News of the Department of Financial Management

A scientific seminar on “Forecasting as an element of the budget strategy” was held

09.12.2018 | 13:08

On December 7, 2018, a scientific seminar on “Prediction as an element of the budget strategy”was held at the Department of State and Local Finances. This time, Bodnar Vitaliy, a post-graduate student of the first year of study, presented his scientific achievements for the students of the specialty “Finance, Banking and Insurance”. During the event, the issues of using factor analysis for creating a forecast of the income and expenditure part of the state budget as well as application of...

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Seminar-training “Preparation and presentation of defense of qualifying (master’s) work”

04.05.2018 | 20:22

   Graduate students today face an important task on time and efficiently write qualification (master’s) work, which will become a result of their studies at the university and allow members of the Examination Commission during the protection work to assess not only the knowledge of graduates of Master, but their scientific competence. However, each graduate student faces a problem – how to prepare a statement in defense of the qualifying (master’s) work. In other words – how best to communicate...

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