Andrii Stasyshyn
Посада: Декан of факультету управління фінансами та бізнесу, Доцент, Department of Economics and Public management
Науковий ступінь: кандидат економічних наук
Вчене звання: доцент
Телефон (робочий): (032) 251-23-94
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Наукові інтереси
Problems of macroeconomic regulation, inflation and unemployment, analysis of the behaviour of economic entities (firms, households, the state). Author of more than 100 scientific and scientific-methodical works, monographs and textbooks.
Publications in scientific periodicals included in scientometric databases (including Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection)
- Stasyshyn A., Kaplenko H.Evolution of theoretical and economic bases of the interaction of the state and private business // Business Inform. – – №10. – C. 13–19. («Index Copernicus International»).
Publications in scientific periodicals included in the list of professional publications of Ukraine and publications included in other scientific publications
- Stasyshyn A.V., Kaplenko H.V. On some theories of motivation of professional activity of civil servants // Electronic scientific publication “Public administration and national security”. – 2020. – №7. .
- Stasyshyn Andrii, Kaplenko Halyna, Klochko Andrii. The essence of the administrative agreement – one of the forms of public administration in Ukraine // Socioworld Refereed & reviewed journal Social research & behavioural sciences. 2020. Vol. 02. Issue 02. P. 54 – 63.
- Stasyshyn A.V. Evolution of theoretical and economic principles of interaction between the state and private business / A.V. Stasyshyn, H.V. Kaplenko // Scientific journal “Business Inform”. – 2018. – №10. – P. 13-19
- Kozytsky V.A., Stasyshyn A.V. SYSTEMATIC-DYNAMIC APPROACH TO THE STUDY OF STRUCTURAL RELATIONS BETWEEN MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS OF THE SOCIAL SPHERE. / V.А. Kozytskii, A.V. Stasyshyn // Black Sea Economic Studies. – 2018. – 26 -1. – with. 5 – 10.
For 2017
- Theoretical and methodological tools of state regulation of the national economy / Stasyshyn A.V., Stebliy G.Ya., Kalynets K.S. // Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. “Economic” series. 2016. Vip. 1 (47). Volume 1. pp. 108–112.
- Stasyshyn A.V., Zelenko V.A. Transforming the social insurance system of Ukraine: analysis of declared changes. Collection of scientific works “Socio-economic problems of the modern period of Ukraine”. Lviv: IRD, 2015. P. 29–35.
- Stasyshyn A., Kulynych H. Socio-economic aspects of the influence of the optimality of the tax burden on the behaviour of economic entities. Bulletin of Lviv University. “Economic” series. 2014. Vip. 51. P. 656–661.
- Stasyshyn A.V., Nikityuk Y.I. The impact of monetary policy on the behaviour of economic entities in a financial and economic crisis. Bulletin of Lviv University. “Economic” series. 2013. Vip. 48. P. 20–27.
- Stasyshyn A.V. The evolution of the firm as an economic entity in analytical economics. Formation of a market economy in Ukraine. 2013. Vip. 30. P. 234–240.
- Stasyshyn A.V. World experience of clusters functioning as economic entities and conducting cluster policy. Socio-economic problems of the modern period of Ukraine. Financial market of Ukraine: stabilization and European integration: Collection of scientific works. Lviv: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Institute for Regional Studies, 2010. Vol. 1 (810). Pp. 486–499.
- Stasyshyn A.V. The essence and tools of research of the firm as an economic entity in modern economics. Collection of scientific works. Lutsk National Technical University. Economic sciences. Series “Economic Theory and Economic History”. 2010. Vip. 7 (28). Pp. 311–324.
- Stasyshyn A.V. The impact of transnational corporations as economic entities on the competitiveness of national economies in the global financial crisis. Economy and state. International scientific and practical journal. 2009. Vip. 11. Pp. 69–72.
- Stasyshyn A.V. The main factors of formation and evolution of the system of state regulation of the economy. Socio-economic research in transition. Market transformation of Ukraine: problems and prospects: Collection of scientific works. Lviv: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Institute for Regional Studies, 2004. Vol. 1 (XLV). Pp. 4–8.
