Inna Kulish
Посада: Доцент, Department of Economics and Public management
Науковий ступінь: кандидат наук з державного управління
Вчене звання: ст. наук. співробітник
Телефон (робочий): +380677790474
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Наукові інтереси
Research interests: Public administration, local self-government, regional economy, ecology, quality of life, demography, entrepreneurship, territorial development, European integration, discrimination, ethics, regional economic policy, nature management.
Publications in scientific periodicals included in scientometric databases (including Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection)
- Kulish I. Functioning of a higher educational institution under force majeure circumstances: a case study of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv / Halyna Kaplenko, Inna Kulish, Olha Hrabovetska, Andrii Stasyshyn, Viktoriia Dubyk. Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023. 106-113.
- I. Kulish*, H. Kaplenko, U. Martyniuk, I. Semchuk, I. Kravtsiv, M. Dorosh, V. Chemerys. Harnessing the resource potential of wetlands: the environmental context // Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 2021, 11(3), 117-123, DOI: 10.15421/2021_151 (Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index)
- V. Chemerys, H. Kaplenko, I. Kulish, V. Maksym, O. Dadak, L. Kushnir, O. Hrymak. Theoretical aspects of the concept of “quality of life” in the context of environmental safety // Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 2021, 11(1), 196-201. (Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index))
Publications in scientific periodicals included in the list of professional publications of Ukraine and publications included in other scientific publications
- I. Kulish. Peculiarities of treatment of medical waste / I. Kulish, H. Kaplenko. Socio-economic problems of the modern period. Vol. 1(153). 2022. 24-31.
- Kulish I. Social entrepreneurship in the field of tourism: a chance for rural communities. Socio-economic problems of the modern period of Ukraine. 2022. №3. 10-14.
- Kulish I. M. Negative consequences of the law of growth of needs and ways to overcome them. H.V. Kaplenko, I.M. Kulish, I.R. Rakhval, O.A. Strilchuk. Socio-economic problems of the modern period of Ukraine. 2022. 5 (157). 3-9.
- Kulish I. Possibilities and problems of using information technologies in the tourism and recreation sphere Socio-economic problems of the modern period. 2022. No. 6. 20-26.
- Kulish I.M. State policy of rural development in conditions of limited natural resources (on the example of Japan) / I.M. Kulish, O. Ya. Hrymak, V.A. Chemerys // Scientific Bulletin of Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology them. SZ Gzhytsky. – 2020. – Volume 22. – № 95. – P. 38-44. Series: Economic Sciences.
- Kulish I.M. Problems of institutional support for ecological and safe use of soils in Ukraine / I.M. Kulish // Socio-economic problems of the modern period of Ukraine. Collection of scientific works. – 2020. – Vip. 4 (144). – P. 42-49.
For 2017
- Kulish I. Modernization of rural areas of Ukraine according to European models / I. Kulish, V. Chemerys // I. Kulish, V. Chemerys // Visnyk of Lviv National University. International Relations Series, 2017. – Issue 43. – P. 157-163.
Textbooks, manuals (including electronic), monographs
- Kulish I. Labor migration: Ukrainian slice / I. Kulish // Innovative principles of human resources management: opportunities, challenges, priorities for achieving socio-economic security: a collective monograph / for science. edited by Doctor of Economics, Professor G. Yu. Mishchuk – Rivne: NUVGP, 2020. – 408 p. – P. 60-71.
- Kulish I.M. Sphere of land use / IM Kulish // Ecological safety in European countries: methods of economic regulation and experience for Ukraine [V. S. Kravtsiv, P.V. Zhuk, Y.I. Stadnytsky and others]; Dolishny Institute of Regional Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; [Science. ed. VS Kravtsiv]. – Lviv, 2020. – 97 p. (Series “Problems of regional development”). – P. 42-53.
