Open lecture at Department of Financial Management of Ph.D., assoc. prof. Grinchyshyn Ya.M. on the topic of ” State regulation of insurance activities “
March 19, 2021 Ph.D., Associate Professor of Department of Financial Management Grinchyshyn Ya.M. held an open lecture on the topic: “State regulation of insurance activities” for students of the group UFE-31s full-time education degree “Bachelor” specialty “Economics”.
The following issues were covered at the lecture:
Necessity and methods of state regulation of insurance activities
Legal support of insurance
The system of state supervision over insurance activities in Ukraine
Licensing of insurance activities
The class was attended by: Head of the Department of Financial Management Prof. Sytnyk NS, teachers of the Department of Financial Management: Assoc. Dubyk V.Ya., Zakhidna OR, Petyk LO, Sych OA, Smolinska SD, Shushkova Yu.V., Popovych DV, Yasinovska IF etc.
During the lecture, special attention was paid to the problems of reforming the mechanism of state regulation of insurance activities and bringing it in line with EU norms. At the end of the lesson there was a discussion of the results of the lecture, during which the speakers noted the relevance of the topic, professionalism and consistency of the lecture material, accessibility and ease of understanding. Successful use of a multimedia presentation has increased the clarity, logic and completeness of the lecture. In general, the lecture achieved its goal, conducted at the appropriate scientific-theoretical and methodological level.