- Stasyshyn A.V. Transformation of economic functions of the state in the context of globalization. Ukraine’s economy in European integration processes. Scientific collection “Formation of a market economy in Ukraine” // Ed. S.M. Panchishina. 2004. Vip. 13. Pp. 54–68.
- Stasyshyn A.V. The economic role of the state as a business entity in the formation of a post-industrial society. Bulletin of Lviv University. The series is economic. 2004. Vip. 33. Pp. 571–575.
- Stasyshyn A.V. The economic role of the state in the theory of social market economy. Socio-economic research in transition. Economic problems of market transformation of Ukraine: Collection of scientific works. Lviv: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Institute for Regional Studies, 2003. Issue. 1 (XXXIX). Pp. 30–38.
- Stasyshyn A.V. Evolution of views on the economic role of the state in the concepts of leading economic schools. Bulletin of Lviv University. International relations series. 2003. Vip. 11. Pp. 176–190.
- Panchyshyn S., Stasyshyn A.V., Kholod N. Economic entities in the commodity form of production. Scientific Bulletin: Collection of scientific and technical works. Lviv: UkrDLTU, 2002. Issue. 12.8. Pp. 243–248.
- Stasyshyn A.V. The state as a business entity and guarantor of a macroeconomic balance of the economic system. Formation of a market economy in Ukraine. Vip. 12. S. 356–362.
- Panchishin S.M., Stasyshyn A.V., Bunyak V.B. Fiscal aspects of the inflation process in the conditions of transformation of the economy of Ukraine. Finance of Ukraine. 1998. № 5. P. 61–66.
- Panchyshyn S.M., Stasyshyn A.V., Duboviy V.Ya. Fiscal instruments of macroeconomic regulation. Bulletin of the Lviv Commercial Academy. 1998. S. 54–61.
- Stasyshyn A.V. Fiscal policy in the conditions of transformation of the economy of Ukraine. Formation of a market economy in Ukraine. Scientific collection. Lviv State University was named after I. Franko; Center for Market Science “Intereco”. Lviv, 1997. Issue. 2.
Textbooks, manuals (including electronic), monographs
- Banking system: textbook / [Sytnyk N.S., Stasyshyn A.V., Blaschuk-Devyatkina N.Z., Petyk L.O.]; for general ed. N.S. Sytnyk.- Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2020. – 580 p.
- Financial management: a textbook / [Sytnyk N.S., Stasyshyn A.V., Gukalyuk A.F., Zakhidna O.R., Sych O.A., Shushkova Yu.V.]; for general ed. N.S. Sytnyk.-Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2020. – 845 p.
- Innovative principles of human resources management: opportunities, challenges, priorities for achieving socio-economic security: a collective monograph / for science. edited by Doctor of Economics, Professor G. Yu. Mishchuk – Rivne: NUVGP, 2020. – 408 p.
= Stasyshyn A.V., Kaplenko H.V. Section 6. Management of labour productivity and risks in personnel policy. § 6.2. Development of scientific views on the motivation of professional activity of civil servants in the second half of the XX and the beginning of the XXI century. с330 – 342. - Finance of united territorial communities: a textbook / Stasyshyn A.V., Vatamanyuk-Zelinska U.Z., Zakhidna O.R. etc.; for general ed. N.S. Sytnyk. – Lviv: Apriori Publishing House, 2019. – 533p.
- Public administration: textbook. manual / Stasyshyn A.V., Kaplenko H.V., Komarnytska G.O. etc.; for general ed. Stasyshyna A.V. – Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2019. – 460 p.
- Economics in European integration / Zelenko V.A., Gupalo O.G., Stasyshyn A.V. – Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2019. – 464 p.
- Finance of foreign economic activity: textbook / [Sytnyk N.S., Stasyshyn A.V., Dubyk V.Ya., etc.]; for general ed. N.S. Sytnyk.- Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2019. – 460 p.
- Business Finance: a textbook / [Sytnyk N.S., Stasyshyn A.V., Popovych D.V., Sych O.A. etc.]; for general ed. N.S. Sytnyk. – Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2019. – 432 p.
- Finance, customs and tax: a comprehensive test control / [Stasyshyn A.V., Zakhidna O.R., etc.]; for order N. S. Sytnyk. – Part 2. – Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University. 2018. – 348p.