- Kulish I. Transformacja rynku przedszkolnych usług edukacyjnych w miastach zachodniej Ukrainy / I. Kulish // Europa Środkowo – Wschodnia w procesie transformacji i integracji. Wymiar edukacyjny / Red.: Henryk Chałupczak, Marek Pietraś, Ewa Pogorzała. – Zamośc : Uczelnia Państwowa im. Szymona Szymonowica w Zamościu, Wydawnictwo Officina Simonidis, 2020. – NR 38. – 409 s. – Ss. 353-374. – Seria wydawnicza «Monografia i Opracowania».
- Kulish I.M. Institutional support of control of the ecological condition of soils in Ukraine: problems, solutions / I.M. Kulish, F. Ya. Kiptach, P.V. Zhuk. – SI “Institute of Regional Studies. MI Dolishny National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine “. – Lviv. – 61 p.
- Kulish I.M. Methodical recommendations for assessing the environmental component of quality of life in the Ukrainian-Polish border: subregional level/ed. Doctor of Economics, Prof. Kravtsiva VS // Zhuk PV, Kulish IA, Mishchyshyn IR Dolishny Institute of Regional Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – Lviv, 2020. – 72 p.
- Kulish I.M. Program of modernization of rural areas of Yavoriv district of Lviv region adapted to the requirements of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU (analytical note) / [Ph.D. IM Kulish] / ed. Ph.D., Assoc. VV Borshchevsky; SI “Institute of Regional Studies. MI Dolishny National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine “. – Lviv, 2018. – 31 p.
- Kulish I.M. Institutional and legal support for the development of cooperation in Ukraine. Priority directions of effective use of cooperation potential for development of rural territories / I.M. Kulish // Use of socio-economic potential of cooperation for the development of rural territories of Ukraine: scientific-analytical report / V.V. Borshchevsky, I.M. Kulish; SI “Institute of Regional Studies named after MI Of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine “. – Lviv, 2017. – 56 p.
Abstracts of scientific and scientific-practical conferences
- Kulish I.M. Features of the formation of a healthy lifestyle in rural youth / I.M. Kulish // Proceedings of the XIV All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of young scientists and students with international participation “Problems of forming a healthy lifestyle in youth” / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. – Odessa: ONAHT, 2021. – P. 26-28.
- Kulish I. M. Forest fires: economy and ecology / Kulish I. M.// Türkmenistanyň Garaşsyzlygynyň şanly 30 ýyllygy mynasybetli “Ylym, tehnika we innowasion tehnologiýalaryň ösüşi” atly ylmy maslahatyň nutuklarynyň gysgaça beýany. – A.: Ylym, 2021. – Pp. 422-424.
- Kulish I. M. Academic entrepreneurship as an indicator of the potential of the territory / I. M. Kulish // Innovations of higher education of Ukraine and the EU in the modern information society: [collection of scientific works. February 26, 2021 / for general. ed. O. Rudenko, М. Zhytar]. – Kyiv, 2021. – Pp. 102-105.
- Kulish I.M. Influence of labour migration on the labour market in Ukraine / I.M. Kulish // Proceedings of the reporting scientific conference of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in 2020 (electronic edition): Section of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management, (Lviv), February 1-8, 2021). – Lviv: LNU named after I. Franko, 2021. – P. 62-67.
- Kulish I.M. Competitiveness of rural areas in the context of globalization / I.M. Kulish // Proceedings of the II International scientific-practical conference “Modern management of economic systems in the coordinates of the paradigm of sustainable development.” – Dnipro: Serednyak TK, 2020, – P. 124-126.
- Kulish I.M. Quality food – a global trend / I.M. Kulish // Proceedings of the XIII All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of young scientists and students with international participation “Problems of forming a healthy lifestyle in youth” / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. – Odessa: 2020. – P. 128-130.
- Kulish I. M. Influence of the level of development of academic entrepreneurship on the disclosure of the potential of the territory / I. M. Kulish // Improving the efficiency of management activities to create conditions conducive to the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Republic of Belarus: a collection of materials of the XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference ( Minsk, May 14, 2019) / editorial board: V.L. Tsybovsky (editor-in-chief) [i dr.]. – Minsk: Ark, 2019. – S. 120-123.
