Ivan Parubchak
Посада: Професор, Department of Economics and Public management
Науковий ступінь: кандидат наук з державного управління
Вчене звання: професор
Телефон (робочий): 067-341-73-53
Електронна пошта: ivan.parubchak@lnu.edu.ua
Профіль у Google Scholar: scholar.google.com.ua
Профіль ORCID: orcid.org
Профіль у Scopus: www.scopus.com
Профіль у Web of Science (Publons): www.webofscience.com
Профіль у Facebook: www.facebook.com
Наукові інтереси
State social policy, state humanitarian policy, state regulation of physical education of youth, public administration for the socialization of student youth, decentralization of power in Ukraine.
Articles are published in the international scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science
- Parubchak Ivan, Hrynyshyn Halyna Features of public administration in shaping strategy of venture investment of business enterprises. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, Latvia. Vol.6(2020) №.4, p. 139-147.
- Parubchak Ivan Local partnership as a tool for stimulating the development of rural areas of Ukraine Вісник національної академії правових наук України, Т 27, N4, 2020р. – с.1201-134.
- Parubchak Ivan. The role of a state and its institutions in the process of political socialization of personality in societies of democratic types. European journal of transformation studies. 2019, №2.
- Parubchak Ivan, Nadiia Radukh State regulation of development of corporate social responsibility in the transformation type countries in Eastern Europe. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, Latvia. Vol. 6. No 5. 2019.
- Parubchak Ivan, Smolinska Olesia, Marzalek –Kawa Joanna Social aspects of the development of the management systems of Eastern European universities in the transformations period. The new educational revive, Poland Vol.58, № 4, p.109-122.
Articles in professional publications
- Parubchak I.O., Radukh N.B. Implementation of state policy in the field of health care in the period of challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine / I.O. Parubchak, N.B. Radukh // Scientific notes of Tavriya National University named after VI Vernadsky. Series: Public Administration T32 (71) № 3, 2021. P.42-46
- Parubchak I.O., Balashov A.M. State regulation in the system of providing services for health improvement and restoration of health of the population in the network of recreational and resort establishments of Ukraine. Public administration. 2021. – Vip. 21. – P.68-71.
- Parubchak I., Balashov A. Fundamental trends in the influence of cross-border cooperation on the development of integration processes between Ukraine and the European Union in the economic sphere. Between Asia and Europe. 2021.
- Parubczak Iwan, Matveyeva Maryana Humanitarny rozvoj jako czynnik demokratycji panstwa w procesach tranformacyjnych w kontekscie przemian spolecznych I kulturowych / I. Parubczak , M. Matveyeva // Iternational jornal of administration in socio-economic sphere .- Vol.1.- 2020. – P.77-91.
- Parubchak IO, Balashov AM, Purnak VP Pedagogical and educational technologies of state management of the newest professional training of personnel in the system of education at the present stage / I. O. Parubchak, A.M. Balashov, V.P. Purnak // East journal of security studies. Vol. 5 № 2 (2019). R. 91-104.
- Parubchak I.O., Balashov A.M. Peculiarities of approaches in public administration in the system of reforming the expert activity of internal affairs bodies in the context of national security / IO Parubchak, AM Balashov // Theory and practice of public administration and local self-government: electr. Science. profession. view. Kherson National Technical University. – 2020. – № 1.
- Parubchak .O., Balashov A.M., Solovey D.A. Peculiarities of the state policy of youth socialization in Ukraine at the present stage: political and socio-humanitarian factors / I.O. Parubchak, A.M. Balashov, D.A. Solovey // Public administration and administration. 2020. – Vip. №1 (24). – P.64-69.
- Parubchak I.O., Hrytsko R.Yu., Furtak I.I. Implementation of the state policy of decentralization as a transformation of the processes of democratization of civil society in Ukraine / I.O. Parubchak, R.Yu. Hrytsko, I.I. Furtak / Bulletin of the National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine. Public Administration Series. – Issue 2 (13). – P.202-214.
- Parubchak I.O., Grinishin G.M. Socio-economic factors of formation and implementation of state policy for the development of animal husbandry in Ukraine at the present stage [Electronic resource] Hrynyshyn // Theory and practice of public administration and local self-government: electr. Science. profession. view. Kherson National Technical University. – 2019. – № 2.
- Parubchak I.O., Kharechko D.O. Formation and implementation of state policy of social protection in the context of preserving and improving the health of the elderly in Ukraine [Electronic resource] / IO Parubchak, DO Kharechko // Theory and practice of public administration and local self-government: electr. Science. profession. view. Kherson National Technical University. – 2019. – № 2.
- Parubchak I. Socio-economic factors of transformations of public administration in the humanitarian policy of the state at the regional level / I. Parubchak // Public Administration and Practice of Local Development in the countries of Eastern Partnership Counries / Editor by L. Prykhodchenko // CROSS-BORDER Journal for Studies / Special ISSUE. – Vol. 3 (2). – 2018. – 278 p. ( 143 – 153)
- Parubchak I.O., Radukh N.B. Transformation of approaches and basic principles of state regulation of animal husbandry development in the latest economic and economic conditions in Ukraine / IO Parubchak, N.B. Radukh // Bulletin of the NUCZ of Ukraine. Series: Public Administration. Issue 2 (11). – 2019.– P. 66–75.
