News of the Department of Financial Management


14.06.2022 | 20:04

According to the results of the International competition of student research papers “Management, social and behavioral sciences in the implementation of sustainable development” on the basis of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas with the assistance of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Department of Financial Management Bodnar Roksolana (supervisor Assoc. Prof. Sloboda L.O.) became the winner and received a diploma of II degree.
Despite all the difficulties of wartime, 34 Ukrainian and foreign higher education...

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The final stage of the test session for 2nd year students of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs”

01.06.2022 | 22:18

At the end of the academic year, the second-year students of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” performed and defended their first term papers. The topics were diverse, however, bachelor’s degree students supplemented their research with an analysis of current phenomena and processes caused by hostilities in Ukraine. This is due to the fact that any research results are naturally related and follow from the study of aspects of the past and present. Therefore, today it is necessary...

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Young scientists from the Faculty of Financial Management and Business joined the discussion of ways to restore and stabilize the economy after the victory of Ukraine

22.05.2022 | 15:44

Discussions on the reconstruction of Ukraine after the war are increasingly active not only at the national level, but also among scientists and students of LNU. Ivan Franko, in particular among the active youth of the Faculty of Financial Management and Business of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs”.
Intense discussions of both experienced scientists and young people are justified, because after the victory the second front will open – the economic one. In the shortest possible time...

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Round table of the Department of Financial Management “Financial innovations for doing business in modern conditions”

18.05.2022 | 23:06

As part of the annual Festival of Science at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, a round table on “Financial innovations for doing business in modern conditions” was held on May 18, 2022, organized by the student research and practical group “Finance and Business” chaired by Department of Financial Management prof. Sytnyk N.S. and teachers of the department prof. Vatamaniuk-Zelinska U.Z. and Assoc. Smolinska S.D.
During the meeting, the speakers raised topical issues related to the peculiarities of doing business...

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Scientific-practical seminar “Reforming the Tax System: Strategic Progress or Manual Management?”

17.05.2022 | 23:05

As part of the annual festival of science at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, the Department of Financial Management hosted a scientific-practical seminar “Reforming the Tax System: Strategic Progress or Manual Management?”, organized by the students` scientific group “Tax Space”. Participants in the seminar were lecturers of the Department of Financial Management Prof. Ulyana Vatamanyuk-Zelinska, Prof. Yulia Shushkova, Prof. Ihor Nazarkevych, Associate Professor Victoria Dubyk, and Associate Professor Olga Sych, as well as more than 60 students of...

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