Department of Economics and Public management

  • About the Department
  • History of Department
  • Strategy
  • Employees
  • Educational courses
  • Lecturers' schedule
  • Teaching materials
  • Research
  • News

The Department of Economics and Public Administration is a structural subdivision of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of the Franko National University of Lviv.

University status of the department – graduation, which develops and provides educational and methodological and scientific-methodological principles of modern higher education for the preparation of applicants for the higher education of the first (bachelor’s) and second (master’s) levels of education in 281 Public Management and Administration (Educational and professional programs: “Personnel management in public authorities and business structures”, “Public Management and Administration”).

High professionalism of the teaching staff is combined with personal qualities that meet the modern requirements of higher education, responsibility, high level of culture, sociability, purposefulness, creativity. The composition of the department and personal characteristics of teachers allow solving at the appropriate level the current tasks of development of the department in all areas of activity: educational, methodological, research, educational, career guidance, social.

The vision of the Department of Economics and Public Administration is to provide public authorities and local governments with highly qualified and competent specialists in public administration and administration, personnel management specialists in public authorities and business structures; determination of quality standards for the provision of educational services, in accordance with trends in education, taking into account the labour market, the development of partnerships with related departments of higher education in Lviv and Ukraine, the international educational space.

The purpose of the department is to increase the scientific and pedagogical potential of the department, eliminate shortcomings that slow down the adaptation of the department to a socially-oriented market economy, integration into the European and world educational and scientific space, strengthening work in the field of educational services, including the formation high-quality scientific and pedagogical potential, development of partnership relations with related departments of higher educational institutions, obligatory provision of social protection of all employees of the department.

The goal can be achieved on the basis of: implementation of European standards in the field of higher education, in particular regarding the development of curricula, cooperation between educational institutions, mobility schemes and integrated curricula, research and educational programs; increasing the intellectual potential of the department and the development of research work of the department, the introduction of innovative methods in the organization of the educational process, the use of advanced educational technologies; cooperation with strategic partners; improving the professionalism of the teaching staff.

The mission of the department: training of highly qualified and socially responsible specialists in the field of public administration in accordance with modern labor market requirements, in terms of European integration, through the use of creative and innovative approaches to learning and work, with high leadership and moral qualities that will be competitive in the labor market, interact effectively and are socially mobile in the professional and social environment.

Strategic goals of the department:

Expansion of educational services of the department.
Increasing the scientific potential of the department.
Development of didactic potential of the department.
Deepening partnerships with external stakeholders.
Preservation and expansion of academic cooperation of the department.

Values ​​adhered to at the Department of Economics and Public Administration: professionalism; innovation; responsibility; creativity; competence; qualification of scientific and pedagogical workers; individual approach; self-development and self-improvement; active life position of teachers and students; teamwork; communicativeness; responsibility; leadership; openness; tolerance; pluralism; mutual respect; dignity; publicity; study of the experience of leading teachers of the department; creating conditions for personal development; psychological adaptation of applicants for higher education; patriotism; decency; spiritual and cultural development; adherence to corporate ethics; ensuring academic integrity; creating favourable learning conditions for people with special needs; competitiveness of graduates in the labour market.

The high professionalism of the teaching staff of the department is a guarantee of training highly qualified specialists – creative, confident in the future, able to work in public authorities and local governments, business structures.

HIGHER EDUCATION STANDARDS (FIELD OF KNOWLEDGE 28 Public Management and Administration SPECIALTY 281 Public Management and Administration)
first (bachelor’s) level
second (master’s) level

Educational and professional programs (field of knowledge 28 Public Management and Administration, speciality 281 Public Management and Administration), according to which the Department of Economics and Public Administration provides training for higher education:
The first (bachelor’s) level of education

  • The educational and professional program “Personnel management in public authorities and business structures
  • The educational and professional program “Public management and administration” 

The second (master’s) level of education

  • The educational and professional program “Personnel management in public authorities and business structures”
  • The educational and professional program “Public management and administration”


