Andrii Stasyshyn

Посада: Декан of факультету управління фінансами та бізнесу, Доцент, Department of Economics and Public management

Науковий ступінь: кандидат економічних наук

Вчене звання: доцент

Телефон (робочий): (032) 251-23-94

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Наукові інтереси

Problems of macroeconomic regulation, inflation and unemployment, analysis of the behaviour of economic entities (firms, households, the state). Author of more than 100 scientific and scientific-methodical works, monographs and textbooks.


Publications in scientific periodicals included in scientometric databases (including Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection)


Publications in scientific periodicals included in the list of professional publications of Ukraine and publications included in other scientific publications




 For 2017

 Textbooks, manuals (including electronic), monographs


  • Samuelson P., Nordhaus W. Macroeconomics / Per. from English Kyiv: Osnovy, 1995. 579 p.
  • Samuelson P., Nordhaus W. Microeconomics / Per. from English Kyiv: Osnovy, 1998. 676 p.
  • Myshkin F. Money, banking and financial markets. Scientific edition of S. Panchyshyn. Translated from English. Panchyshyn SM, Stebliy G.Ya., Stasyshyn AV Kyiv: Osnovy, 1998. 963 p.
  • Burda M., Vyplosh C. Macroeconomics: European context. Scientific edition of S. Panchyshyn. Translated from English. Panchishin SM, Vatamanyuk OZ, Stasishin AV Kyiv: Osnovy, 1998. 852 p.

 Abstracts of scientific and scientific-practical conferences



He graduated with honours from the Faculty of Economics of LNU. Ivan Franko (1993), postgraduate studies (1997), doctoral studies (2006), internships at the University of Wayne (the USA, 1994), the World Bank (the USA, 1995), the New York School of Banking and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (the USA, 2001) ), J. Washington University (the USA, 2004).


  • from February 2019 – Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management, Associate Professor of Economics and Public Administration
  • November 2015 January 2019– Acting Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of Franko National University of Lviv
  • , Associate Professor of Economic Theory
  • June 2015 – October 2015 – Acting Rector of the Lviv State Financial Academy
  • 2006–2015 – Associate Professor of the Department of Analytical Economics and International Economics, Faculty of Economics, Lviv National University. I. Franko
  • April 2002 – November 2002 – Acting Dean of the Faculty of Economics of Franko National University of Lviv
  • 2000–2002 – Deputy Dean for Research
  • 1997–2006 – Associate Professor of Economic Theory, Faculty of Economics, Franko National University of Lviv
  • 1993–1994 – teacher-trainee of the department of the economic theory of the economic faculty of LNU named after I. Franko


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