News of the Department of Financial Management

Guest lecture “European Bank for Western Ukraine”

09.11.2022 | 13:03

In order to acquaint first-year students with the prospects of mastering a future profession (educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs”) on November 7, 2022, the advisor of the UFF-12 group with a candidate of science in economics, Assoc. Department of Financial Management Blaschuk-Devyatkina N.Z. a guest lecture was held on the topic “European Bank for Western Ukraine”.
The invited guest was Anastasiya Baik, an employee of the medium-sized business lending department of Joint-Stock Commercial Bank “Lviv” JSC. During the meeting...

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Overview of “BAS” programs

04.11.2022 | 21:11

On November 4, 2022, within the scope of the course “Digitalization in Finance” (prof. Nazarkevhych I.B.) for students of the 3rd year of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs”, an overview lecture was held on the application of software solutions for the creation of complex automation systems business based on “BAS” programs. The speaker at the lecture was Khrystyna Vavrenchuk – business analyst of the company “Comprehensive Business Process Management” LLC.
“BAS” software products are one of the...

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Involvement of practitioners in the educational process

04.11.2022 | 21:04

An important element of quality education is the involvement of practitioners in the educational process.
          On November 3, 2022, a guest lecture on the academic discipline “Financial Reporting” was held for students of the IV year of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Taxation” (lecturer – Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Management Iryna Yasinovska). The lecture was held with the participation of Iryna Bey – Senior Tax Specialist in the Tax & Legal Service department...

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Participation of the Department of Financial Management in the implementation of international projects

01.11.2022 | 21:14

With the aim of deepening cooperation on the implementation of international educational projects, the lectures of the Department of Financial Management Olga Sych and Sofia Smolinska on October 17-28, they acted as speakers at the autumn school “Creative industries: European experience” (EUCREAT) within the framework of the “Erasmus+” program of the Jean Monet module with the support of the EU, which was held at the Faculty of Culture and Arts.
Associate Professor Sofia Smolinska held a lecture and seminar-discussion on the...

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“Together to victory”

28.10.2022 | 15:12

On October 19 (All-Ukrainian Day of Human Responsibility) and October 27 (World Occupational Therapy Day) 2022, students of the first year of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” accompanied by a professor of the Department of Financial Management, Faculty of Finance and Business Management, Doctor of Economics. Nazarkevych I.B. visited the Lviv volunteer kitchen to help organize food for our defenders, who at this difficult time are resisting the Russian occupiers at the front.
Participating in such activities allows...

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