- Finance, customs and tax: a comprehensive test control / [Stasyshyn A.V., Zakhidna O.R., etc.]; for order N.S. Sytnyk. – Part 1. – Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University. 2018. – 716 p.
- Analytical economics: macroeconomics and microeconomics: textbook: in 2 books. / S.М. Panchyshyn, P.I. Ostroverkh, I.V. Grabinska and others; for order. S.M. Panchyshyna, P.I. Ostroverha. – 3rd ed., Corrected. and ext. Lviv: Apriori, 2017. – Book. 1: Introduction to analytical economics. Macroeconomics. 567 s.
- Sytnyk N.S. Budget system in tables and diagrams: textbook. way. / Sytnyk N.S., Zakhidna O.R., Stasyshyn A.V., Shushkova Y.V. – Lviv: Apriori Publishing House, 2017. 180 p.
- Competitiveness of the national economy: fiscal levers and incentives: collection. monograph. Sytnyk N.S., Stasyshyn A.V., Vatamanyuk-Zelinska U.Z. etc. / Ed. d.e.n. Sytnyk N.S. – Lviv: Apriori Publishing House, 2017. 352 p.
- Global economy. The course of lectures: textbook. way. / For the head. ed. Gupala O.G., Stasyshyna A.V. – 2nd ed., Ext. – Lviv: SPOLOM, 2017. – 316 p.
- Sytnyk N.S. Budget and tax policy of business intensification in Ukraine: collection. monograph / Sytnyk N.S., Stasyshyn A.V., Vatamanyuk-Zelinska U.Z .etc. / Ed. d.e.n. Sytnyk N.S. – Lviv: Apriori Publishing House, 2016. 412 p.
- Byudzhetno-podatkova politika aktyvizatsii pidpryiemnytstva v Ukrainy [Budget and tax policy of business activation in Ukraine]. ed. Sytnyk N.S. // N.S. Sytnyk, A.V. Stasyshyn, U.Z. VatamanyukZelinska and others] under the general. ed. d.e.n. Sitnik NS – Lviv: “Spolom”, – 2016. – Part 1. – 417 p.
- Gorbachevskaya O.V., Khmelyarchuk M.I., Stasyshyn A.V. History of economics and economic thought (schematic analysis): textbook. way. / av. count for order. О.В. Gorbachevskaya. Kyiv: UBS NBU, 2014. 522 p.
- Stasyshyn A.V. Evolution of views on the economic role of the state in the concepts of leading economic schools. Institutional principles of formation of the economic system of Ukraine: theory and practice / Ed. Z. Vatamanyuk. Lviv: “New World – 2000”, 2005. P. 149–166.
- Stasyshyn A.V. The state as an economic entity. Institutional principles of formation of the economic system of Ukraine: theory and practice / Ed. Z. Vatamanyuk. Lviv: “New World – 2000”, 2005. P. 166–173.
- Stasyshyn A.V. Formation of a new mechanism of state regulation in countries with developed commodity economies. Institutional principles of formation of the economic system of Ukraine: theory and practice / Ed. Z. Vatamanyuk. Lviv: “New World – 2000”, 2005. P. 173–201.
- Stasyshyn A.V. Change of economic functions of the state in the conditions of post-industrial society and globalization Institutional bases of formation of the economic system of Ukraine: theory and practice / Ed. Z. Vatamanyuk. Lviv: “New World – 2000”, 2005. P. 201–218.
- Stasyshyn A., Kholod N. Marxist interpretation of state regulation of income. Incomes and savings in the transition economy of Ukraine // Ed. S. Panchyshyn and M. Savluk. Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2003. P.40–42.
- Stasyshyn A.V. Models of consumer behaviour. Economic theory: macro- and microeconomics // Ed. Z. Vatamanyuk and S. Panchyshyn. Kyiv: Alternative, 2003. S. 173–179.
- Stasyshyn A.V. Formation of monetary instruments of macroeconomic regulation in the transition economy of Ukraine. Financial and credit regulation of business activity of economic entities. Scientific collection / ed. Z.G. Vatamanyuk. Lviv: Intereko, 2002. 456 p.
- Samuelson P., Nordhaus W. Macroeconomics / Per. from English Kyiv: Osnovy, 1995. 579 p.
