News of the Department of Financial Management

Open lecture on the discipline “Creating own business”

06.04.2021 | 15:58

On April 5, the Department of Financial Management hosted an open lecture by Associate Professor Olga Sych on the topic: “Marketing plan of a business project” for third-year students studying the discipline “Creating own business”.
The lecture covered the essence and elements of marketing, the structure of the marketing plan, analysis of modern marketing strategies. Students watched a video that highlighted the basic principles of marketing, got acquainted with successful examples of marketing strategies by well-known companies in Ukraine and around...

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Meeting of students with the Chairman of the Committee on Finance and Budget Planning of the Lviv City Council Shelestak Natalia Volodymyrivna

03.04.2021 | 11:17

As part of the curriculum for the discipline “Local Finance” on April 2, 2021 by teachers of the Department of Financial Management Prof. Vatamanyuk-Zelinska UZ and Assoc. Kozakevich OR, an online meeting of 4th year students with the Chairman of the Standing Committee on Finance and Budget Planning of the Lviv City Council Shelestak Natalia Volodymyrivna was held.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss issues related to the formation of the development budget of the Lviv city territorial community...

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Financial aspects of the Galician customs of the State Customs Service of Ukraine

02.04.2021 | 22:02

It has already become a good tradition at the Department of Financial Management of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of Ivan Franko Lviv National University – to hold guest lectures, because it promotes cooperation between the graduating department and communication with employers.
For students – this is a new experience and acquaintance with potential employers, and gaining practical skills and knowledge that helps students adapt to the requirements of the modern labor market.
Thus, on April 2, 2021 on the...

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Open lecture by Klepanchuk O. Yu. on the topic: “The cost of capital of the corporation”

02.04.2021 | 21:52

On April 2, 2021, an open lecture on the subject “Corporations and Financial Infrastructure” was held for students of the UFF 31-33 groups by the lecturer of the Department of Financial Management, PhD, Associate Professor Olga Yuriyivna Klepanchuk.
The purpose of the lecture was to get acquainted with the methods of determining the value of capital and assets of the corporation taking into account the time factor, theories of determining the price of financial assets, the concepts of weighted average and...

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Scientific seminar “Funding the smart specialization of the regions: EU vs Ukraine”

31.03.2021 | 21:49

On March 30, 2021, lecturers of the Department of Financial Management and magister students of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Taxation” had the opportunity to attend an online scientific seminar “Funding the smart specialization of the regions: EU vs Ukraine.” The speaker was a senior researcher at the Institute of Regional Studies named after M.I. Dolishnyy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, associate professor Dub A.  He focused on smart specialization – a scientific and practical direction...

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