Suggestions and recommendations for filling and improving educational and professional programs, their educational components can be sent to e-mail addresses:;






Faculty of Finance and Business Management

Department of Economics and Public Administration

street Copernicus, 3

Lviv, Ukraine, 79000

the department is located in the office. 402

Tel. +380676745460

Facebook: Department of Economics and Public Administration – Faculty of FMandB LNU

Telegram: Department of Economics and Public Administration

History of the department

The Department of Economics and Public Administration was established on the basis of the Department of Economic Theory. The Department of Economic Theory was established on August 27, 1999. Its staff includes associate professors Yu.M. Gonchar, O.G. Gupalo, О.V. Stefanyshyn, Candidates of Economic Sciences Yu.G. Гнатенко, І.В. Grabynska, O.I. Karbovnik, Yu.Sh. Opelbaum, M.M. Plotnikov, senior teachers U.D. Balagurak, L.P. Plica. The first head of the department was an associate professor, Ph.D. O.V. Stefanishin (1999–2002). From 2002 to 2003, the duties of the head of the department were performed by Cand. econ. Sciences YG Gnatenko. From 2003 to September 2019, the department was headed by Associate Professor, Ph.D. O.G. Gupalo.
Since the establishment of the department in its composition at different times worked: professors – Doctor of Historical Sciences IM Mikhailovsky, Doctor of Economics G.I. Bashnyanin, Doctor of Historical Sciences V.P. Plisyuk.

The activities and development of the Department of Economics and Public Administration take place in accordance with the modern policy and strategy of our state in education and the strategy of the University. The development of the department is aimed at further improvement of the national system of higher education, its adaptation to the socially-oriented economy, integration into the European and world educational and scientific society.

The policy of development of the Department of Economics and Public Administration is aimed at recognizing the student as the core of reforming educational activities, his intellectual and comprehensive development.

The high professionalism of the teaching staff of the department is a guarantee of training highly qualified specialists – creative, confident in the future, able to work in public authorities and local governments, business structures.

Competitive advantages of the department are formed and accumulated over the years, since its inception. This is the high professionalism of the members of the department, which is expressed through the intellectual capital of all teachers, the result of moral and material values, jointly developed by the staff of the department.

Priority areas of the department:

personal-professional: only the strong personal-professional potential of the teaching staff is able to form a similar and more powerful potential of graduates of the speciality 281 Public Management and Administration;

creative-heuristic, which is manifested in the constant creative search for ways to improve the training of competent professionals in the field of public administration;

interaction and cooperation implemented at the department level (between teachers and staff), at the university level (between the department and other departments and divisions of the university, between teachers and students), at the national and international levels (development of partnership with relevant departments of other higher educational institutions of Ukraine and foreign educational institutions, research institutions and organizations, stakeholders, potential employers and foreign higher education institutions).

Strategic goals of the department:

Expansion of educational services of the department.
Increasing the scientific potential of the department.
Development of didactic potential of the department.
Deepening partnerships with external stakeholders.
Preservation and expansion of academic cooperation of the department.


Development Program of the Department of Economics and Public Administration for 2021-2026 Candidate for the position of Head of the Department, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Halyna Kaplenko

Educational and professional programs (field of knowledge 28 Public Management and Administration, speciality 281 Public Management and Administration), according to which the Department of Economics and Public Administration provides training for higher education:

Educational and professional programs (field of knowledge 28 Public Management and Administration, speciality 281 Public Management and Administration), according to which the Department of Economics and Public Administration provides training for higher education:
The first (bachelor’s) level of education

  • The educational and professional program “Personnel management in public authorities and business structures”
  • The educational and professional program “Public management and administration”

The second (master’s) level of education

  • The educational and professional program “Personnel management in public authorities and business structures”
  • The educational and professional program “Public management and administration”

Suggestions and recommendations for filling and improving educational and professional programs, their educational components can be sent to e-mail addresses:;


