Nataliya Podvirna
Посада: Director of the Municipal Institution "Center for Social Services of Davydiv Village Council of Lviv District of Lviv Region", Доцент, Department of Economics and Public management
Науковий ступінь: кандидат політичних наук
Телефон (робочий): 0676713599
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Наукові інтереси
Decentralization reform, creation and implementation of social projects, activities of Territorial Communities, civil society as an agent of change, development of the social sphere.
Publications in scientific periodicals included in scientometric databases (including Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection)
- Podvirna N., Pak N. Territorial communities as the main element of local self-government. // Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanities University. Series: Economics and Management. №29/2018. С. 67 – 71 (Index Copernicus (IC))
For 2017
Publications in periodicals published in the list of professional publications of Ukraine
For 2017
- Podvirna N. THE INFLUENCE OF THE GLOBALIZATION PROCESS ON POLITICAL DECISION MAKING. // Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk University. 2016 № 3. С. 65-74
- Podvirna N. Pecularities of decision-making by authorities in Ukraine in the transformation period // Facta Simonidis. Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im. Szymona Szymo№wica w Zamościu. – Zamosc, 2013. – № 1 (6). – P. 119–126.
- Podvirna N. Centers for making government decisions and a network of government decisions in Ukraine / Natalia Podvirna // Gileya: scientific bulletin: collection. Science. wash. – К.: VIR UAN, 2013. -Vol. 74 (№7). – P. 360–363.
- Podvirna N. Theories and methodological approaches to the study of power and power decisions in the twentieth century. / Natalia Podvirna // Education of the region: political science, psychology, communications. – 2013. – № 2 (32). – P. 13–18.
- Podvirna N. Veto players as centres of power decision-making in Ukraine: features of 2007–2012 / Natalia Podvirna // Education of the region: political science, psychology, communications. – 2013. – № 3 (33). – P. 40–46.
- Podvirna N.The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as a centre for political decision-making in 2007–2012 / Natalia Podvirna // Education of the region: political science, psychology, communications. – 2013. – № 4 (34). – P. 97–102.
- Podvirna N.S. Political, managerial culture as factors of decision-making in Ukraine / N.S. Podvirna // Philosophy and political science in the context of modern culture // Scientific journal. – Dnepropetrovsk: DNU, 2013. – Issue. 6 (4). – P. 92–97.
- Podvirna N.S. Specificity of the mechanism of political decision-making in Ukraine in the period of transformation processes / N.S. Podvirna // Visnyk of Lviv National University. Ivan Franko. Philosophical series – Lviv, 2010. – Issue. 13. – P. 180–187.
- Podvirna N.S. Conditions for the effectiveness of management decisions / N.S. Podvirna // Bulletin of the National University “Lviv Polytechnic”. Ukrainian national idea: realities and prospects of development: coll. Science. pr. – Lviv, 2011. – Issue. 23. – P. 118–122.
- Podvirna N.S. Specifics of the mechanism of political decision-making in Ukraine in the period of transformation processes / N.S. Podvirna // Visnyk of Lviv National University. Ivan Franko. Philosophical Series – Lviv, 2010. – Issue. 13. – P. 180–187.
Abstracts of scientific and scientific-practical conferences
- Podvirna N.S. Features of management of socio-economic development of the country in the conditions of formation of post-industrial society. Collection of abstracts of the report of the reporting scientific conference of Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko for 2020 (electronic edition): Section of the Faculty of Finance and Business, (Lviv, February 1-8, 2021) .- Lviv: LNU. I. Franko, 2021.-232p
- Podvirna N.S. INSTITUTE OF THE VILLAGE ELDERS AS THE MAIN LINK IN THE DISCOURSE BETWEEN LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND COMMUNITY. The second all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “The State Financial Policy of Ukraine in the conditions of European integration: opinions of scientists and practitioners” (February 20, 2020). Proceedings of the Reporting Scientific Conference of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv for 2020 (electronic edition): Section of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management, (Lviv, February 1-8, 2021). – Lviv: LNU named after I. Franko, 2021. – P. 69-76
- Podvirna N.S.Discourse between government and community: co-financing programs. Proceedings of the reporting conference. FNU of Lviv, Art. 44-48, Lviv, 2020
- Podvirna N.S. E-DEMOCRACY AS A MECHANISM OF POLITICAL INTERACTION // Modern paradigm of public administration: Proceedings of the II International scientific-practical conference / For science. ed. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Stasishina AV – Lviv: Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko, November 12, 2020 – Lviv, 2020. -p. 338-344
- Podvirna N.S. Features of management of socio-economic development of the country in the conditions of formation of post-industrial society. Collection of abstracts of the report of the reporting scientific conference of Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko for 2020 (electronic edition): Section of the Faculty of Finance and Business, (Lviv, February 1-8, 2021) .- Lviv: LNU. I. Franko, 2021.-232p.
- Podvirna N.S.Cyberbullying as a threat to children’s mental health. IV All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference “Mental health of the individual in a crisis society” Art. 245-249, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv 2019.
- Podvirna N.S.Small micro-groups as agents of change in united territorial communities. Proceedings of the First International Conference “Modern Paradigm of Public Administration” I. Franko, Art. 44-48, Lviv, 2019.
- Podvirna N.S., Batig M. Perspective measures of the introduction of public service of the EU countries in domestic practice. Proceedings of the First International Conference “Modern Paradigm of Public Administration” I. Franko, Art. 67-70 Lviv, 2019.
- Podvirna N.S.Cyberbullying: the right to a secure online environment. Modern constitutionalism: problems of theory and practice. Proceedings of the scientific seminar pp.156-159, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv 2019
- In 2004 she entered the Franko National University of Lviv to the Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Political Science and in 2009, graduated with honours (Master of Political Science).
- 2006-2010 – Institute of Postgraduate Education at LNU. I. Franko (law specialist, speciality law).
- July-October 2008 – worked in the Lviv City Council, Department “Administration of the Mayor” as a chief specialist of the Department of Internal Policy.
- 2009-2013 – graduate student of the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Philosophy, Franko National University of Lviv.
- 2014 – defended her dissertation on “The ratio of political and managerial in government decisions” and received the degree of candidate of political science.
- 2016 – Associate Professor of Humanitarian and Fundamental Training IAPM “Prykarpattia Institute. M. Hrushevsky ».
- 2016 – Associate Professor of Economics and Management, Faculty of Finance and Business, Franko National University of Lviv.
- 2016 – 2018 – Inspector of Information Policy of Davidivska Local community.
- 2017-2018 – Assistant Professor of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Franko National University of Lviv.
- 2018 – October 2019 – Specialist of the 1st category of the Department of Culture and Information Policy of Davidivska Local community.
- 2019 – Chief Specialist of the Department of Culture and Information Policy of Davidivska Local community.
- Since 2019 – Associate Professor of Economics and Management, Faculty of Finance and Business Management, Franko National University of Lviv.
- Social educational eco-project “Sort garbage – save lives!” (2018)
- Social educational eco-project “Green Community” (2019)
- Socio-educational project to combat bullying “I am against violence” (2019)
- The first regional forum “Stop_bullying” (2019)
- Social project “Let’s help relatives” (2020-2021)
- Socio-sports and art project dedicated to Children’s Day “Healthy children – the future of the community” (June 2021)
- Camp for children and teenagers who are in SZHO (difficult life circumstances), children from large families, children of ATO soldiers “Seven Sources” (July 2021)
- Social project “Let’s help relatives!” (2021)
- Second regional forums Stop_bullying (held at the level of Lviv region) (2021)
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