Methodological seminar on topic “Internet communications in distance learning at the Higher Education institution”
On December 2, at the Department of financial management was helded a methodological seminar on topic “Internet communications in distance learning at the Higher Education institution”. Speakers: Associate Professor Zakhidna O.R., Ph.D., Associate Professor Petyk L.O., Ph.D. Kruglyakova V.V., Associate Professor Dubyk V.Ya., Associate Professor Yasinovska I.F., Associate Professor Sych O.A., Associate Professor Klepanchuk O.Yu., Associate Professor Tataryn N.B.
During the report, professors pointed out that in the context of the development the information educational environment, as well as the passing to distance learning in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, the Higher Education institution in the near future has to adapt to technological progress: to introduce new educational tools, platforms and standards for evaluating students. Accordingly, the main competence of a modern financial specialist is also digital competence, since it contributes to the achievement of other competencies, in particular legal, linguistic and cultural competence, the ability to learn, cooperate, use social networks and create resources in the educational and scientific field. This competence refers to the “skills of the XXI century” that all citizens must possess to ensure their active participation in society.
The methodical seminar was started by Ph.D., associate professor Klepanchuk O.Yu. report on “Modern distance education as a form of organization of the educational process.” The speaker noted that distance education is a form of learning, equivalent to full-time, part-time and part-time education, which is implemented mainly by distance learning technologies. You can also maintain regular contact with your teacher through telecommunications technology, including video, and receive structured learning material in electronic form, virtually without leaving home or leaving your workplace.
Continued the report on “Problems, directions of creation and functioning of the educational space of the educational institution” Ph.D., Assoc. Yasinovska I.F. and revealed the concept of “information educational environment”. This is a relatively new term that has recently become widely used. The main criteria of such an environment are: -existence of a system of means of communication; -Existence of a system of means of independent work with information; – the presence of intensive communication between participants in the learning process.
The report of Ph.D., Associate Professor Tataryn N.B. “Smart education as a new direction in modern global education” in which the speaker stressed that the Smart-learning system is focused primarily on organizing interaction between teachers and students, although it is suitable for organizing traditional distance learning courses and support for full-time study. The teacher, having his own login and password, has the opportunity at a convenient time to update the teaching materials on the page, check the tests, to inform students of the necessary information. The student can use all study materials for self-study.
The report on “Electronic survey – an innovative form of individualization of learning in the electronic environment” was presented by Ph.D., Associate Professor Petyk L.O. The speaker spoke about the improvement of existing tools of final and test control of knowledge, designed to diagnose the quality of information acquisition, which applicants acquire classroom or independently in the learning process.
Ph.D., Associate Professor Dubyk V.Ya. spoke about the forms of online communication. In particular, I singled out the main ones: video conferencing, forum, chat, blog, e-mail, social networks, instant messaging services and mobile applications such as Viber. Each of the forms allows you to create closed groups, communities, chats, discuss topics, tasks, problems, information.
In modern free economic zones much attention is paid to computer support of professional activity. In view of this, the report “Electronic textbook as an element of information and educational environment in the study of financial and economic disciplines” was made by Ph.D. Kruglyakova V.V. and said that electronic textbooks give every student, regardless of his level of training, to take an active part in the learning process, to exercise self-control.
In an environment where classical learning became impossible due to the Covid-19 epidemic, the system of presenting material for full-time students had to be rapidly restructured. Here Ph.D., Associate Professor Zakhidna O.R. In her report “Optimizing the interaction of teachers and students in practical classes in the discipline” Budget System “noted that she provides real-time training, organizing online lectures and online workshops in the teamwork center Microsoft office 365 – Microsoft Teams. This program is characterized by a high level of interactivity and allows you to participate in the learning process of people who are even in different countries and have access to the Internet. In this case, the student always has the opportunity to seek help from the teacher in case of difficulties with the task.
Completed the methodological seminar Ph.D., Associate Professor Sych O.A. report “Using MS Office365 technologies, in particular the Microsoft Teams service in the process of teaching financial and economic disciplines.” The speaker revealed all the functionality of Teams, which also allows you to conduct classes and consultations online via video and provide access to video of the session via MS Stream at any time. Students can also use the MS Teams and Stream mobile applications on their smartphones or tablets.
After the reports, the teachers of the department took an active part in the discussion of the methodological seminar.