Halyna Kaplenko
ProfessorMariana BilProfessor
ProfessorIvan ParubchakProfessor
ProfessorOlga RudenkoProfessor
Associate ProfessorSerhii FedykAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorInna KulishAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOksana NahornyukAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorNatalia PakAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOksana PikulykAssociate Professor
Associate Professor (by-worker)Nataliya PodvirnaAssociate Professor (by-worker)
Associate ProfessorIryna SnovydovychAssociate Professor
Associate Professor (by-worker)Andrii StasyshynAssociate Professor (by-worker)
Associate Professor (by-worker)Andriy StasyshynAssociate Professor (by-worker)
Associate ProfessorAndrii TabachukAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorRuslan YurkivAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorVasyl ZelenkoAssociate Professor

1 year

2 year

3 year

4 year

5 year

6 year

Lecturers' schedule

Teaching materials

INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL TRACT – a personal way of realizing the personal potential of the learner, formed taking into account his abilities, interests, needs, motivation, opportunities and experience, based on the choice of the learner types, forms and pace of education, and their subjects of education educational programs, disciplines and their level of complexity, methods and means of teaching. Individual educational trajectory in an educational institution can be implemented through an individual curriculum (Law “On Education” dated 05.09.2017 №2145-UIII).

The formation of an individual educational trajectory allows an individual choice of higher education in elective disciplines. The list of elective subjects is annually reviewed by the Department of Economics and Public Administration and updated by the requirements and scientific interests of higher education students to meet their needs to create an individual educational trajectory of study according to the selected educational program.

elective disciplines of the cycle of professional and practical training in the 2023-2024 academic year:

  • Bachelor’s degree (full-time);
  • Master’s degree (full-time, part-time).


Educational and methodical work of the department is implemented as a two-component and multilevel system, which provides for the simultaneous operation of working groups on educational programs of the department (“Public Management and Administration”, “Personnel Management in Public Authorities and Business Structures”) and the Methodical Council of the Faculty.

In the process of educational and methodical work is systematically monitored:

  • quality of educational programs;
  • student achievement;
  • the level of professionalism of the teaching staff;
  • quality of educational and methodical support to disciplines.

Educational and methodical work of the department is aimed at methodological support and improvement of existing forms and types of classes with students of higher education. Among the main areas of such work of teachers of the department can be identified:

  • creation of educational and methodical complexes on disciplines according to modern requirements to a level of preparation of experts;
  • organization of the system of improving the pedagogical skills of teachers of the department;
  • analysis of the provision of the educational process with educational and methodical literature, the formation of current plans for the publication of textbooks, teaching and methodological manuals;
  • the study, generalization and dissemination of positive experience of educational and methodical work, advanced techniques and methods of training and organizational forms of learning.

Teachers of the department use the latest technologies and interactive teaching methods to conduct classrooms with maximum focus on the development of critical thinking and social skills of higher education. In the study of academic disciplines, teachers guide students to intensify their independent, research and individual research work. This is facilitated by both international and academic and practical experience of teachers.


