook. manual for students. bachelor’s degree in “Management” / Vinnytsia state. Technical University – Vinnytsia, 1998.
  10. Ananiev OM, Bilyk VM, Goncharuk Ya. A. Information systems and technologies in commercial activity: textbook. for students. University. – L.: Novyi Svit-2000, 2006.
  11. Bereza AM Information systems and technologies in economics: Teaching method. way. for independent study of the discipline / Kyiv National University of Economics. – К.: КНЕУ, 2002.
  12. Burns ES, Bush RF Fundamentals of marketing research using Microsoft Excel / D.A. Klyushin (translated from English, ed.). – М.; СПб. ; K.: Williams Publishing House, 2006.
  13. Billing Vladimir Arnoldovich. The world of Excel 2000 objects: VBA programmer development tools. – М .: Русская Редакция, 2001.
  14. Vartanyan VM, Volyak EA Financial and economic calculations using EXCEL: practice. hands. for self. studied – H.: Consult, 2008.
  15. Guzhva VM Information systems and technologies in enterprises: Textbook. Manual. – K .: KNEU, 2001.
  16. Dubchak LV Information systems and technologies at enterprises / National Academy of State. tax service of Ukraine. – Irpin: National Academy of the State Tax Service of Ukraine, 2005.
  17. Information systems in economics / SV Ustenko et al. ; for general ed. Dr. Econ. Sciences, Prof. SV Ustenko; State higher textbook lock “Kiev. nat. econ. Univ. Vadim Hetman ”. – К.: КНЕУ, 2012. – 425 с.
  18. Information systems in management [Text]: lecture notes / OP Pavlenko, AV Pavlenko; Odessa. state ecol. un-t. – О.: ТЕС, 2012. – 159 с.



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