- Kulish I.M. State-administrative aspect of ecological stability of the region / I.M. Kulish // Legal aspects of public administration: theory and practice: materials of the XI scientific-practical. Conf. December 12, 2019, Dnipro / for the general ed. LL Prokopenko. – D.: DRIDU NADU, 2019. – P. 150-152.
- Kulish I.M. The problem of providing the population of Lviv region with preschool educational institutions / I.M. Kulish // Strategy of urban development: youth and future (innovation elevator): Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference (April-May 2019). – Kharkiv: Kharkiv National University of Municipal Economy named after OB Beketova, 2019. – P. 380-382.
- Kulish I.M. Ukraine in the WTO: economics and political influences / I.M. Kulish // Current issues of theory and practice of examination of goods: materials of the VI International scientific-practical conference (April 4-5, 2019). – Poltava: PUET, 2019. – P. 322-324.
- Kulish I.M. Indicators of a “smart city” / I.M. Kulish // Socio-economic development of modern society: problems, trends and prospects / Sat. scientific articles II intern. in absentia scientific-practical. Internet conference dedicated to 60 years. UO “Grodno. bargain. College” Belcoopsoyuz (Grodno, April 04, 2019) / Ch. Ed.: M. G. Zhuk [and others]. – Grodno, 2019. – S. 594-596.
- Kulish I.M. The problem of providing the urban population with drinking water / I.M. Kulish // Environmental safety: current issues and proposals. Proceedings of the National Scientific Round Table and the II All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference (Kharkiv, April 26, 2019) / NGO “Regional. Center for Science and Technology Development “; [compiler: IV Bondarenko]. – Kharkiv: Ivanchenko Publishing House, 2019. – p. 265-268.
- Kulish I.M. Innovation as a guarantee of urban development / I.M. Kulish // Problems of accounting, auditing, analysis and taxation in the context of economic globalization: Proceedings of the II All-Ukrainian scientific-practical Internet conference (February 25, 2019) – Kryvyi Rih: DonNUET , 2019. – P. 550-554.
- Kulish I.M. Ecological problems of growing food plants in cities / I.M. Kulish // Problems and prospects of life safety system: Coll. Science. works XIV International. scientific-practical conf. young scientists, cadets and students. – Lviv: LSU BJD, 2019.
- Kulish I.M. Development and transformation into cities of rural settlements of Ukraine / I.M. Kulish // History of Ukraine in regional and global dimensions: materials of the regional scientific-practical conference, Mariupol, February 20, 2019 Mariupol: DonSU , 2019.– P. 166-171.
- Kulish I.M. Social conflict in the modern Ukrainian village / I.M. Kulish // Ukraine and the world: humanitarian and technical elite and social progress: Materials of international scientific theory. conference students. and aspir. April 10 – 11, 2019: – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2019. – P. 413-415.
- Kulish I.M. Characteristics of rural areas that must be taken into account when planning development / I.M. Kulish // Prospects for the development of territories: theory and practice: materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of applicants for higher education and young scientists, Kharkiv, 22- November 23, 2018 / Kharkiv National University of Municipal Economy named after OM Beketov, Odesa National University named after II Mechnikov, Kharkiv National University named after VN Karazin [etc.]. – Kharkiv: KhNUMG them. OM Beketova, 2018. – P. 388-390.
- Kulish I.M. Problems of ensuring the environmental friendliness of food in Ukraine / I.M. Kulish // Philosophical horizons of today. Collection of scientific works / for general. ed. Beregova GD, Ruptash NV – Kherson: SHEE “KhDAU”, 2018. – P. 190-192.
- Kulish I.M. The role of innovation in the development of rural economy / I.M. Kulish // Formation of the mechanism of public management of rural development as a priority of state policy of decentralization: materials International. scientific-practical conf. (December 4, 2018, Zhytomyr). – Zhytomyr: ZhNAEU, 2018. – P. 177-180.
