News of the Department of Financial Management

Participation in the webinar “Prevention of professional burnout of a teacher”

22.03.2021 | 18:38

March 22, 2021 Ph.D., assoc. professor of the Department of Financial Management Tataryn N. took part in the webinar “Prevention of burnout of teachers.”

Within the framework of this event the candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of social pedagogy and special education of Zaporizhia National University Leshchenko O was presenting the material. She told about the essence of professional burnout of pedagogical workers, the main factors leading to its occurrence diagnosis and prevention of burnout.
The purpose of...

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Internship of the lecturers of the Department of Financial Management on the course of professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers of IFNUL

20.03.2021 | 16:30

In the period from October 1, 2020 to January 23, 2021, lecturers of the Department of Financial Management assoc. prof. Kruglyakova V. and assoc. prof. Klepanchuk O. passed internships at the course of professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers “Improvement of teaching skills”, organized by Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
The aim of this course was to improve teaching skills through the introduction of active learning methods, the development of blended learning skills and the use of information technology...

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“Are the citizens of Ukraine ready to introduce accumulative pensions?”

20.03.2021 | 11:50

On March, 17 lecturers of the Department of Financial Management Prof. Sytnyk N., assoc. prof. Dubyk V., Zakhidna O, Petyk L., Popovych D. and Shushkova Yu. took part in a webinar on the topic: “Are the citizens of Ukraine ready to introduce accumulative pensions?” During the webinar, they had the opportunity to get answers to a number of current issues:
Are citizens aware of the future reduction in income?
Who is not ready to take responsibility for their own pension savings?
Which is...

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Open lecture at Department of Financial Management of Ph.D., assoc. prof. Grinchyshyn Ya.M. on the topic of ” State regulation of insurance activities “

19.03.2021 | 20:45

March 19, 2021 Ph.D., Associate Professor of Department of Financial Management Grinchyshyn Ya.M. held an open lecture on the topic: “State regulation of insurance activities” for students of the group UFE-31s full-time education degree “Bachelor” specialty “Economics”.
The following issues were covered at the lecture:
Necessity and methods of state regulation of insurance activities
Legal support of insurance
The system of state supervision over insurance activities in Ukraine
Licensing of insurance activities
The class was attended by: Head of the Department of Financial Management Prof. Sytnyk...

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Improving pedagogical skills by teachers of the Department of Financial Management

19.03.2021 | 16:52

On March 17 – 18, 2021 lecturers of the Department of Financial Management, Faculty of Financial Management and Business, Doctor of Economics, Prof. Sytnyk N.S., Doctor of Economics, Prof. Vatamanyuk-Zelinska U.Z., Doctor of Economics, Assoc. Shushkova Yu.V., Ph.D., Assoc. Dubyk V.Ya., Ph.D., Assoc. Zakhidna O.R., Ph.D., Assoc. Petyk L.O., Ph.D., Assoc. Popovych D.V., Ph.D., Assoc. Yasinovska I.F. and Ph.D. Kruglyakova V.V. took part in the online forum “Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education”.
The Forum “Excellence in Teaching and...

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