- Samuelson P., Nordhaus W. Microeconomics / Per. from English Kyiv: Osnovy, 1998. 676 p.
- Myshkin F. Money, banking and financial markets. Scientific edition of S. Panchyshyn. Translated from English. Panchyshyn SM, Stebliy G.Ya., Stasyshyn AV Kyiv: Osnovy, 1998. 963 p.
- Burda M., Vyplosh C. Macroeconomics: European context. Scientific edition of S. Panchyshyn. Translated from English. Panchishin SM, Vatamanyuk OZ, Stasishin AV Kyiv: Osnovy, 1998. 852 p.
Abstracts of scientific and scientific-practical conferences
- Stasishin A.V. On the influence of the state on the behaviour of other economic entities using the method of persuasion. The modern paradigm of public administration: Thesis of the ІII Intern. scientif.-pract. conf. (October 19-22, 2021) / for the Sciences. edited by Ph.D. in Economics, associate Professor Andrii Stasyshyn – Lviv : IFNUL, 2021. – Р. 26-31.
- Andrii Stasyshyn, Yana Haidukova. THE MAIN THEORETICAL PRINCIPLES OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE ACTIVITIES OF STATE GOVERNMENT. The modern paradigm of public administration: Thesis of the ІII Intern. scientif.-pract. conf. (October 19-22, 2021) / for the Sciences. edited by Ph.D. in Economics, associate Professor Andrii Stasyshyn – Lviv : IFNUL, 2021. – Р. 453-460.
- Stasyshyn A.V. Theoretical research of public values. // The second all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “The State Financial Policy of Ukraine in the conditions of European integration: opinions of scientists and practitioners” (February 20, 2020) – Lviv, 2021. – Р. 112-116
- Stasyshyn A., Klochko A. A new paradigm of public administration // The second International scientific-practical conference “The modern paradigm of public administration” (November 12, 2021) – Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2020. – Р. 75-78.
- Stasyshyn A., Malyuta V. On the delimitation of control and supervision in the field of public administration // Modern paradigm of public administration: Proceedings of the I International scientific-practical conference / For science. ed. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Stasishina AV – Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, October 17–18, 2019 – Lviv, 2019, Р. 367-370.
- Stasyshyn A.V. Transnational corporations as economic entities and their role in increasing the competitiveness of national economies in the global financial crisis. The banking system of Ukraine in the context of globalization of financial markets: materials add. IV International. scientific-practical conf. (Cherkasy, October 15-16, 2009). Cherkasy, 2009. Pp. 63–65.
- Stasyshyn A.V. Formation of the state external debt of Ukraine. Market transformation of the economy of Ukraine: theory, practice, prospects: materials add. International. scientific-practical conf. (Lviv, October 24–25, 2003). Lviv, 2003. Pp. 251–252.
- Stasyshyn A.V. Reforming the tax system as a factor in de-shadowing the economy of Ukraine. Market transformation of the economy of Ukraine: theory, practice, prospects: materials add. International. scientific-practical conf. (Lviv, October 24–25, 2003). Lviv, 2003. Pp. 109–111.
He graduated with honours from the Faculty of Economics of LNU. Ivan Franko (1993), postgraduate studies (1997), doctoral studies (2006), internships at the University of Wayne (the USA, 1994), the World Bank (the USA, 1995), the New York School of Banking and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (the USA, 2001) ), J. Washington University (the USA, 2004).
- from February 2019 – Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management, Associate Professor of Economics and Public Administration
- November 2015 January 2019– Acting Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of Franko National University of Lviv
- , Associate Professor of Economic Theory
- June 2015 – October 2015 – Acting Rector of the Lviv State Financial Academy
- 2006–2015 – Associate Professor of the Department of Analytical Economics and International Economics, Faculty of Economics, Lviv National University. I. Franko
- April 2002 – November 2002 – Acting Dean of the Faculty of Economics of Franko National University of Lviv
- 2000–2002 – Deputy Dean for Research
- 1997–2006 – Associate Professor of Economic Theory, Faculty of Economics, Franko National University of Lviv
- 1993–1994 – teacher-trainee of the department of the economic theory of the economic faculty of LNU named after I. Franko
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