- Kulish I.M. Agricultural cooperation as a chance for the development of rural areas / I.M. Kulish // Development of territorial communities in terms of decentralization: legal, economic and social aspects: Materials All-Ukrainian. the scientific-practical conference, December 13-14, 2018, Mykolaiv. – Mykolaiv: MNAU, 2018. – P. 324-327
- Kulish I.M. European experience of food security / I.M. Kulish // Proceedings of the III All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference “Management of resource provision of economic activity of enterprises of the real sector of the economy.” – Poltava: RVV PDAA, 2018. – P. 53-55.
- Kulish I.M. Influence of agricultural holdings on the development of rural areas in Ukraine / I.M. Kulish // Management in the agricultural sector of the economy: theory and practice of effective development. Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists, Postgraduate Students, Students (Zhytomyr, December 5, 2018). – Zhytomyr: Zhytomyr National Agroecological University Publishing House, 2018. – P. 29-31.
- Kulish I.M. Cultivation of agricultural crops in cities / I.M. Kulish // Modern environmental problems of urban areas: materials of the First All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference (October 25, 2018, Zhytomyr). Collection of abstracts. – Zhytomyr: Zhytomyr National Agroecological University Publishing House, 2018. – P. 128-131.
- Kulish I.M. Protection of wetlands in Ukraine: international context / I.M. Kulish // Ecological research in higher education: a collection of scientific papers / Ed. MM Sidorovich. – Kherson: FOP Vyshemirsky VS, 2018. – P. 139-143.
- Kulish I.M. Greening as the main trend of modern agricultural production / I.M. Kulish // Regional problems of environmental protection. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists. Odessa: TES, 2018. – P. 129-132.
- Kulish I. Features of inorganic modernization of rural areas of Ukraine / I. Kulish // Modern trends in the world economy: a collection of materials of the IX International scientific-practical conference, May 26, 2017. Volume II. – Kharkiv: KhNADU, 2017. – SS. 155-156.
- Kulish I. Problems of grant activities in rural areas of Ukraine / I. Kulish // Socio-economic problems of the present: Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical Internet conference, Mariupol, May 12, 2017 – Mariupol, 2017. – P. 341 -343.
- Kulish I. The movement of locavores – a new chance to increase the competitiveness of rural areas of Ukraine / I. Kulish // Science of the third millennium: research, problems, prospects: materials of the First All-Ukrainian scientific-practical Internet conference (April 20-21, 2017): collection thesis. – Berdyansk: BSPU, 2017. – Part 1. – with. 24-26.
- Kulish I. Roof farms as a result of the influence of permaculture / I. Kulish // Current issues of socio-economic systems in a transformational economy: Collection of scientific articles on the materials of the III All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference (April 13 – 14, 2017). Part 2. – Dnipro: NMetAU, 2017. – P. 143-147.
- Kulish I. Rural territory as a centre for the formation of market relations / I. Kulish, V. Chemerys // Problems of regional studies: past, present, future: thesis Nauk.-prakt. Internet conference (Since March 2017). – К.: КНЕУ, 2017. – СС. 46-48.
- Kulish I. Initiation of a common EU agricultural policy / I. Kulish, V. Chemerys // International Scientific Internet Conference “Socio-economic and humanitarian dimensions of trade, hotel, restaurant and tourism business”, March 23-24, 2017, Kharkiv. Kharkiv Institute of Trade and Economics KNTEU.
in September 2009 she defended her dissertation on “Public administration of regional development of Ukraine in the context of European integration” in the speciality 25. 00 01 – Theory and history of public administration. By the decision of the Presidium of the High Attestation Commission of Ukraine of November 18, 2009, the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration was awarded;
in April 2013 he was awarded the academic title of senior researcher in the speciality 08.00.05 – development of productive forces and regional economy.
She began her teaching career in September 2006 as a lecturer at the Department of Personnel Management and Civil Service of the Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine.
since September 2021 Associate Professor of Economics and Public Administration, Faculty of Finance and Business Management, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Gratitude of the President of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine (2011).
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