News of the Department of Financial Management

Students of the Faculty of Financial Management and Business took part in the five-day campaign “Say No to Violence!”

13.10.2022 | 11:48

Every year on October 2, the world celebrates the International Day of Nonviolence. This day was established by the UN General Assembly, and the idea of ​​celebrating it is to affirm the culture of peace, tolerance, understanding and non-violence. Unfortunately, today Ukraine continues to suffer from the violence of the Russian occupiers, who brutally torture and kill civilians. In the Russian-Ukrainian war, the facts of the use of violence have been recorded since 2014. But after the full-scale invasion of...

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Flashmob “Say no to violence!”

08.10.2022 | 18:34

Under modern conditions, in Ukraine, as in many other countries of the world, there are trends towards the spread of violent acts at the interpersonal level, in the relationship between parents and children, husband and wife, in the family, in student or work groups. Violence has no geographical, social or religious boundaries. There can be no excuses for this crime, we cannot be silent about it. That is why the action “Say to violence: “No!”, which was implemented by the...

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Self-defense classes from champions of Ukraine

07.10.2022 | 22:33

Another event within the framework of the initiative of the department of financial management “Say to violence: “No!” there was a self-defense class. Physical violence is one of the most common forms of human rights violations, but it can be avoided, prevented, and countered. Our guests clearly demonstrated this to the students: master of sports in sambo wrestling, champion of Ukraine Dmytro Dmytruk and champion of Ukraine, silver medalist of the world championship in sambo wrestling Yaroslav Mikhaluk.
The formation of...

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Labor relations in the wartime period

06.10.2022 | 20:23

On October 5, 2022, a meeting was held at the Faculty of Finance and Business Management with Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Social Law Burak Volodymyr Yaroslavovych. The event was organized by advisers of the Department of Financial Management as part of the week-long initiative “Say No to Violence!”. During the event, the legal basis for the organization and regulation of labor relations during the war was considered.
Since the state of war had a drastic...

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Visiting the exhibition “War Views” as part of the five-day action “Say to violence: “No!”

05.10.2022 | 23:12

On October 4, 2022, as part of the five-day campaign “Say No to Violence!”, students of the third year of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” together with advisors V.Ya. Dubyk, O.R. Zahidna and Yu.V. Shushkova visited the exhibition “War Views” by Vladyslav Ryaboshtan at the Dzyga Gallery.
“When the calm flow of life is replaced by survival, the next hour is what now contains the word “future”, and you do not know where you will be tomorrow, a...

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