News of the Department of Financial Management

Webinar on the topic “The Art of Self-Presentation”

28.12.2021 | 22:37

On December 27, 2021, a webinar was held for students of the UFF-11c group of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” (advisor – Associate Professor of Financial Management, Ph.D. Kruglyakova V.V.) by a specialist of the psychological service of LNU named after Ivan Franko by Anastasia Skakovska on the topic “The Art of Self-Presentation”.
At the webinar, students had the opportunity to do assignments and practice self-presentation skills, learn more about verbal self-presentation, the art of Small Talk...

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Protection of qualification works of applicants for higher education under the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” with a master’s degree

23.12.2021 | 22:42

On December 20-22, 2021, the Department of Financial Management hosted the defense of qualification works of applicants for higher education under the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs”, master’s degree.
The graduates presented the results of their research in the field of finance, customs, banking and insurance, and business activities. Demonstrated a high level of theoretical training, fluency, creative thinking and argumentative answers to questions from members of the examination board.
The staff of the Department of Financial Management sincerely congratulates...

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Excursion into the world of science

23.12.2021 | 14:26

December 22, 2021 students gr. UFF-21s with advisor Vatamanyuk U.Z. held an educational event – “Excursion into the world of science.” Of course, it is difficult to cover all scientific research in one meeting and even two or three…)) However, today there are many scientific museums in the world that have interactive exhibitions that allow you to view the exhibits remotely. In London, Boston, Ontario, New York, Buenos Aires, Chicago, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Sydney, Shanghai, Valencia, Amsterdam, Kiev and many...

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Interdepartmental scientific-methodical seminar “Concept and methodology of realization of research activity of subjects of educational process in modern University”

18.12.2021 | 23:09

On December 17, 2021, an interdepartmental (Department of Economics and Public Administration and the Department of Financial Management) scientific and methodological seminar was held. The topic of the seminar is “The concept and methodology of research activities of the subjects of the educational process in the modern University.”

One of the important tasks of modernization of the higher education system of Ukraine is the development of research activities of the subjects of the educational process of higher educational institutions. This...

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Educational hackathon “STEM-education through the eyes of students of the educational program” Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs “”

18.12.2021 | 10:27

On December 16, 2021, at the initiative of the Department of Financial Management and Student Self-Government of FUFB, the educational hackathon “STEM-education through the eyes of students of the educational program” Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs “” took place. new ideas and innovative solutions for the organization of the educational process.
During the meeting, participants discussed, exchanged knowledge and ideas on which they will work. Discussed:

disciplines that are interesting to the modern student;
new approaches to the presentation and processing of information;

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