23.09.2024 | 20:59

10 September 2024, a meeting was held at the Department of Public Administration and Business Management of the Ivan Franko National University of  Lviv. It hosted a meeting of the department’s academic staff with applicants for the second (master’s) level of higher education and stakeholders. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the educational and professional programme (EPP) «Public Administration and Business Management»  of the second (master’s) level of higher education.

Among the invited stakeholders were representatives of youth centres in Lviv and

and the region: Khrystyna Ochych and Nadiia Bodnaruk.

Professor Hanna Komarnytska, Head of the Department, presented the areas for improvement in the educational programme. She emphasised the main focus of the PPP – training modern

practitioners in public management and administration, as well as professionals in business management. These professionals should be able to perform administrative, managerial and analytical work in public authorities and business structures.

During the discussion, stakeholders emphasised the importance of further strengthening the practical orientation of the educational programme. They stated the need to train

highly qualified specialists in line with the requirements of the modern labour market and

and the needs of employers. Representatives of youth centres expressed their readiness to

to facilitate opportunities for higher education students to do internships and

internships at youth centres in Lviv and Lviv Oblast.

During the meeting, various aspects of the educational process were discussed, including Assessment system for academic disciplines;

Evaluation of applicants for scientific and pedagogical  and academic staff involved in the educational process;

The process of selecting the blocks of academic disciplines;

Feedback on the lecture on  academic integrity, conducted by the Scientific Society of Students,

of Undergraduates, Postgraduates and Young Scientists of the University;

The procedure of the semesterly of the semester questionnaire on the quality of teaching and content of academic disciplines.

Programme Dean’s Office and search for information on the University’s website.

The meeting was held in a constructive atmosphere and contributed to the establishment of a dialogue between all participants of the educational process, which is a step towards further improvement of the educational programme and improving the quality of education in general.