Meeting with a stakeholder of the Education Program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs”
In the dynamic conditions of the development of the modern labor market, an important element of the educational process of domestic higher education institutions is fruitful cooperation with stakeholders. On the one hand, such cooperation provides an opportunity to establish a close exchange of information and ideas on improving the educational process, and on the other hand, to help students find a future workplace.
In order to familiarize the students of the first (bachelor’s) and first (master’s) levels of education with the professional world of customs activity, a meeting was held with the president of the Association of Professional Customs Brokers A.V. Todoshchuk on October 27, 2022. The topic for discussion was topical issues of customs activity in the Lviv region and problems and opportunities for employment in customs structures under martial law.
During the event, issues related to the organization and development of the customs infrastructure of the Lviv region were discussed; structure of the foreign trade circulation of our state. The participants of the event were particularly interested in the use of customs regimes, accreditation of customs authorities in modern conditions of conducting foreign trade, problems and peculiarities of importing humanitarian aid, principles of operation of ASUR, rates of export duty on export goods and prohibited goods for export.
Graduates of the department of financial management actively participated in the discussion of the highlighted issues. The discussion about the possibility of realizing a young specialist in the field of foreign economic activity, the expediency of the functioning of customs brokers after Ukraine’s integration into the European Union, and the relevance of closing the customs gate at the airports of the Western region in the modern conditions of martial law was particularly lively.
Such meetings with stakeholders in a modern and progressive format of dialogue motivate students of higher education to acquire knowledge, which will then be implemented in practice, contributing to their successful employment.