Scientific seminar “Two-level investment system: expediency, features, advantages” with the participation of masters of the ЕPP “Information technologies in business”

24.09.2024 | 12:20

On September 23, 2024, with the participation of the head of the Department of Digital Economy and Business Analytics Professor Iryna SHEVCHUK, Associate Professor Anna ZADOROZHNA and Masters of the 1st and 2nd years of study at the ЕPP “Information Technologies in Business” specialty 051 “Economics” a scientific seminar was held at topic: “Two-level investment system: expediency, features, advantages.” The speaker was the associate professor of the department, Anna ZADOROZHNA, who presented the concept of a two-level investment system, which was developed by a well-known Ukrainian scientist, Candidate of Economic Sciences. Andrii HRYMALYUK.

Questions that were considered at the scientific seminar:

  • Keynesian and post-Keynesian theories of state regulation of the economy;
  • advantages and disadvantages of centralized and decentralized economic development;
  • the concept of a two-level investment system;
  • advantages of a two-level investment system;
  • types of investments and risks for entrepreneurs;
  • two-level investment system – monopoly or, on the contrary, increased competition?
  • possible consequences for the economy from the introduction of a two-level system.

The main features of the two-level investment system were actively discussed by the students of higher education. During the discussion, the masters gave an assessment of possible risks, and also emphasized the issues that need to be resolved in order for such a system to work effectively in Ukraine.

The participants of the seminar considered the possibilities of applying this model to today’s and post-war situation, as well as the further development of our country. The scientific seminar was useful from the point of view of acquiring knowledge and forming the scientific outlook of the masters.