Flashmob “Say no to violence!”

08.10.2022 | 18:34

Under modern conditions, in Ukraine, as in many other countries of the world, there are trends towards the spread of violent acts at the interpersonal level, in the relationship between parents and children, husband and wife, in the family, in student or work groups. Violence has no geographical, social or religious boundaries. There can be no excuses for this crime, we cannot be silent about it. That is why the action “Say to violence: “No!”, which was implemented by the department of financial management during the week, ended with a flash mob. The idea of ​​the flashmob was quite simple – each student had to cut out a palm and write “NO” inside, as a way to demonstrate awareness of the problem of violence and the need for prevention, prevention and prevention of cruel treatment in society.

The head of the department of financial management Natalia Sytnyk and the dean of the faculty of financial management and business Andriy Stasyshyn joined the flash mob, who also emphasized that violence is a factor of social risk, which leads to the deepening of socio-psychological and moral disunity, mutual distrust and hostility towards others. brutality and cruelty in communication with the environment. Violence has no place among us!


  • You have the right to refuse to do what you are forced to do by force or by insulting, evil words.
  • We are similar, but we are all different.
  • Your property belongs only to you.
  • You have the right to help.
  • Every person has the right to live freely, safely, feeling warmth and love!