Benchmarking And Competitive Business Monitoring
Тип: На вибір студента
Кафедра: department of digital economics and business analytics
Навчальний план
Семестр | Кредити | Звітність |
3 | 3 | Залік |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Лектор | Група(и) |
3 | 16 | доцент Starukh A. I. |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Група | Викладач(і) |
3 | 16 | УФЕ-21с | доцент Starukh A. I. |
Опис курсу
Benchmarking is a permanent, continuous process of comparing goods (works, services), production processes, methods and other parameters of the researched enterprise (structural unit) with the objects of other enterprises or structural units.
In the current conditions of theworld economy globalization and the strengthening of trends in economic competition, the rate of finding the most optimal and effective methods of doing business is constantly increasing. As a result, the search for and further identification of the best management solutions in various areas of business, as well as their use in personal practice – benchmarking – is becoming increasingly important for successful operation and development of enterprises in different market segments and widely used in developing measures and its entry into new markets, both domestic and international.
All this is a stable foundation for advanced study of the course “Benchmarking and competitive monitoring of business”, as it is a necessity of the present time, especially for the contingent of information technology professionals for business.
The subject of the discipline “Benchmarking and competitive monitoring of business” is a set of principles, methods and tools for management and use in the field of benchmarking.
The goal of studying the discipline “Benchmarking and competitive monitoring of business” is:
- to help students to carry out a comparative analysis of competing firms, to analyze their “strengths” and “weaknesses”;
- to use a variety of online services to identify competitors, monitor and analyze their activities on the basis of collected and systematized information about them from social media (blogs, social networks, forums) based on the systematic provisions of the theory of benchmarking and competitive monitoring in business;
- to develop the knowledge and skills needed to solve problems using a personal computer and modern software;
- toform theoretical and practical knowledge about the methodology of benchmarking, features of its application for improvement and effective promotion of business on the Internet.
The objectives of the discipline “Benchmarking and competitive monitoring of business” are:
- studying of the basic provisions, concepts and categories related to the functioning of benchmarking;
- formation of a set of interrelated competencies in the search field and implementation of best practices in the company’s activities;
- studying of the organization continuous improvement process;
- studying the research principles of the internal and external environment of the organization, identifying opportunities for improvement, as well as identifying innovations for their implementation to ensure the competitiveness of the company.
Requirements for knowledge and skills
a) to know:
- general concept of benchmarking;
- goals and objectives of benchmarking;
- types, kinds and processes of benchmarking;
- stages of benchmarking;
- ways to obtain information;
- features of benchmarking application in different countries;
- improving and enhancing the efficiency of enterprises using benchmarking.
b) to be able:
- to formulate clearlygoals and objectives, based on available information;
- to analyze business processes;
- to analyze the competitive environment;
- to plan and to organize the main stages of benchmarking,
- to develop a marketing strategy of the organization, plan and carry out actions aimed at its implementation;
- to use in practice the information of the organization, obtained from marketing researches and comparative analysis of best practices in management.
Рекомендована література
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- Bauer P. Який сервіс має сенс? Бенчмаркінг у логістиці. // Зарубіжні маркетингові дослідження, № 1, 2004. – с. 12-14
- Bresin S. Практика бенчмаркінгу // Зарубіжні маркетингові дослідження, № 1, 2004. – с. 7-9
- Bruckhardt W. Цикл ключових питань про бенчмаркінгу: новаторське і компетентне створення цінності. // Зарубіжні маркетингові дослідження, № 3, 2005. – с. 9-11
- Furey T.R. Бенчмаркінг ключ до створення конкурентної переваги на етапі зрілості ринку. // Зарубіжні маркетингові дослідження, № 1, 2002. – с. 7-10
- Gryshova I. Yu., Mityay O. V., Gnatyeva T. M. Competitiveness of agriculture enterprises as the main factor of sustainable development of agricultural sphere. Український журнал прикладної економіки. 2016. Т. 1, № 2. С. 25-35.
- Gryshova I. Yu., Shestakovska T. L., Glushko O. V. The economic measurement of convergence of institutional impact on the sustainability of development. Наукові записки Інституту законодавства Верховної Ради України. 2017. № 4. С. 75-80.
- Krokowski W. Порівняння з кращими у світі конкурентами. Бенчмаркінг в управлінні постачанням. // Зарубіжні маркетингові дослідження, № 7, 2003. – с. 14-16.
- Варгатюк М. О. Науково-концептуальні засади використання бенчмаркінгу в управлінні підприємствами. Проблеми і перспективи економіки та управління. 2019. № 2 (18). С. 67-73.
- Коваленко О.В. Сутність та особливості бенчмаркінгу в антикризовому управлінні підприємством / О.В. Коваленко// Механізм регулювання економіки. – 2009. – № 3. – С. 140–145.
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- Бенчмаркінг як метод конкурентного аналізу: переваги та недоліки. URL:
- Види бенчмаркінгу. The Global Benchmarking Network (GBN). URL:
- Вишинська Т. Л. Бенчмаркінг в Україні: психологічний аспект. Практик-продаж. 2005. № 3. С. 43-46. URL:
- Working program of the discipline
- Educational and methodical materials for lectures
- Seminar plans and methodical recommendations for their conduct
- Tasks for independent work of the student and methodical recommendations on their performance
- Tasks for individual student work and methodical recommendations for their implementation
- Means of diagnosing students’ knowledge and skills
- References