Financial aspects of the Galician customs of the State Customs Service of Ukraine
It has already become a good tradition at the Department of Financial Management of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of Ivan Franko Lviv National University – to hold guest lectures, because it promotes cooperation between the graduating department and communication with employers.
For students – this is a new experience and acquaintance with potential employers, and gaining practical skills and knowledge that helps students adapt to the requirements of the modern labor market.
Thus, on April 2, 2021 on the platforms teams an online lecture on “Financial aspects of the Galician Customs of the State Customs Service of Ukraine” was held by the Head of Accounting and Reporting – Chief Accountant of the Galician Customs of the State Customs Service – Olena Mykolayivna Modna, graduate student of the program and tax business “. The head of the department prof. Sytnyk NS, prof. Vatamanyuk-Zelinska UZ, associate professors Dubyk VY and Smolinska SD took part in discussuions.
The speaker noted that the trade component of the foreign economic activity of the Galician customs is billions of hryvnias annually, and geographical ties are with almost 100 countries of the world.
Electronic customs, a single office, an automated risk analysis and management system – this is something that was unattainable a few years ago, but today is real, and tomorrow, perhaps, will also become history.
The lecturer focused on the work of the Accounting and Reporting Department as the financial management center of the Galician Customs of the State Customs Service.
Olena Myroslavivna stressed that the Galician Customs is working on the implementation of the following main areas of work: updating checkpoints, customs control and clearance, public reporting and analytics, cybersecurity, harmonization with the EU.
Students learned about the specifics of customs posts and high-profile offenses that were exposed by Lviv customs officers at checkpoints.
After the lecture, there was a lively discussion between the speaker and students on how to build a career and work in the customs field, as well as employment opportunities and prospects.