News of the Department of Financial Management

Lecturers of the Department of Financial Management took part in a practical training forum for the second time

26.03.2021 | 18:06

On March 25, 2021 lecturers of the Department of Financial Management prof. Sytnyk N and Vatamanyuk-Zelinska U, assoc. prof. Dubyk V., Shushkova Yu., Popovych D., Zakhidna O., Petyk L., Kruglyakova V. took part in the training forum “Digital Transformations in Education, Business, IT and Culture”. This is not the first event that takes place in support of the European initiative Digital Week and is a joint project of the educational platform “4 PEOPLE”, the Ukrainian Federation of Informatics and the...

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Meeting of students with the, Head of the FUIB Medium Corporate Client Analysis Department Tatiana Slominska

23.03.2021 | 19:34

On March 23, 2021, Iryna Yasinovska,  Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Management, conducted a lecture with the involvement of a practitioner in the discipline “Financial Analysis” for fourth-year full-time students of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Taxation” “Analysis of the creditworthiness of the enterprise.”

The purpose of the lecture: to acquaint students with the method of assessing the creditworthiness of borrowers-legal entities and to deepen their knowledge about the essence of the creditworthiness of the enterprise.
Tetyana Slominska, Head...

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Open lecture at Department of Financial Management of Ph.D., assoc. prof. Kruglyakova V. on the topic of “State credit”

23.03.2021 | 19:20

On March 23, 2021″ there was an open lecture for first-year students of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Taxation” held by associate professor, Ph.D. Kruglyakova on the topic “State Credit” Vira on the discipline “Finance”.
The lecture was focused on the economic nature and essence of public credit, revealed the concept of public debt and its economic consequences, as well as outlined the features of public debt management.
The open lecture was attended by Head of the Department of Financial Management...

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Student entrepreneurship: the path to business success

22.03.2021 | 19:16

On March 22, an event “Student Entrepreneurship” was held as a part of the study of the discipline “Creating own business” under the leadership of PhD, associate professor Olga Sych . Students of the UFF-43 group – Veronika Yevtushok and Mykhailo Hoshovskyi addressed the participants of the course with a presentation of successful business projects that they are currently implementing. In this way, students had the opportunity to learn from their senior colleagues firsthand about finding a business idea, the...

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Educational event “Healthy youth – a healthy nation!”

22.03.2021 | 18:43

“The first step to happiness is health”
On March 22, 2021, an educational event was held on the topic “Healthy youth – a healthy nation!” for students of the UFF-44s group.

The purpose of the event is to discuss the dependence of human health on social, climatic conditions, external factors, the impact of bad habits; to motivate the desire to take care of your health as the most valuable treasure, to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Iryna Havretska, a student of the group, expressed...

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