Andrii Tabachuk
Посада: Доцент, Department of Economics and Public management
Науковий ступінь: кандидат економічних наук
Телефон (робочий): 0961652522
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Наукові інтереси
Economic comparative studies, greening of economic systems, globalization, institutional approach to the study of modern economic systems, post-industrial society, noosphere principles of management, management of sustainable development of modern economic systems.
Publications in scientific periodicals included in scientometric databases (including Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection)
- Shestakovska T. Public policy settlement of social conflicts in the context of national security / T. Shestakovska, O. Mykhailovska, M. Buk, A. Tabachuk, I. Tubolets // Cuestiones Políticas. – 2022. – Vol. 40, Nº 72 – P. 395-409. – DOI:
- Tabachuk A.Ya. Directions of transformation of the economic system of Ukraine in today’s conditions. Economy and society. №26. («Index Copernicus International»)
- Tabachuk A.Ya.Management of Sustainable Development of Modern Economic Systems. Economy and society. 2021. №35. ((«Index Copernicus International»)
For 2017
- Tabachuk A.Ya.Greening of economic systems as an objective process of their radical changes at the beginning of the third millennium. Scientific Bulletin of NLTU of Ukraine. The series is economic. Lviv, 2017. Issue. 27(2). Р. 29-33. («Index Copernicus International»)
- Tabachuk A.Ya.Briefly about the tools of research of modern economic systems. Bulletin of Lviv University of Trade and Economics. Lviv, 2017. Issue. 52. Р. 126-130. («Index Copernicus International»)
- Tabachuk A.Ya. Status and socio-economic consequences of greening economic systems. European Cooperation. Warsaw, 2017. Vol. 8(27). P. 63-77. («Index Copernicus International»)
- Tabachuk A.Ya.The role of the state in modern economic systems in terms of their greening and globalization. Scientific Bulletin of NLTU of Ukraine. Lviv, 2016. Issue. 26.6. Р. 45-49. («Index Copernicus International»)
- Lech G.A., Tabachuk A.Ya. Features of the shadow economy in Ukraine. Scientific Bulletin of NLTU of Ukraine. The series is economic. Lviv, 2010. 20.9. Р. 186-192. («Index Copernicus International»)
- Onufryk I.P, Tabachuk A.Ya. Economic growth, sustainable development and Ukrainian reality. Scientific Bulletin of NLTU of Ukraine. Lviv, 2009. Issue. 19.7. Р. 180-186. («Index Copernicus International»)
Publications in scientific periodicals included in the list of professional publications of Ukraine and publications included in other scientific publications
- Tabachuk A.Improvement of the personnel management system in public authorities. Public administration and national security. 2023. Issue 9 (39)
For 2017
Abstracts of scientific and scientific-practical conferences
Tabachuk A. Sustainable development: challenges and threats in wartime conditions / A. Tabachuk // The modern paradigm of public administration : Thesis of the ІV Intern. scientif.-pract. conf. (November 10-12, 2022) / for the Sciences. edited by Ph.D. in Economics, associate Professor Andrii Stasyshyn – Lviv : IFNUL, 2022. –Р. 279-284.
Tabachuk A. Problems of managing sustainable development of society / A.Ya. Tabachuk // Report scientific conference of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv for 2021: Collection of theses of the report scientific conference of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv for 2021 (electronic edition): Section of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management, Lviv, Ukraine – Lviv, 2022.
Tabachuk A. Digitization as a guarantee of progress in the sphere of public administration / A. Ya. Tabachuk – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2021.
Tabachuk A. Development of electronic governance and electronic democracy in Ukraine / A. Tabachuk // International Scientific and Practical Conference “Socially Competent Management of Corporations in the Conditions of Behavioral Economy”: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Socially Competent Management of Corporations in the Conditions of Behavioral Economy”, Lutsk, Ukraine – Lutsk: Volyn National University named after Lesya Ukrainka, 2021.
