News of the Department of Financial Management

We invite you to an open lecture “Modern organizational and legal aspects and current trends in foreign direct investment (FDI) in Ukraine”

05.12.2021 | 15:25

According to the framework of international scientific cooperation
 the Department of Financial Management of the Faculty of Financial Management and Business  at the  Ivan Franko Lviv National University invites to the open event in
Wroclaw University of Economics and Business
on 6th December 2021 at 11.00 am  for the open lecture
“Modern organisational & legal aspects and current trends of Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in Ukraine” via Teams platform.

Jaroslav Kashuba – Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Economics and...

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Methodological seminar on topic “Internet communications in distance learning at the  Higher Education institution”

03.12.2021 | 09:42

On December 2, at the Department of financial management was helded a methodological seminar on topic “Internet communications in distance learning at the  Higher Education institution”. Speakers: Associate Professor Zakhidna O.R., Ph.D., Associate Professor Petyk L.O., Ph.D. Kruglyakova V.V., Associate Professor Dubyk V.Ya., Associate Professor Yasinovska I.F., Associate Professor Sych O.A., Associate Professor Klepanchuk O.Yu., Associate Professor Tataryn N.B.
During the report, professors pointed out that in the context of the development the information educational environment, as well as the passing...

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Participation of teachers of the Department of Financial Management in Ukraine Creative Spark Policy Forum 2021

02.12.2021 | 14:53

On December 1, 2021, the online Ukraine Creative Spark Policy Forum 2021 took place. The event was joined by teachers of the Department of Financial Management Prof. Sytnyk N.S. and Prof. Vatamanyuk-Zelinska U.Z. The key topic of the forum was the role of higher education in the development of creative industries. In particular, the following issues were discussed:
– the existing and possible role of higher education in the development of creative industries; trajectories of their development and reform of higher...

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Participation in the webinar “Opportunities for export financing: factoring”

28.11.2021 | 11:32

26.11.2021 Associate Professor of the Financial Management Department Dubyk V.Ya. took part in the webinar “Opportunities for export financing: factoring” conducted by the Ukrainian Center for Investment and Trade Promotion in conjunction with the Ukrainian Business & Trade Association and SupplierPlus Ukraine.
Exports are an important component of Ukraine’s economy. Export operations become an important prerequisite for expanding markets, increasing production and improving product quality, which, in turn, allows to create a favorable basis for strengthening the competitive position of enterprises...

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Participation in the briefing “Preliminary assessment mission for Ukraine’s accession to the Convention on a common transit procedure and NCTS – Ukraine’s progress and next steps”

27.11.2021 | 14:01

November 25, 2021 Associate Professor of Financial Management Dubyk V.Ya. listened to a press briefing held by the State Customs Service of Ukraine on “Preliminary assessment mission for Ukraine’s accession to the Convention on a common transit procedure and NCTS – Ukraine’s progress and next steps.”
The speakers of the briefing were Yuriy Draganchuk, Deputy Minister of Finance of Ukraine for European Integration; Vladyslav Suvorov, Deputy Head of the State Customs Service of Ukraine; Serhiy Demchenko, Director of the Department for...

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