The research work of the Department of Economics and Public Administration is based onsynthesis of research works of a wide range of socio-economic problems by the direction of public administration (administration) in the conditions of European integration. This is since the department trains higher education applicants in the field of knowledge 28 “Public Administration and Administration”, and since 2006 has been engaged in the issue of European integration.
The relevance of researches of the department staff is since, after the Revolution of Dignity, the renewal of the system of public administration in public authorities and business in Ukraine provides not only an influx of new management personnel but also the modernization of these systems, primarily based on European values and knowledge management. The Sustainable Development Strategy “Ukraine 2020″ envisages further reform of the public administration system, taking into account the concepts of decentralization and good governance (Good Governance). Therefore, European values should become the basis for the formation of a system of modern basic knowledge in the field of public administration and administration.
A significant work of the department should be considered close cooperation with employers for future graduates, which consists in attracting them to scientific and practical activities of the department. Another, no less important direction of scientific and practical work in cooperation with representatives of state authorities and local self-government bodies.
To increase the effectiveness of the educational and scientific process, the department issued textbooks and textbooks, scientific monographs. Also, for many years, scientific and research work has been carried out among students, which is actively involved in writing scientific works, participating in conferences, competitions and olympiads.
The staff of the department organizes public scientific and practical events several times a year with the involvement of the teaching staff of both the University and university partners, students, representatives of the authorities, business and the public. Annually, according to the results of work, the department concludes a report on scientific activities for the calendar year.
An important component of the scientific work of the department is the implementation of international projects, as well as cooperation with foreign partners.
A significant part of the scientific work is aimed at forming managerial competencies for future graduates to employ both in public service bodies and in business structures, to make effective decisions both at the micro and macro level.
  1. Research work of the department is carried out in the following areas:
  • implementation by the staff of the Department of Research State Budget topics within the working hours of teachers;
  • publication of scientific articles in periodicals, speeches and publication of theses at international and all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences;
  • publication of monographs, manuals and textbooks;
  • postgraduate and doctoral studies;
  • research work of students and organization and holding of public scientific and practical events;
  • implementation of international grants and international cooperation.

Implementation by the staff of the Department of Research State Budget topics within the working hours of teachers.

Starting from January 2017, the department staff has been working on the implementation of the research topic “Socio-economic development of Ukraine in the conditions of European integration” Deadline: January 2017 December 2021 No state registration 017U000896.

2. Publication of scientific articles in periodicals, speeches and publication of theses at international and all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences

The staff of the department is constantly working on scientific research, the results of which are the publication of scientific articles and theses of reports at conferences. The obtained research results are actively implemented in the educational process: during lectures and seminars, the formation of textbooks and textbooks, and scientific and practical activities. Thus, only in 2019, did the department publishes 19 articles, 11 of which are in publications that are included in international scientometric databases, as well as representatives of the department took part and published theses.

Articles in publications that are included in the international scientometric databases Web of Science, Scopus and others:





For 2017


3. Publication of monographs, manuals and textbooks
The department has considerable experience in the preparation of textbooks, manuals and scientific monographs. Thus, for more effective teaching, for almost all fundamental economic disciplines, appropriate textbooks and manuals were prepared and published. At the present stage, the department staff is actively working on the publication of educational and scientific literature in the areas of European integration and public administration.
4. Research work of students, organization and holding of public scientific and practical events
To date, the department has a student scientific group “Manager”, the head of which is Ph.D., Assoc. prof. Vasyl Zelenko. Students of this group take an active part in scientific and practical events both at the faculty and abroad. The Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Faculty of Financial Management and Business (Department of Economics and Public Administration, Department of Public Administration and Business Management) together with Chernihiv National Technological University launched the annual International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Paradigm of Public Administration”.
  • 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference Modern Paradigm of Public Administration” (October 17-18, 2019)
  • 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Paradigm of Public Administration” (November 12.  2020) Collection of Theses, Conference Program
  • ІІІ 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Paradigm of Public Administration”  (October 19-20, 2021)  Collection of Theses, Conference Program

In 2021, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Faculty of Financial and Business Management), together with  Karazin Kharkiv National University, Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytsky University of Management and Law, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, National University Chernihiv Polytechnic University launched the year of the annual International Scientific and Practical Conference of Higher Education and Young Scientists “Public and Municipal Administration in the XXI Century: Organizational, Economic, Legal and Information Aspects”.