- Tabachuk A.Ya. Features of management of socio-economic development of the country in the conditions of formation of post-industrial society. Proceedings of the reporting scientific conference of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv for 2020 (electronic edition): Section of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management, (Lviv, February 1-8, 2021). LNU. I. Franko. Lviv. 2021. Р. 67-69.
- Tabachuk A. Ya. Digitalization as a guarantee of progress in the field of public administration. “Modern paradigm of public administration”: a collection of abstracts of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference. LNUim. I. Franko. Lviv. 2021. Р. 614-618.
- Tabachuk A. Ya. Development of e-government and e-democracy in Ukraine. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Socially Competent Corporate Governance in a Behavioral Economy”. Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. Lutsk. 2021. Р. 281-283.
- Tabachuk A.Ya., Yuskovets I.M. Ways to transform the domestic system of public administration. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Socially Competent Corporate Governance in a Behavioral Economy”. Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. Lutsk. 2021.
- Tabachuk A.Ya. The role of public administration in the process of greening economic systems. Proceedings of the reporting scientific conference of Lviv National University for 2019 (February 1-8, 2020). Lviv.2020. Р. 71-74.
- Tabachuk A.Ya. Greening of economic systems as a guarantee of transition to sustainable development. “European vector of economic modernization: creativity, transparency and sustainable development”: materials of the XII International scientific-practical conference. Kharkiv: KhNUBA, 2020. P. 501-502.
- Tabachuk A.Ya.The motivational component of the process of greening economic systems. Economic and social innovations as a factor of economic development: Materials of the II International scientific-practical conference. Zaporizhzhia. 2020. P. 55-57.
- Tabachuk A.Ya.The innovative imperative of the formation of noospheric economy. Proceedings of the international scientific-practical Internet conference of pupils, students, graduate students and young scientists “Innovative development and security of enterprises in a neo-industrial society.” Lutsk. 2020. P. 204-205.
- Tabachuk A.Ya.Indicative planning as a tool for managing the socio-economic development of the country. Collection of abstracts of the II International scientific-practical conference “Modern paradigm of public administration”. Lviv. 2020. P. 288-29.
- Tabachuk A.Ya. Greening as a strategic reference point for the development of Ukraine’s economy. Strategic guidelines for the development of Ukraine’s economy: materials of the III International Scientific Internet Conference of students, graduate students and young scientists. Lviv, 2017. P. 86-87.
- Tabachuk A.Ya.Economic and ecological culture is an important factor in the interaction of society and nature. Actual problems of functioning of the economic system of Ukraine: materials of the XXIV-th international scientific conference of students, post-graduate students and young scientists. Lviv, 2017. P. 131-132.
- Tabachuk A.Ya.Greening and globalization as key dominants of the transformation of modern economic systems. Analysis of modern approaches to the effective use of the potential of the country’s economy: Materials of the international scientific-practical conference. Dnipro, 2017. P. 9-10.
- Tabachuk A.Ya. The role of the state in modern economic systems. Current issues of the economic system of Ukraine: materials of the XXIII International Scientific Conference of students, graduate students and young scientists. Lviv, 2016. P. 156-157.
In 2013 he graduated from the National Forestry University of Ukraine (Faculty of Economics). He received a diploma of a specialist with honors (specialty “Accounting and Auditing”, qualification “Accounting and Auditing Specialist”).
2013-2017 – postgraduate studies at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (specialty 08.00.01 – economic theory and history of economic thought).
Since 2019 he has been working as an assistant at the Department of Economic Theory, Faculty of Finance and Business Management, Ivan Franko Lviv National University.
In November 2019, he defended his dissertation on “Institutional principles of greening economic systems in the context of increasing globalization.”
Since September 2020 Associate Professor of Economics and Public Administration, Faculty of Finance and Business Management, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
The project under the Jean Monnet program “SDGs 4 EUROINTEGRATION OF UKRAINE” ERASMUS-JMO-2023-MODULE 101127537. The project is implemented by the staff of the Department of Economics and Public Administration. Project period: September 1, 2023 – August 31, 2026.
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