- Parubchak I.O., Kukhar V.I. Mechanisms for implementing the state policy of innovations at the regional level / I.O. Parubchak, I.V. Kukhar // Scientific and practical journal. Eastern Europe: Economy, Business and Management. № 21., 2019. P.390-392.
- Parubchak I.O. The role of mass media in the interaction of public authorities with society on the basis of openness and transparency / I.O. Parubchak // Visnyk of NUTSZ of Ukraine. Series: Public Administration. – Vip. 2 (7). – 2018. – P. 239 -248.
- Parubchak I.O., Grimak O.Ya. Sotsialno-ekonomichni aspekty derzhavnoi polityky kompleksnoho rozvytku turystychnoi haluzi v Ukrainy [Social and economic aspects of the state policy of complex development of the tourist industry in Ukraine]. // Public administration and administration. 2018. – Vip. №1 (18). – P.98-104.
- Parubchak I.O. State regulation of the sphere of providing tourist services to domestic subjects of the tourist and recreational industry [Electronic resource] / I.O. Parubchak // Theory and practice of public administration and local self-government: electr. Science. profession. view. Kherson National Technical University. – 2018. – № 2.
- Parubczak І. Administracja publiczna s samorzᶏd teretorialny w państwach transformacyj nych / Iwan Parubczak // Systemy polityczne i kultura pravna państw aziatyckich – Toruń – 2017. S. 67-90.
- Parubchak I.O. Public management of environmental policy of the Carpathian Euroregion in cross-border relations Ukraine-Poland / I. Parubchak, J.Gołoś // Public administration and customs administration. Bulletin of the University of Customs and Finance. 2016. – Vip. № 2 (15). – P. 130-136.
- Parubchak I.O. Zarządzanie ekologią w wymiarze euroregionalnym:doświadczeniaEuroregionuNysa/ / I. Parubchak, J.Gołoś // Public administration and customs administration. Bulletin of the University of Customs and Finance. 2017. – Vip. № 1 (16). – P. 76-89.
- Parubchak I.O. Public management of social and educational processes in Ukrainian society on the basis of a healthy lifestyle / IO Parubchak, R.R. Sirenko // Bulletin of the NUCZ of Ukraine. Series: Public Administration. – Vip. 1 (6). – 2017. – P. 244 -252.
- Parubchak I.O. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation of state anti-corruption policy in the context of national security of Ukraine / IO Parubchak // Theory and practice of public administration and local government: electr. Science. profession. view. Kherson National Technical University. – 2017. – № 2.
- Parubchak I.O. Pentsak T.G. Customs regulation of foreign economic activity of enterprises: an innovative approach in public administration. Public Administration and Customs Administration. O. Parubchak, TG Pentsak // Bulletin of the University of Customs and Finance. – 2017. – Vip. № 1 (16). – P. 134-144.
- Parubczak І. Swiadomość narodowa i kultura narodowa wspołeczeń stwachtrans formacyjnych / Iwan Parubczak // Problemy polityczne i społeczne współczesnej azji. Toruń – 2017. S. 9- 20.
Parubchak Ivan was born in 1976 in Lviv, in 1993 he finished Lviv Secondary School N 67. In the same year he entered the Lviv Polytechnic State University at the Faculty of Technology of Organic Substances, which he graduated in 1998. After graduating from Lviv Polytechnic, he entered the correspondence department of the Faculty of Law of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, which graduated in 2002.
While studying by correspondence, he worked in business structures in middle management positions, as well as engaged in community service in regional and state-level youth associations and student government organizations. In 2000 he entered The Lviv regional institute of public administration the National Academy of Public Administration, the President of Ukraine on a full-time basis, graduating in 2002, thus obtaining three higher educations.
From 2002 to 2006 he worked in the Lviv Regional Council as an advisor on labor and social protection, then on information issues, and later as an advisor on the management of common property of territorial communities of the Lviv region. Early received the seventh rank of the official of local government having finished work in the Lviv regional council.
In 2007 he began scientific and pedagogical activities at Lviv National Medical University. Danylo Halytsky at the Department of Philosophy and Economics as a teacher. In 2009 he defended his dissertation on public administration at the Lviv Regional Institute of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. In 2010 he was transferred to the position of senior lecturer, and in 2014 he received the academic title of associate professor. In addition, since 2011 he has been acting Deputy Head of the Department of Philosophy and Economics for educational and methodological work.
In 2015 at the Academy of Municipal Administration (Kyiv) he defended his doctoral dissertation on “Mechanisms of Public Administration”. In the same year he moved to Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv to the position of Professor of the Department of Foreign Economic Activity Management. From May 2017 to the present in Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv heads the Department of Public Administration. In 2020, Parubchak Ivan was awarded the academic title of Professor of Public Administration.
Author of more than 120 scientific papers, including those published abroad, as well as the author of individual and co-author of collective monographs. He is a member of two specialized scientific councils for the defense of dissertations for the award of the degree of Candidate of Science in Public Administration. There are also three professional printed publications on public administration, approved by the relevant order of the Ministry of Education and Science.
Married, has three children.
Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
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