Interdepartmental scientific-methodical seminar “Concept and methodology of realization of research activity of subjects of educational process in modern University”
On December 17, 2021, an interdepartmental (Department of Economics and Public Administration and the Department of Financial Management) scientific and methodological seminar was held. The topic of the seminar is “The concept and methodology of research activities of the subjects of the educational process in the modern University.”
One of the important tasks of modernization of the higher education system of Ukraine is the development of research activities of the subjects of the educational process of higher educational institutions. This is confirmed by the fact that their scientific activity under the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” is considered a mandatory factor in the training of higher education students at the university and should be based on the maximum integration of education and science.
Therefore, the integration of educational and scientific components in the activities of the modern University is a necessary condition for quality training of higher education, development and realization of their intellectual and creative abilities, an important factor in developing the scientific and innovative potential of the state. Ukraine’s accession to the European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area highlights the need to substantiate the concept and methodology of research activities of the subjects of the educational process of the University.
Conceptual bases and methodological approaches to the realization of research activity of subjects of the educational process, educational environment of research activity at University, modern challenges to its structure, component components and conditions of formation of research competence of applicants of higher education, the basic components of the development of research competence were discussed. the role of teachers in this process. Some of the subjects of purposeful discussions were the quality of master’s training, academic integrity, the basics of teaching based on research. They discussed the main mechanisms of a researcher’s career development in the higher education system, the forms of realization of research activities of higher education seekers.
- Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Halyna Kaplenko (Head of the Department of Economics and Public Administration) – “Scientific guidance as to the most important factor in the organization of student research”
- Doctor of Economics, Professor Nataliіa Sytnyk (Head of the Department of Financial Management) – “Information and Innovation Space for Science and Education”
- Doctor of Economics, Professor Ulyana Vatamanyuk-Zelinska (Professor of the Department of Financial Management) – “Digital Transformation in the Field of Science in Ukraine”
- Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Oksana Pikulyk (Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Public Administration) – “Levels of self-realization of students in educational and research activities”
- Candidate of Economic Sciences, Andriі Tabachuk (Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Public Administration) – “Research competence of students and methods of its diagnosis”
- Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Victoria Dubyk (Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Management) – “Academic Integrity: Compliance Issues and Priorities for Dissemination among Young Scientists”
- Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Oksana Zakhidna (Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Management) – “Components of successful research: cooperation, publications, grants, presentations”