News of the Department of Financial Management

Meeting with a stakeholder of the Education Program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs”

27.10.2022 | 21:44

In the dynamic conditions of the development of the modern labor market, an important element of the educational process of domestic higher education institutions is fruitful cooperation with stakeholders. On the one hand, such cooperation provides an opportunity to establish a close exchange of information and ideas on improving the educational process, and on the other hand, to help students find a future workplace.
In order to familiarize the students of the first (bachelor’s) and first (master’s) levels of education with...

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Participation of the department of financial management in the organization international conference

22.10.2022 | 13:46

On October 20, 2022, students of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” took part in the II International Scientific and Practical Conference of Higher Education Graduates and Young Scientists “Actual Problems of the Development of the Financial and Economic System: Priorities and Prospects”. The conference took place at the Lviv University of Trade and Economics. The event is devoted to the problems and priorities of the restoration and further modernization of the financial system and economy of Ukraine...

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Guest lecture on the topic: “Features of interbudgetary transfers under martial law”

21.10.2022 | 10:09

On October 20, 2022, for students of the III year of the UFP-31s, UFP-32s majors 281 “Public Management and Administration” a guest lecture was held on the subject “Budget System” on the topic: “Features of inter-budgetary transfers under martial law” (lecturer: Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Management Zahidna O.R.). The lecture was held with the participation of Kateryna Zakorko, a leading specialist of the Consolidated Budget and Interbudgetary Relations Department of the Finance Department of the Lviv Regional...

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And we will raise that red viburnum…

20.10.2022 | 12:25

On October 14, our country celebrated the Day of Defenders of Ukraine, the Day of the Ukrainian Cossacks and the 80th anniversary of the creation of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. Today, when Ukraine is defending its independence in a full-scale war, these memorable dates are closely intertwined, because they are united by the struggle for Ukrainian statehood.
The date of October 14 for the Day of Defenders of Ukraine was not chosen by chance. The history of this holiday has...

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Round table of the Scientific and Practical Customs Study Group

14.10.2022 | 09:12

On October 13, 2022, a student round table on “Implementation of State Customs Policy in the Conditions of Martial Law and Its Impact on the Financial Security of Ukraine”, was organized by the Scientific and Practical Customs Study Group (Department of Financial Management, head – Assoc. Prof. Yuriy Holynskyy).
A number of interesting scientific and practical reports were prepared by the students. In particular, regarding the peculiarities of the functioning of the customs system of Ukraine in the conditions of martial...

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