News of the Department of Financial Management

A culture of peace, tolerance and understanding: the five-day campaign “Say No to Violence” began at the Department of Financial Management

05.10.2022 | 20:28

On October 3, 2022, the Department of Financial Management launched a five-day campaign “Say No to Violence!”. This action is timed to the International Day of Nonviolence, which is celebrated worldwide on October 2, since 2007, on the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi. The International Day of Nonviolence was founded on the initiative of the UN General Assembly, and the idea of ​​celebrating it is to affirm the culture of peace, tolerance, understanding and nonviolence.
The action began with an interactive lecture...

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05.10.2022 | 09:53

On October 4, a guest lecture on the educational discipline “Investment” was held for students of the 3rd year of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” (lecturers: Prof. U. Z. Vatamanyuk-Zelinska and Prof. I. B. Nazarkevich). The lecture was held with the participation of Oksana Vikhot – chief specialist of the investment policy department of the economic policy department of the Lviv Regional Military Administration.
At the session, within the framework of the topic “Attraction and use of foreign...

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Participation of teachers of the department of financial management in the IX All-Ukrainian Forum of Local Self-Government

23.09.2022 | 12:52

On September 22, 2022, the teachers of the Department of Financial Management, Faculty of Finance and Business Management of the Ivan Franko Lviv National University Assoc. V. Dubyk, Assoc. О. Zahidna, Assoc. L. Petyk and Prof. Y. Shushkova took part in the IX All-Ukrainian Forum of Local Self-Government.
             The participants of the event were heads of territorial communities of Ukraine and employees of local self-government bodies, representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, people’s deputies of Ukraine, heads of...

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Participation in the international scientific and practical conference

03.09.2022 | 16:30

On August 7-9, 2022, Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Management, Faculty of Finance and Business Management, Petyk Lyubov Orestivna took part in the 5th international scientific and practical conference “MODERN RESEARCH IN WORLD SCIENCE”.
Conference participants had the opportunity to express their ideas, propose new concepts, development strategies, mechanisms and tools, as well as the opportunity to exchange experience and research results.
Report of Doctor of Economics, Assoc. L.O. Petyk was devoted to the specifics of public procurement and its...

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The Second Summer School “Urban Revitalization – EU Experience for Ukraine” at the Faculty of Financial Management and Business has ended

28.06.2022 | 21:32

On June 27, the Second Summer School “Urban Revitalization – EU Experience for Ukraine” ended, which took place from June 20 to 27 at the Faculty of Financial Management and Business. The event was implemented within the framework of the Jean Monnet Module of the Erasmus + program with the support of the EU (Urban Revitalization – the EU experience for Ukraine 620957-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE). The studies at the school were moderated by associate professors of the Department of Financial Management Olga...

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