News of the Department of Financial Management

Guest lecture by the analyst of the department of corporate business development and SMEs of JSC “KredoBank” Nazar Kulik on the topic “Functioning of JSC “KredoBank” on the money market of Ukraine”

21.11.2022 | 15:25

On November 21, 2022, as part of the study of the academic discipline “Money and Credit” (Teacher of Economics, Associate Professor L.O. Petyk) for students of the 2nd year of the first bachelor’s level of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” of the Department of Finance management of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, a guest lecture was held on the topic “Functioning of JSC “KredoBank” on the money market...

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Psychological support of students during the educational process in the conditions of war

21.11.2022 | 15:17

“Psychological support of students during the educational process in the conditions of war” – under this name, an educational event was held with the participation of students of the OPP “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” and associate professor of the Department of Financial Management Olga Sych on November 19 on the Teams platform.
The goal of intellectual and spiritual education of student youth is the development of cognitive interest, creative activity, thinking, education of the need to independently acquire knowledge, and...

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Guest meeting-lecture of students of the first year of higher education of the first (bachelor) level of education of the educational program “Financial Management” and the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs”

20.11.2022 | 20:56

November 19, 2022 as part of the course “Introduction to the profession” (lecturer – PhD in Economics, associate professor of the Department of Financial Management V.V. Kruhliakova) for students of higher education in the first year of study of the first (bachelor) level of education of the educational program “Financial management” and the educational program “Finance, customs and tax affairs” (specialty 072 “Finance, banking and insurance”) a guest meeting-lecture was held with Veronika Ishchenko, a practicing specialist – junior auditor...

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Meeting-lecture with the chief specialist of the Internal Audit Sector of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (Kyiv) Andriy Myzyuk

15.11.2022 | 11:57

On November 14, 2022, an interesting and informative meeting-lecture was held with the chief specialist of the Internal Audit Sector of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (Kyiv) Andrii Mizyuk and the graduates of the “Finance, Customs and Taxation” educational program of the Department of Financial Management of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of the Ivan LNU Franka
The speaker familiarized the listeners with the structure, powers, specifics of activity and legal basis of NABU. He paid special attention...

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Guest lecture of the head of the department of financial analysis and public procurement of the department of economic policy of the Lviv regional military administration on the topic “Public procurement” for students of the educational program “Finance, customs and tax affairs” specialty 072 “Finance, banking and insurance”

14.11.2022 | 15:27

On November 14, 2022, a guest lecture on “Public Procurement” was held for students of the 2nd year of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Taxation”. At the invitation of L.O. Petyk, associate professor of the Department of Financial Management, Faculty of Finance and Business Management of Ivan Franko Lviv National University. the lecture was conducted by Lesya Volodymyrivna Bordun, head of the financial analysis and public procurement department of the economic policy department of the Lviv regional military administration. Read more »