I International Scientific and Practical Conference of Applicants for Higher Education and Young Scientists “Public and Municipal Administration in the XXI Century: Organizational, Economic, Legal and Information Aspects” (November 25, 2021) Conference Program, Collection of Abstracts

  • The department has extensive experience in conducting various public events of a scientific and practical nature, namely: student-postgraduate conferences, round tables, scientific seminars, debates and webinars, internships and summer schools abroad, etc. You can find out more information about the organization of events of the department, as well as the participation of students-circles by watching the PRESENTATION.
5. Implementation of international grants and cooperation with foreign partners.
The Department of Economics and Public Administration cooperates with the Department of European Integration and International Marketing of Łódzhskaya Polytechnic. Professor of the department Dr. Robert Stanislavsky was an external lecturer in the project of Jean Monet.
In September 2019, a working meeting of representatives of the Jean Monet Center for Excellence (consisting of O.Holovko-Havrysheva, O.Krayevska and V.Zelenka) was held with Professor R. Stanislavsky, within which the experience of implementing EU projects was held, as well as the main directions of further Cooperation with the Department of European Integration and International Marketing of Łódzha Polytechnic were determined. On the basis of the department, the project was carried out under the program of Jean Monet No. 575241-EPP-1-2016-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE “Economics in European integration: internal challenges and external dimension”. Project Coordinator Assoc. V.A. Zelenko, academic coordinator Assoc. O.G. Gupalo. Project period: 01.09.2016 31.08.2019.
The project was carried out with the financial support of the European Commission.
More detailed information about the project can be found at the following links:

Conducting a guest lecture on the academic discipline “Accounting” for students of higher education of the first (bachelor’s) degree in specialty 072 “Finance, banking and insurance”

25.09.2024 | 20:17

As part of the cooperation of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv with stakeholders, in particular, with auditing companies of the Faculty of Economics, associate professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control Svitlana Pryimak, on September 21, 2024, held a guest lecture on the academic discipline “Accounting” for students of higher education of the first (bachelor’s) degree of education in the...

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Introductory Tour of the UFP-11s Group of the Educational and Professional Program “Public Administration and Business Management” to the Museum of the History of Ivan Franko National University

25.09.2024 | 18:48

Touching the pages of history is always fascinating, especially when it involves the 363-year history of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv! This opportunity was granted to first-year students of the UFP-11s group of the educational program “Public Administration and Business Management,” who, along with their curator Olena Reshota, visited the Museum of the History of Ivan Franko National University. They learned about outstanding political figures, scholars, managers, and researchers, historical personalities, and our contemporaries – famous alumni of Ivan...

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International academic mobility at the faculty: the experience of higher education applicants of the ЕPP “Information Technologies in Business”

25.09.2024 | 14:31

September 20, 2024 with the participation of students of the UFE-11s group of the educational program “Information Technologies in Business” and teachers of the Department of Digital Economy and Business Analytics Iryna SHEVCHUK, Oksana VASKIV and Anna ZADOROZHNA held a meeting on the topic “International academic mobility of students under the Erasmus+ programs”.

The speaker was the 4th-year student Anna KOZYK (group UFE-41c), who shared her experience of academic mobility under the Erasmus+ programs and the professional development opportunities that this...

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Scientific seminar “Two-level investment system: expediency, features, advantages” with the participation of masters of the ЕPP “Information technologies in business”

24.09.2024 | 12:20

On September 23, 2024, with the participation of the head of the Department of Digital Economy and Business Analytics Professor Iryna SHEVCHUK, Associate Professor Anna ZADOROZHNA and Masters of the 1st and 2nd years of study at the ЕPP “Information Technologies in Business” specialty 051 “Economics” a scientific seminar was held at topic: “Two-level investment system: expediency, features, advantages.” The speaker was the associate professor of the department, Anna ZADOROZHNA, who presented the concept of a two-level investment system, which...

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23.09.2024 | 20:59

10 September 2024, a meeting was held at the Department of Public Administration and Business Management of the Ivan Franko National University of  Lviv. It hosted a meeting of the department’s academic staff with applicants for the second (master’s) level of higher education and stakeholders. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the educational and professional programme (EPP) «Public Administration and Business Management»  of the second (master’s) level of higher education.

Among the invited stakeholders were representatives of youth centres...

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