Introductory Tour of the UFP-11s Group of the Educational and Professional Program “Public Administration and Business Management” to the Museum of the History of Ivan Franko National University

25.09.2024 | 18:48

Touching the pages of history is always fascinating, especially when it involves the 363-year history of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv! This opportunity was granted to first-year students of the UFP-11s group of the educational program “Public Administration and Business Management,” who, along with their curator Olena Reshota, visited the Museum of the History of Ivan Franko National University. They learned about outstanding political figures, scholars, managers, and researchers, historical personalities, and our contemporaries – famous alumni of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

The students showed great interest in the history of the university’s grand coat of arms, the portrait gallery of rectors of Lviv University, manuscripts and personal belongings of distinguished individuals, diplomas of graduates, and renowned scientists known worldwide, as well as awards of prominent cultural figures. They were also intrigued by ancient instruments, tripods, seals, and an antique chronograph.

We express our gratitude to the director of the Museum of the History of Ivan Franko National University, Yuriy Volodymyrovych Hudyma, for the informative tour and for sharing the history of our Alma Mater!


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