News of the Department of Financial Management

Guest meeting of higher education graduates of the first (bachelor) level of education OP “Finance, customs and tax affairs”

25.03.2023 | 10:51

Involvement of practitioners in the educational process is an important point in the work of the Department of Financial Management. This contributes to the provision of high-quality educational services, the acquisition of professional competences and practical skills in the formation of future specialists in the financial sphere and ensuring their employment.
So, on March 21, 2023, at the invitation of the Doctor of Economics, Professor Yulia Shushkova, a meeting was held as part of the study of the discipline “Financial...

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Innovative methods and technologies of teaching professional disciplines at the Department of Financial Management

22.03.2023 | 22:04

In order to improve the educational process and activate the process of using innovative methods and educational technologies, on March 21, assistant professor of the Department of Financial Management, Olga Sych, held a training seminar on the discipline “Administration of taxes and fees” for students of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” of the first bachelor’s level. This made it possible to involve students in creative communication and discussion of issues of tax culture in society, learning to...

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Life values of modern youth

04.03.2023 | 13:33

On March 2, 2023, the adviser of the UFF-44s group of the educational program “Finance, customs and tax affairs”, assistant professor of the department of financial management Olga Klepanchuk held an educational event on the topic “Life values of modern youth”.
Youth is the life force of society, a concentration of healthy intellectual and physical energy, through which society is restored and rejuvenated. It is the youth who become the leaders and accelerators of putting into practice new ideas, initiatives, new...

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24.02.2023 | 15:49

On February 9, 2023, a meeting of members and guarantors of working groups on the development of educational programs “Finance, banking, insurance and the stock market” of the first (bachelor’s) and second (master’s) levels of higher education was held at the department of financial management with the participation of the head of the department, prof. Sytnyk N.S., teachers and students studying under the specified educational programs.
The guarantors of educational programs are associate professors Oksana Zahidna, Yulia Shushkova and prof. Ulyana...

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Commemoration of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred

20.02.2023 | 21:14

On February 20, 2023, the advisor of the UFF-25 group, associate professor of the Department of Financial Management S. D. Smolinska. spent an educational hour dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred.
The main values of society and an individual citizen became the subject of discussion between the teacher and students, as they were the ones that caused the appearance of the Euromaidan in Ukraine and highlighted the unequivocal position of Ukrainian citizens. The students...

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