Round table of the Scientific and Practical Customs Study Group
On October 13, 2022, a student round table on “Implementation of State Customs Policy in the Conditions of Martial Law and Its Impact on the Financial Security of Ukraine”, was organized by the Scientific and Practical Customs Study Group (Department of Financial Management, head – Assoc. Prof. Yuriy Holynskyy).
A number of interesting scientific and practical reports were prepared by the students. In particular, regarding the peculiarities of the functioning of the customs system of Ukraine in the conditions of martial law, the settlement of customs offenses at the borders of Ukraine during the war, as well as about the customs benefits of the last months.
The participants had the opportunity to discuss the impact of a full-scale war on the customs security of the state, current trends and prospects for the development of customs affairs in Ukraine, and also touched on the issue of currency regulation in Ukraine under martial law.
As a result of the event, an electronic digest of abstracts and materials of the round table will be published.